Former Canadian Space Agency engineer cleared of charges of working for Chinese firm

Former Canadian Space Agency engineer acquitted on charge of acting for Chinese firm

“Former Canadian Space Agency Engineer Acquitted of Breach of Trust in Controversial Case”

Sub-heading: The Accusations

Former Canadian Space Agency engineer Wanping Zheng found himself at the center of a legal battle when he was accused of using his position to benefit Chinese aerospace company Spacety. The accusations were serious – claiming that Zheng had acted as a middle man, contacting Canadian space companies on behalf of the Chinese firm.

Sub-heading: The Verdict

After a lengthy trial, Quebec Court Judge Marc-Antoine Carette delivered his verdict – acquitting Zheng of breach of trust. While Carette acknowledged that Zheng’s actions were certainly questionable and could warrant disciplinary measures, he stated that the Crown failed to prove that a crime had been committed.


The case of Wanping Zheng raises important questions about the boundaries and ethics surrounding professionals working in the field of aerospace. While Zheng may have been acquitted, the controversy surrounding his actions is sure to linger. As we navigate an increasingly globalized world, where collaborations between different countries and companies are common, it is essential to ensure transparency and integrity in every professional interaction. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding ethical standards, no matter where in the world one may be working.



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