Toronto mother Cindy Ali acquitted of charges in daughter’s 2016 murder


We have some breaking news now in the retrial of a Toronto mother accused of first-degree murder and the death of her daughter a verdict has just been reached and she’s been acquitted on all three charges for more on this we’ll bring in cdv’s KL carali KL what are we learning

Yeah so this just coming down in the past few minutes Rene hearing from our reporters in the courtroom and they’re saying that uh you this retrial from 2016 happening uh again in 2021 now we know that Cindy Ali has been acquitted on all three counts uh are reporters in

The Newsroom or rather in the courtroom saying that uh the verdict was met with a round of Cheers cries amen from family and friends we knew about 12 to 15 uh supporters uh churchgoers uh you know part of her congregation were there in support so we know they’re also going to

Speak outside but this is a uh you know what Cindy Ali and her supporters were hoping for it was eight years ago she was initially convicted for first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison uh with no chance of Parole in connection to her death s uh to her

Daughter’s death uh in 2021 uh Cindy Ali appealed that conviction and was granted a new trial that began back in October so uh on Ali’s side of things she’s consistently argued that her daughter uh sonara who lives with uh or lived with a disability uh cerebral paly died in uh

In what as in the aftermath of a break and Enter uh she claims that two men broke into her home and took her from room to room uh looking for a quote package and when she returned to the living room she found her daughter lifeless with one of the men holding a

Pillow above her meanwhile the crown had argued that there was never a break and Enter claiming that she smothered her own daughter an act of Mercy to relieve her from her suffering so uh since she lived with a disability so we were expecting a verdict uh Renee to come

Down today on this retrial that back began back in October and now we’re hearing a a a new verdict from a judge saying that she’s been acquitted on all three counts all right comml thank you so much for this

Toronto mother Cindy Ali has been acquitted of all three charges in the 2016 murder of her daughter. CTV News’ Kamil Karamali has more.

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