Global National: Dec. 20, 2023 | Ottawa teen accused of anti-Jewish plot had bomb elements, RCMP say


On this Wednesday night a teenaged Terror suspect in Ottawa accused of planning to make a bomb the explosives he’s accused of using to Target Jewish people Colorado’s Top Court dumps Trump from the state’s primary the far-left lunatics are desperate to stop us the ramifications for his Run for the White

House searching for clues why do you do what you do I love one man’s mission to find missing indigenous people and a whale of a discovery we better start practicing how a conversation with a humpback could help humans communicate with aliens global national with Donna Fen reporting tonight Jeff simple good

Evening and thank you for joining us the Ottawa teen accused of plotting an attack on Jewish people appeared in court by video today he’ll remain in custody until his bail hearing next month the 15-year-old was arrested last week on several terrorism related charges including communicating instructions from making explosives

McKenzie gray joins us with more on what we’re learning about the investigation that led to his arrest McKenzie Jeff Global News has learned authorities were so concerned about the alleged plot from the Teen that senior National Security officials and politicians were routinely briefed on it charges filed an Ottawa

Court against a 15-year-old who cannot be named due to his age alleged he obtained aceton oxidizer key elements in making the homemade explosive tatp that bomb has been used in numerous terrorist attacks like in 2016 in Brussels and an attempted murder in Winnipeg the charges also say he obtained metal ball bearings frequently

Used in homemade explosives to function as shrapnel they were a Hallmark of the Boston Marathon bombings to be able to stockpile um weapons and things like that domestically that that takes a a level of maturity and connection and awareness which usually we don’t see with um younger uh people the RCMP found

The alleged ingredients during a search warrant executed over the weekend but figuring out how to make this type of explosive can easily be done online a major concern for police and finding the materials is no problem at all we’re here at a local Ottawa hardware store

And we got all three key materials with no questions asked very simple the cost only $150 when put together a tatp bomb can cause serious damage Professor Jimmy Oxley who is advised the RCMP and FBI researches and works with these materials we have chemicals that that are are built to

Kill bugs are built to be bleach and clean but wherever there’s something good somebody can think about how to do something bad the ottawa’s alleged plan to attack the Jewish community dates back to on or about October 24th according to court documents but sources tell Global News the high schooler was

Believed to have been radicalized prior to the Israel Hamas conflict the teen also had trips planned to visit family in Iraq both before and after the conflict started but never went on a trip planned with his father his mother promised him to take him to Iraq last

Year she couldn’t make it I don’t care I spent all the money I borrow money I want to take them the teen’s next court appearance will be on January 15th for a bail hearing Jeff but until then he’ll stay in police custody Mackenzie gray in Ottawa thanks Mac the Israeli Prime Minister delivered

A dire message to Hamas today telling them they have two options surrender or die in the brief video statement Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel’s war on Hamas would continue until the end vowing that Hamas will be eliminated this as UNICEF warns clean water in Gaza is running out and many more children

Will die from deprivation or disease in the coming days a vote at the UN Security Council calling for another break in the fighting was delayed for the third time this week US President Joe Biden told reporters that at this point there’s no expectation of a hostage deal but the US is pushing for

One Crystal ganing Reports on the humanitarian crisis and the latest push for a pause in the fighting and a warning some of these images are distressing moments after multiple strikes hit Rafa the search for survivors began this collapsed building was said to be home to many families

Including those who had fled to the South as directed by Israel all of a sudden the first rocket landed says this man destroying everything his family managed to escape taking with them this little girl she was born 3 days ago the air strikes near the Kuwait Hospital were captured by an

Aler news crew during a live report oh my god did you hear that oh my God that’s the hospital that’s the hospital in the last week during visits by high-ranking Americans there was talk about Israel lowering the intensity of its campaign and using more precise strikes to protect civilians Fierce fire

Is how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described his nation’s operations in Gaza telling Hamas fighters to surrender or die we are continuing the war to the end it will continue until Hamas is eliminated until Victory whoever thinks that we will stop is detached from reality The American Secretary of State

Called the images coming out of Gaza gut-wrenching we hear many countries urging the end to uh this conflict which we would all like to see I hear virtu no one saying demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians talks are reportedly in the works for another humanitarian pause in fighting that

Would allow for hostages to be traded and for Aid to be safely delivered across Gaza however an agreement does not appear to be imminent Jeff Crystal Gand Singh in London thanks Crystal a senior Hamas official says the group is watching the growing calls from Western Government to end the attacks on Gaza in

