Detransitioner explains how sexual abuse led her to believe she’d be better off as a man


there’s so many tears in my life today so they’re taking all of these kids and they’re telling them that if you’re different in this way um from Hollywood model of little girl um then you must be a little boy that’s not right that’s not fair it hasn’t always been easy to do but at Rebel news we’ve brought you the other side of the story to the affirm all things trans or else narrative that’s been normalized across the country and in of pride month I bring you an interview today with a d transitioner who blows that narrative out the [Music] window Dre Humphrey here with Rebel news and recently I brought you a report about an event called Vancouver Island speaks it was an event put on by author and podcaster Megan Murphy and they were holding a discussion about gender ideology and its negative impacts on society now while I was covering that story I met Kelly Lynn Peri a d transitioner who was living identifying as a transgender man for 17 years before realizing that the lie she thought could help her wasn’t the help she needed since then she has founded an organization to give resources to D transitioners or people regretting transitioning it’s called D trans Alliance Canada and here is her story my name is Kenneth Kelly I am a woman I live with a mental health condition called gender dysphoria um which is why I have surgically and chemically altered my social gender presentation to appear more masculine because that helps me to be more comfortable living in this world so when I was very young less than three years old mom divorced my dad and remarried to a convicted pedophile she had six kids and um his life revolved around his evence um so I grew up very much under that influence Jean started giving me drugs when I was really young like five years old my C my one cousin to this day talks about how um he was blown away because I knew how to smoke dope already um and it was like what 5-year-old those how to smoke marijuana um and I could um drink Vodka straight from the bottle type of situation um so Jean really enjoyed watching other children or children having sex so he started um driving boys to have sex with me and when he did that he would have me smoke a marijuana cigarette lace with kemy so I would completely disassociate in this environment I very much developed this notion that boys have it better than girls and this would be a theme that would really build throughout the time that uh this pedophile was in my life was that I I would see boys not being um molested and um when he did um one of his friends had had two daughters and that man was also a pedophile I say that man was also a pedophile because of the things I saw him do to kids um he wasn’t actually convicted I don’t believe um so us girls they would actually like beat on us if we didn’t do what they told us to do so it’s this underlying theme and the repetitive thing that um boys are safe boys are protected um boys don’t get abused in the way that girls get abused when I was about 12 years old I had a pregnancy scare I I don’t know how it ended um I missed my period for three months um how it terminated is kind of lost in a SE of drugs and alcohol after that he became absolutely obsessed with the idea that he could use me to have unlimited access to babies and that just tore me up inside um um so I developed a plan to somehow get him convicted uh so he caught me one day um recording him I I had a tape recorder in my bedroom and I was recording him and he absolutely freaked uh he knew that he had lost control of me he started screaming he started beating on me and uh he wrapped his hands around my throat and I bled out and you know I’ve run the time frame on this through my head so many times because it would have taken the police 5 to 10 minutes to get to my house from the time my neighbor called um because my brothers were too afraid to call um and yet I’m alive today um so I came to I was downstairs in the living room I was dressed I was sitting between a social worker police officer the police the one police officer um was telling me that um given the scene they walked into um he’s arrested he’s in jail you never have to see him again any further information you can give us will only serve to help us keep him in jail longer um my mother initially resisted the process and then my one aunt came down and was like um if you continue to resist they’re going to investigate you also um so Mom eventually agreed to um cooperate with the investigation especially in my early 20s I knew that at least I had done everything I could to get him off of the street and um he did he eventually pled guilty to sexually interfering with a minor in his care after that I became incre inly uncomfortable with being seen as pretty or as beautiful and was very much aware of when like out in public when someone would see me as a beautiful woman or a beautiful young girl um and just wanting to hide like I was very much the baggy clothes especially when I sobered up in my 30s I wanted to disappear I wanted to not be seeing to fade into the background without having that buffer uh that alcohol provided in my life I was really aware of my level of discomfort being a woman and uh when I got sobered up I was in women’s uh drug and alcohol support recovery and that was a really uncomfortable uh situation for me because I didn’t know how to self-regulate my emotions especially in early recovery so when I started talking with my drug and alcohol counselor about the level of discomfort I was having and I had met someone who was transitioning that individual is like oh well if you ask these questions then obviously um if you’re not a trans person then you’re not uncomfortable with being being your uh your birth saxs right like that was like the the lit lious test for are you this way so I I was getting these messages that um my discomfort with being around that many other women was about my not really being a woman um as opposed to um just the level of trauma I was living with in my life um and that once I got on to the transition um path then it’s all very much forward because there’s all of these hoops there there’s all of these goals to hop through so there’s get a carry letter from your doctor get a referral for your testosterone um get a referral for your surgery so it’s when when you’re looking at the Hoops then I could concentrate on the hoops and not was not so much what was going on um inside of me and when I did Express um doubt like I’m not sure if this process is really for me then you get the talk about internalized trans phobia like what’s the differential diagnosis for internalized transphobia as opposed to the first signs of desistence the first signs of regret the first signs of going this is this isn’t a path to me when the um radical feminist lesbian separatist um woman’s Support Recovery House I was volunteering at um heard that I was considering transitioning um I was like completely kicked out of that space I wasn’t welcome back on the property even to pick up my personal belongings from when I did my volunteers ships it was like never again the executive director never spoke with me again to her dying day um so I was getting kicked out of one space told I belonged in another space trying to find so it gets to be the people who were welcoming me saying you belong here I I just like clung to them desperately wanting to have a group to be in um and uh that kind of just took me through the whole transition thing and it’s always the idea that this next step I will feel better and when I got to the end of the whole process I didn’t feel better I I still had um the discomfort going on I still and and I realized had made myself invisible to the people I was sexually attracted to um you know at that time this whole idea of the separation of sexual orientation from romantic orientation um hadn’t yet come about because we’re talking 2010 so the whole gender gender bred person is um I think it was 2016 2017 is when that whole ideology started coming out and that’s the ideology that separates your sexual orientation from your gender orientation from your gender expression from your romantic orientation from your biological sex right it fraces a person up into five different categories and D transitioning is it feels really lonely um I had five years where I didn’t really talk to anyone about it I just I had gone Long Haul Trucking so I was still working and being seen as a man feeling very much isol isolated and alone transition regret is a lot higher than it’s talked about had the hysterctomy the uh next major hoop after that so once that doctor did the hysterctomy for women he would then require them to switch over to another provider to do the followup with the testosterone so then I had to hop through another assessment hoop to get seen by a endocrinologist there in Vancouver um after that the next hoop was the bilateral masectomy I got a private referral it was the year following that surgery I realized I was having complications from the hysterectomy I was having a um abscess process that had constantly fistulated into my um intestinal tra so the it it would flare up there would be really would flare up it would be relief and then um it it flared up and it wasn’t um draining into the intestinal tract again so I ended up with emergency surgery and that was a real wakeup moment of biology matters that was kind of that process in the process out was finding a doctor willing to um prescribe the estrogen that took years and also getting back to a place of being ready to take it um there’s so many tears in my life today um sometimes I feel like I’m just constantly crying I had a two month period where I was crying so much I still have a rash on my eyelids just from the salt from the tears because I was just constantly Bing so many youth especially now are getting blindly and it doesn’t look at the underlying trauma and eventually there’s going to be no more Cs and eventually the trauma is going to come forward and eventually the kid is gonna they’re going to crash we know from the research that um transition regret tends to Peak at about 10 years so the degree to which um transition regret is being covered up is it’s cruel um and also they’re telling children now especially like with the gender bred person model there’s this idea that there’s male there’s female there’s in between so everyone on the ginger bread journey is somehow trans so we’re now telling people that um being normal is somehow wrong their divers is compliance their inclusion is exclusive and um their Equity equalizes downward it’s about taking all of these kids who are being different as a kid is a normal part of being a kid so they’re taking all of these kids and they’re telling them if you’re different in this way um from Hollywood model of little girl um then you must be a little boy that’s not right that’s not fair so I want to speak that truth into their lives if I can then it’s okay to be different if you appreciate this report and want to see more like it including radical gender ideology that is targeting children in schools go to our special website called stop classroom there you can find many reports like this but you can also chip in whatever you can to help support the costs involved to covering this important issue

