Canadian banks supporting climate catastrophe, according to Senator Galvez – Click here for more information

Ukraine President describes country’s fight for survival

“Canadian Banks Falling Short in Funding Renewable Energy
The latest Bloomberg New Energy Finance report revealed an alarming trend – for the second year in a row, Canadian banks are ranked as some of the worst in the world when it comes to directing funding towards renewable energy as opposed to fossil fuels. This raises questions about the priorities of Canadian financial institutions and their role in hindering the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Entanglement with Fossil Fuel Interests
A CBC investigation highlighted the close ties between Canadian banks and fossil fuel interests, with many pension fund managers having connections to the oil and gas sector. The question arises – are these investments in line with good governance practices, and are they truly serving the best interests of Canadians?

The Urgent Need for Change
The impact of climate change is already being felt in Canada, with increased costs of living and a growing affordability crisis. The failure to address the entanglement of fossil fuels and finance not only hinders progress towards emission reduction targets but also threatens the country’s economic stability.

Taking a Cue from the U.S.
With the U.S. leading the way in holding oil and gas companies accountable for misleading climate-related claims, Canada could soon see similar climate damages lawsuits if action is not taken. The current lack of transparency and accountability in the financial sector regarding climate risks puts both investors and Canadians at risk.

A Call for Action
The Climate-Aligned Finance Act proposes vital changes to address the financial sector’s role in the climate crisis. By mandating conflict of interest disclosures, requiring climate expertise on boards, and instituting a public interest duty, this bill aims to prioritize long-term societal benefits over short-term profits.

Looking Towards a Sustainable Future
It is crucial that Canada aligns its financial system with climate commitments to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future. By prioritizing renewable energy investments and addressing the entanglement with fossil fuels, the country can mitigate climate risks and strengthen the economy for the benefit of all Canadians.

As Senator Rosa Galvez aptly notes, the time for action is now. Future-proofing the economy and prioritizing the long-term well-being of society over short-term gains should be the ultimate goal for Canadian financial institutions. Let’s work towards a fossil fuel-free future and ensure that our financial system aligns with our climate commitments for the benefit of all.”



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