A video posted on Monday the Hamas leader specifically praised The Joint statement released last week by Canada Australia and New Zealand calling for a sustainable ceasefire we welcome this developments and consider them in the right direction Canada considers Hamas a terrorist organization Canada voted last week in support of a non-binding UN

Resolution calling for a ceasefire the death toll in Gaza has now reached 20,000 according to the Hamas run Health Ministry India’s prime minister is breaking his silence addressing for the first time the allegations that his government directed A foiled plot to murder a sick separatist leader in the

United States Narendra Modi told the Financial Times newspaper if a citizen of ours has done anything good or bad we are ready to look into it our commitment is to the rule of law last month the US justice department said an Indian government official had directed the

Plot to kill a dual citizen of the US in Canada that came two months after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged there was credible evidence linking India’s government to the shooting death of sick activist Hardeep sing ner in BC India fiercely rejected ottawa’s accusations we’ll take a look at this

Drone footage revealing the scale of Devastation in Northwest China after a magnitude 6.2 earthquake on Monday at least 130 people were killed and thousands of homes destroyed freezing cold temperatures are now compounding the misery for the more than 87,000 people who’ve been displaced many of them now sleeping in tense while

Temperatures plunge to minus5° C A Court decision in the US could upset the already tumultuous 2024 presidential election campaign Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is disqualified from appearing on the ballot and ineligible to hold office again the decision stems from his role in the storming of the US capital 3

Years ago Jackson prosco on what this means for Trump’s Republican nomination bid campaigning Like a Man Without worry Donald Trump wouldn’t directly address the court ruling that could end his presidential Ambitions it’s no wonder crooked Joe Biden and the far-left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary late Tuesday Colorado’s

Supreme Court disqualified Trump from holding office again the court removed him from the state’s Republican primary ballot we will never give up we will never concede all because of his role in the storming of the US capital after he lost the 2020 election it is a lawsuit brought by Republicans and independents

To enforce state law and the Constitution uh in Colorado Colorado lawyer Eric Olsen brought the case on behalf of a group of Voters engaging in Insurrection after having taken an oath is disqualifying under our constitution Trump has vowed to appeal all the way to the US Supreme Court where the

Conservative majority could overturn the decision the current president and Trump’s likely opponent in November is treading carefully has let the court make that decision but he certainly supported an Insurrection no question about it if the US Supreme Court upholds the decision it could be disastrous for Trump several other states have hinted

They too could follow suit and remove him from their ballots the high court already faces a laundry list of cases relating to Trump’s future and may also be asked to decide whether the former president is immune from prosecution a case Trump is trying to delay our constitution commands no armies it has

No police force it relies on citizens and judges to ensure that we live in a nation of Law and not under one man that one man is now testing the limits of the law raising the difficult question question of whether the courts or voters should decide who’s eligible to lead

Jackson prco Global News Washington the union Coalition representing 420,000 public sector workers including teachers in Quebec warns it will go on an unlimited strike in the New Year if a deal isn’t reached in the coming days they’re calling on the provincial government to do more to break the deadlock in

Negotiations I think that the government should feel trapped and they are fully accountable of that if they want to see an improvement if they want to work in a reasonable way with us there’s a way to do it and the next hours are very important the labor Coalition known as

The common front represents public health education and Social Service workers they’re asking for better working conditions and inflation adjusted pay an unlimited strike meaning a strike with no end date would close all public schools in Quebec indefinitely and cause more delays in the Health Care system Toronto police

Made a dramatic arrest today involving a Chase car crash and an alleged abduction police say the driver of this stolen U-Haul was chased by police cruisers and a helicopter it ended in a collision where a 49-year-old man was arrested another person was rescued after police say they were abducted by the suspect at

Gunpoint police believe the same suspect was responsible for stabbing and seriously injuring an off-duty police officer a couple of weeks ago a volunteer hoping to help families in agony coming up one man’s dedication to tracking down missing indigenous people a first nation’s man is volunteering his time to search for

Missing indigenous people their families say police haven’t done enough to look for their loved ones his dedication has taken him across the country triggering police investigations along the way NE aara takes us to northern BC near Prince George where the Man known as mua bear is helping families get

Answers this is the Eagle song Maka bear says it represents love he sings half of it when he starts a search for a missing indigenous Person and he only finishes the song When A search is complete he says in some cases it’s dangerous work and has led to threats we agreed to conceal his identity right here is where you found her first stuff now visiting it with a devastated father this is where my baby