? | Help keep gender ideology out of kids’ classrooms!
Drea Humphrey interviews Kellie-Lynn Pirie, a woman who was sexually abused by her stepfather, leading her to believe she’d be better off living life as a man. After living as a transgender man for 15 years, Pirie tells Rebel News of her journey of healing by detransitioning, no longer living her life as a lie.
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  1. Looks just like my FTM friend. 67 now, 35+years on testosterone, bald but lots of face and body hair, deep voice, no breasts but never got bottom surgery, depressed, involuntarily celibate. Sad lonely old person ?

  2. Kellie is one of the bravest most beautiful people I’ve had the privilege to know. Her story is still very much unfolding, with deep self exploration and her investment in her spiritual development, she is evermore coming home to the truth of who she is. I am so privileged to be able to call her a friend.

  3. Drea, you were recently labelled "transphobic" by a rabid trans activist critical of your participation in the upcoming Reclaim Canada Conference in Victoria. Your sensitive reporting of Kellie-Lynn's story tells the truth, that you are a kind and compassionate journalist. Thank you Drea, and thank you Kellie-Lynn, for your courage coming forward to tell your story. Children need to grow up confident in themselves, protected from harmful gender ideology.

  4. The ginger bread symbolizes trans identity. It makes sense now spiritually & in the natural. Brave women coming in telling her story may God heal her and be set free. Spiritually awakening taking place???????


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