Is Trudeau’s housing plan another green-scheme?


in three hey there so let’s talk about fourplexes for decades Canadians pretty much only saw either single family homes or big apartment or condo buildings going up that’s because local laws were written in a way that only allowed for those types of buildings midsize buildings like fourplexes just didn’t get built as much well that’s changing we’re making it so you can now build four units on the same plot of land that used to be just for one unit that’s called four units as of right we’ve signed deals with all the big cities across Canada now we’re going even bigger we’ve put money down for provinces and territories $5 billion to build the roads public transit and water infrastructure they need with a catch to get the money they’re going to have to change the way they do things including you guessed it by legalizing four units as of right because we need to change the way homes are built across this country Michelle I wanted to talk to you about something that we hear constantly and it’s been pushed for I don’t know the better part of five years the tree planting scheme of the federal liberals and it is bled down to the municipal level you guys had a really great video that just came out the other day tell us what we need to know about the tree planting I’m going to call it a scam I’m not sure you’re going to call it that but it is maybe a scheme oh well I think it must be called a scam by now because as most people know there’s this housing transition accelerator fund that requires blanket resoning of any City if you accept money from it and blanket resoning means that in many places where there are beautiful mature trees they’ll just be ripped out and a larger facility will be placed there a fourplex eight Plex 16px so the thing is that your municipality and you people who live on that property or near it have paid thousands of dollars over the years for for planting and urban um canopy maintenance by City uh Crews right so you’ve paid for these very nice mature trees which are now being torn down because of the housing accelerator fund and the blanket resoning but never fear because there’s a new tree planting program with the Federation of Canadian municipalities just announced I think it was May 15th by um Jonathan Wilkinson Minister for this uh wonderful initiative and they’re going to give money to the Federation of Canadian municipalities they’re going to create I believe it’s 2,000 jobs and they’re going to plant 1.2 million trees now just so you know many average tree planters plant about 3,000 trees a day so that seems to be quite a few people uh to plant that many trees and also now you get to pay again to plant new trees that the same government is causing to have been ripped down and the thing is you know mature trees take decades to grow so you’re really just tearing down these beautiful in living investments from your community to build probably not well-made and ugly housing that will ruin your neighborhood but now the government is granting more money to municipalities to plant Mor trees and create these new jobs which undoubtedly will become full-time and pensionable so of course now something particular is happening in Calgary but it’s happening across the province the federal government has tried to go around the provincial government to give money to uh the municipalities to inject these green schemes into their affordable housing plans and I think this all sort of ties in together where uh if you have an uncooperative provincial government with the federal government’s green agenda the federal government is doing their best to just go around the provincial governments alog together um and I I think people really have to pay closer attention to what happens at the municipal level as uh small C conservative we all sort of get tied up in like paying attention to what the provincial government’s doing and paying attention to what the federal government’s doing but some of these green schemes are the most most expensive at the municipal level when it comes to housing when it comes to these tree programs when it comes to the multi billion dollars tens of billions of dollars in Calgary’s green plan well you they don’t have water right now um I I I really think recycling let’s not forget the scam of recycling um I’m all for not throwing out garbage that we don’t need to throw out but um you know storing plastic containers and seans somewhere until we figure out what to do with it or shipping it to the developing world doesn’t seem like a great idea uh what do you think about uh the federal government going around the provincial government to talk to Progressive Mayors to make life more expensive for um residents well I’d say that they’ve actually been doing that for quite some time but people haven’t really noticed again because it’s always been shrouded in the you know sort of Halo of this is a green initiative and we’re doing something good for mankind and probably one of the more activist groups would be the Federal ation of Canadian municipalities at one point they claimed that they had installed uh 4,000 wi turbines or they’d been responsible for initiatives to install 4,000 wind turbines uh one of the um Professional Engineers that we’ve worked with in the past said that in Alberta anyway uh they anticipate that it costs a million dollars a megawatt to integrate uh a wind turbine into the system so you can imagine how much money that actually cost you and it’s not anything that people should be cheering about um so for instance uh this idea of going around the province when Jason Kenny was Premier and he announced a a very large sum for the um Albert and quiry I think it was about $30 million originally and it was cut back to three million I’m not too sure on the big figure but about a week after that if you check the record the government the federal government came up with $44 million uh which was split equally between Edmonton and Calgary for Eco operations I think it might have gone to Alberta Eco trust I’m not exactly sure who it went to but that’s an example of where the provincial government was trying to protect our industry and our incomes revenues for the province and the federal government immediately upped the ante with by funding these ngos some of which are also foreign funded by the way but you know they dropped a big chunk of cash on them uh presumably to fight back so I it’s been going on for a long long time the thing is at the municipal level it’s very easy for activists to appear before Council to ingratiate themselves to counselors because they know them they live in the same community so you know maybe they’ve been in the same road club for years or gone to the same University so it’s quite easy to get in whereas for provincial and federal you generally have to have some kind of Lobby registry and it’s a more formal process more difficult um so yeah it’s uh it’s happening a lot and if you read the uh blueprint for housing which was uh presented by a large group of sort ofo and um types and Mark Carney was one of the leads on it in it hee represented himself as being part of Canada 2020 he’s actually associated with Brookfield and Brookfield has a huge real estate division but anyway and a Renewables division but anyway um in that they were advocating that the federal government should actually expropriate land they’re referencing I think it was the uh IR uh PC can’t remember the name of that group they were rep uh they were suggesting that the federal government should expropriate land along Transit lines and then build dense housing there using climate resilient methods now in Alberta the provincial government has generally ignored or pushed back on the net zero 2030 building requirements because it would add a huge burden to the cost of building and there’s no particular benefit in terms of climate or anything um so this is a way of forcing cities to build Net Zero climate resilient housing um without ever having the province agree to do that [Music]