Was this is the site where Maka bear last sang the rest of the eagle song on November 5th 2 days into his search he found the personal belongings of Chelsea Haron officers were called in and a police canine found her remains Heron’s cause of death is under investigation

The family feels the circumstances are suspicious found my daughter’s wallet her ID her clothes they say bear filled a gap when police didn’t do enough to search for the 29-year-old she was last seen leaving her father’s residence here on saa’s First Nation about 900 kilm North of Vancouver during the early morning hours

Of October 11th it took an outsider to come from far away to find her we wouldn’t have had the closure if it wasn’t for him and he doesn’t ask for or anything vanderhof RCMP is under investigation by the province’s police Watchdog the RCMP says its resources were engaged whenever possible and every

Lead was followed they confirmed a volunteer was responsible for finding Heron’s belongings leading them to her body and these people paid and I came why do you do what you do I would would love I’m not here to make friends and I’m not here to solve anything I’m here

To look for for your loved on the man from white dog first nation in Ontario says A Spiritual Awakening four years ago guided him to this work he since LED 15 searches in Saskatchewan Manitoba Alberta and BC I hit shik from town to town he says each Community he visits helps pay for

His his food and lodging he’s working to fundraise to help cover the cost of his travel and an ATV any times I feel like giving up but I’m not going to give up I’m going to do this forever until until I’m done on this Earth and like the song bookending each

Search he says his work is rooted in traditional indigenous knowledge a way of life focused on love for Community Above All Else Nara Global News SA First Nation advertising battle still ahead the similarities between Pierre pv’s ad campaign and Justin Trudeau back in 2015 the federal Liberals are launching a new series of attack ads in 18 Tory held writings claiming conservatives are turning their backs on Ukraine after the party voted against an updated trade deal with the war torn country it’s the latest in a liberal push to Target Pierre PV after the federal

Conservatives ran a multi-million dollar ad campaign earlier this year David aen reports on the impact and influence of a new political ad campaign battle it’s time for a change in this country in 2015 these political ads helped push Justin Trudeau’s liberals to a majority government the 2015 Trudeau

Ads were among the best we’ve ever tested poster Greg Lyall tested Those ads by asking a thousand Canadians what they thought of them this month he did the same thing asking another thousand Canadians about a new series of political ads this time featuring conservative leader Pierre PV I’m Pierre

PV and this is my story I was born to ly’s polling looked at the emotional response to the ads is a viewer more or less hopeful after seeing the ad more or less angry he says the conservative ads test even better than the 2015 liberal

Ads what we’re seeing with PV is that PA of is doing in 2023 what Trudeau did in 2015 he’s now grabbing the Hope agenda he’s becoming the party of Hope and Trudeau has now become the party of the status quo in some Pierre POV uses the same direct to camera approach my

Parents would walk out this door to work as that Justin Trudeau used in 2015 I’ll lead this country with a new plan for our economy a technique that worked then and is working now if you look at these ads people that support all the other opposition parties to the Tories all all

Their opponents the supporters of all those parties say they like those ads and they agree with what the ads are saying and that is unusual and that is one of the things that made the 2015 liberal ADS stand out and so for the first time since trudo became liberal

Leader radical gender IDE the Liberals this fall launched paid negative ads attacking POV trying to paint him as a northern Donald Trump fake news fake news news the left-wing censorship regime their woke censorship ideology and divide Canadians those liberal attack ads were online only and their

Impact has yet to be measured but the first ever appearance of a liberal attack ad was a clear recognition by that party that the conservative branding campaign was working a little too well for the Liberals Comfort Jeff David aen in Ottawa thanks David up next how a deep sea Discovery

Could unlock the secret to communicating with Animals the massive volcanic eruption in Southwestern Iceland is easing there are now three vents spewing lava down from 5 when it started erupting on Monday people are still being told to stay away and it’s not known yet whether any homes have been destroyed artificial intelligence could soon help us to

Understand how animals communicate scientists are testing the theory on whales using AI to translate the noises they make into words Eric senson explains how it could one day help humans communicate with life on another planet there’s just a brief glimpse of Twain a humpback whale off Alaska scientists played a recorded humpback

Signal and 10 seconds later Twain answered the conversation from 2021 lasted a remarkable 20 minutes as the whale circled the boat a new paper suggests it’s the first such communicative exchange between humans and humpback whales in the humpback language it’s a window into possibilities of how we might learn more

