Rebel News is counting down the minutes until Jagmeet Singh’s taxpayer-funded payday


On February 25th 2025 one year from today NDP leader Jag me Singh will hit the jackpot cashing in by officially becoming eligible to earn his Member of Parliament pension I think this is the real key to understanding his unwavering and otherwise nonsensical support for Justin Trudeau’s Scandal ridden government Canada’s goldplated MP

Pension scheme is the kind of retirement plan most Canadians can only dream of especially in these tough Economic Times it guarantees a comfortable post-political life for those who’ve served their country sing’s potential pension Hall which could amass millions of dollars over his lifetime might just be the real reason behind his steadfast

Alliance with Justin Trudeau

| The next time you’re wondering how much longer we have to suffer under Justin Trudeau, just head on over to, where you can see our live, minute-by-minute countdown until Jagmeet gets his payday.

On February 25th, 2025 (one year from today), NDP leader Jagmeet Singh will hit the jackpot by officially becoming eligible to earn his Member of Parliament pension.

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  1. He's a World Economic Forum Young Global Puppet thats Why he's got nonsense ridiculous support for Trudeau's liberals. The NDP'S are more Crazy and dangerous to Canadians than the Liberals are

  2. This guy is a real leftist. In it to win it for themselves and the taxpayers are paying for it. Hasn't done anything good for Canadians that actually work for a living. You must be a special kind of stupid to vote for him, NDP or Liberal in general

  3. I agree, it’s obvious. In it for the money and the perks while I line up at food banks and worry if I will have a roof over my head in the future. Why are we allowing these blood suckers to continue feeding at the trough.

  4. All Canadians have to do is stop wasting your votes on pathetic partys like the Liberals NDP and Bloc and vote Conservatively and give Pierre Polieve the power to get ourgreat country back on track !!!!


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