| Sheila Gunn Reid from Rebel News speaks with Michelle Stirling from Friends of Science about Justin Trudeau’s plan to destroy Canadian trees in the process of building more homes. Is this a problem or a great development? Visit Rebel News for more on this story ?

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  1. This was outlined in agenda 2020 or 2030 now. The plan is to have a hunger games type world with mass sections of land off limits to humans and merge everyone into mega cities to live in 200sqft apartments. They need us off the land to further extract resources to further build the breakaway civilization.

  2. Pay attention folks… The World Economic Forum is a bigger Foreign Interference threat to Canada today, than China, Russia or India will ever be. Understanding that World Economic Forum's Great Reset Agenda success, first requires Canada and the USA "to become weaker domestically, and on the World stage", explains (almost) everything.

    Prime Minister Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh, are both graduates of the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders program, and Finance Minister Freeland herself, has held a chair at the WEF board of directors table in Geneva, since 2019.

    PM Trudeau's Carbon Tax is creating an economic STAGFLATION for our nation, by design.
    Central Bank policy, is (still) on track to support the WEF Great Reset Agenda success, by design.

    The growing Capital Gains Tax is just the beginning. If the World Economic Forum's Great Reset Agenda succeeds, by 2030, inheritable wealth will cease to exist, (almost) everywhere.

    The public record evidence that proves that all of these obvious WEF conflicts of interest have never been challenged in Parliament, and (almost) never reported to the public anywhere in the Canadian press, for years. can never be erased.

    The WEF Corporate and Banking membership list represents $$$ Trillions in wealth, and the WEF Great Reset, is all about permanent, population control through criss management.

    Can you say… Deliberate public deception?
    Can you say… WEF Public Inquiry? I can.
    . ** PP 4 PM 2024 **

  3. The average Canadian used to start in a condo, save for a few years, get married, move to a single-family house, wait for babies to come. Now, they need to start in a condo, save for decades and move to a four-plus, and dream for the single-family house that they could never afford… way to go Canada

  4. You'll have a street of single family homes with a two or a three-story multi-family home right in the middle of it. The neighbors on the top are going to be looking right down into your backyard. Or blocking the sun for your garden or flower beds, etc


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