About how other animals in general in humpback whales in particular communicate humans have barely scratched the surface of understanding other species the sing song of humpbacks the whistle exchanges of dolphins and the clicks of sperm whales the cation translation initiative hopes artificial intelligence will make a difference the project is creating a

Vast research area off Dominica where different PODS of sperm whales live the sea floor will be rigged with listening devices spanning some 20 kilometers soft robots like robotic fish will move among the whales to make audio visual recordings the basic goal listen to millions of whale vocalizations and with

AI translate what they might be communicating and ultimately exchange ideas the AI tools can help us to decipher what they’re saying to each other Tom musle once narrowly escaped death when a humpback lurched onto his kayak his research suggests species are closer than ever to understanding one another suddenly we’re realizing that

There are neighbors and that maybe we have a chance to understand what they’re saying in their lives and maybe even communicate with them talking to whales could broaden our narrow grasp on communicating to prepare us eventually for extraterrestrial contact we better start practicing on all the communication systems on Earth because

We are not ready right now to get the communication in case we get an extraterrestrial signals someday the stewardship of the planet May benefit from what the smartest mammals on land and in the sea can learn from each other Eric senson Global News Toronto and that is global national for

This Wednesday I’m Jeff simple tonight’s your Canada these boats lit up in Port degrave Peninsula newfinland and Labrador we love seeing your Canada so please keep emailing your photos to viewers at thanks for watching far anaser will be at the anchor desk with you tomorrow have a great Night

In Ottawa, the teenaged boy accused of plotting an attack against Jewish people has appeared in court, where he faces several terrorism charges. RCMP say the teen possessed the key ingredients to make a TATP bomb. Mackenzie Gray looks at how easy it is to obtain those elements and the carnage a TATP bomb can create.

Negotiations are reportedly being planned to pause the fighting in Gaza, where the already-dire humanitarian crisis just keeps getting worse. Crystal Goomansingh reports on the strike on a building said to shelter many displaced people, and how a hospital was hit while an Al Jazeera news crew was live on air.

The already-tumultuous 2024 U.S. presidential election campaign has taken a twist, because the Colorado Supreme Court has removed former president Donald Trump from that state’s primary ballot. Jackson Proskow explains why, what other states have signalled and what it could mean for Trump’s Republican nomination bid.

A First Nations man known as Mukwa Bear is volunteering his time to search for missing Indigenous people across Canada, helping families who say police have not done enough to look for their loved ones. Neetu Garcha travels to northern B.C. and speaks with the tracker and why he is dedicating his life to the cause.

While Canada is not in the middle of a federal election campaign, the Conservatives and Liberals already have ad campaigns to try to influence voters. David Akin explains how the Tories are following the same strategy as the Liberals’ 2015 ad campaign, and whom the Liberals are trying to compare Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre to.

Plus, artificial intellgence’s capabilities are expanding rapidly, and there is hope it could eventually help people understand how animals communicate. Eric Sorensen explains how scientists are testing that theory on whales, and how that could pave the path to communicating with aliens.

For more info, please go to

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  1. TATP is such a dumb explosive to make. I was dumb enough to make some when I was a teenager (ONLY FOR FUN STILL ILLEGAL AF) and blew out my poor moms garden shed windows. Surprised I didn't lose any hearing…. or a eye. You touch TATP too hard it goes, you drop TATP it goes, you breath on TATP and it will go. lol

  2. What would therefore be good would be to know who is radicalizing these young people? And in the circumstances, if this teenager comes from Iraq in a country still at war, have we understood the trauma suffered by these families who immigrate to Canada and what have we done to deradicalize them or rather what have we done to help them psychologically to get rid of ideas of war and confrontation? The Canadian Muslim community and I are 100% behind the Jewish community, we support and assist them and We strongly condemn radicals. We fought Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia for a few years now and we will continue to do so. The Canadian Jewish community should not feel threatened or attacked by anyone. Canadians are kind-hearted, generous, inclusive and do not encourage confrontation over peace.

  3. The RCMP goes after a 15 year old minor, whereas we have 379 Professional Israeli Mercenaries living amongst us and currently travelled to GAZA to commit Genocide
    crimes against humanity , killing children women of Palestine. A list was published today Dec 19, 2023 by Pal Media of these active Dual Citizen Jewish Thugs :
    Canada 379, USA 2,284, France 3,204, Germany 2,051, Italy 1,653, India 1.720, Ethiopia 1,580 , South Suda 1,462, El-Salvador 945, Hondorus 810, Argentina 475, Iraq 114.


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