Trudeau tries to blame Tucker Carlson for Alberta’s new gender policies for minors


All right so now we get set trigger warning we’re about to see the Prime Minister react to uh Daniel Smith um will you invite Daniel Smith to meet while she’s in Ottawa next week and directly raise your concerns about her gender policy proposals Canadian parents love their

Kids and we want the very best for them and we want them to be kept safe LGBT youth across this country are among the most vulnerable to homelessness to Suicide to a range of things that can harm them we need to be there to defend them

We need to be there to protect them and I know Canadians across Ross the country are doing just that it is telling that the week after welcoming uh farri right American conservative Tucker Carlson to her Province to sit with him on stage Danielle Smith has now moved forward with the most

Anti-lgbt policies of anywhere in the country Canadians need to know that the federal government H and uh all Canadians uh will be there to protect youth um that seemed like a really straightforward yes or no question and obviously Trudeau didn’t even answer the question uh inste he went on off on this

Rambling blunder about he didn’t even he just kept the acronym LGBT I don’t think he has the brain capacity to remember anything more and it keeps changing so it’s super confusing for everybody can you blame I can’t do it he’s probably equally as confused you know it’s funny

Last night I was watching uh there was a video put out by CBC kids and yeah CBC kids are State broadcaster put out videos CBC kids for um what does all what do all of the letters stand for and it’s now it’s like 2s lgbtqq something something it’s it’s a

It’s a mess um and then it’s plus plus I think at the end anyway it’s a whole thing now it’s there’s like 12 different letters and numbers in there um but yeah let’s take our most vulnerable youth if that’s what you want to call uh transgendered children which you know if

You’re billboard Chris you can’t even get a definition of what that means like what are transgendered children um if they’re so vulnerable then why are we putting a wedge between them and and the school system why are we why are we leading them down a path to have a wedge between

Their parents and not being kept in the loop on what is going on with their so vulnerable youth at school where they spend you know almost half of their time um that doesn’t seem like it’s a recipe for a cohesive approach to helping these vulnerable youth navigate whatever

Complexity they are going through that seems like it’s going to a wedge further divide them away from their family and the subsequent supports that they can connect with through their families and exacerbate the issue so if we want to talk about vulnerable Children and Youth these school policies and these

Government policies that leave parents in the dark about the majority of what’s going on with their children at school are directly related to making them more vulnerable and more at risk when the parents aren’t involved uh so the double speak here is is quite astonishing and um I think again they

Haven’t watched the video they don’t they didn’t they didn’t see it for themselves because it’s nothing about any of hate or attack on the trans Community well not only that it for him to think that in a week they came up with all those policies is insane so

Either he didn’t watch it or he just has a script and that’s what he was supposed to say again calling out this connection between Tucker I shared at I’m having quite the day during this live stream I have a new kitten and I don’t know what he’s doing over there so

Sorry about that he just anyways um so I just shared a picture just to kind of show I can’t speak for Premier Smith but I can see that she has been looking into this uh she said in question period yesterday that she has a non-binary child in her life that she’s been

Following obviously the situation that’s going on here but this is a picture from one of my Twitter friends Eva oh I called her a friend and then I can’t pronounce her last name but kova and so she and then you can see Lois here her friend here in James they went and spoke

In November to Premier Smith about these issues Eva for example is a lesbian who stands for the protection of children in this area because let’s face it a lot of gay people believe that if this pressure was happening to them in schools they would be transitioned instead of just

Accepted as gay children um and then Lois if you go to her page if you click on her name which is hyperlink there I think she goes by uh Lois The Duchess of Alberta but she is an indigenous transwoman who has had so much pain feels like they

Went into bottom surgery were sort of coached into that too soon and has had so much pain from it so of course uh Lois advocates for safety for children in this area and uh Lois actually tried to apply for mate because of some of the complications with that so this is an

Example of who Premier Smith has been speaking to to as part of coming up with this plan and then you have people like Trudeau not even acknowledging that if you rush or let kids make this decision these can be some of the consequences and simply having some guidelines in

Place to ensure that they have more time for their frontal cortex to grow and be developed so they can think and reason their way through this that is protecting vulnerable children and the left would have you believe that everything dread just said makes her a

Hateful bigot um I was I pulled up CBC Kids uh so they break down every letter and for anybody who is into we and this was actually I think about seven months ago that they published this CBC Kids video I’m not sure if we can just show

Yeah there if we can just pause that it’s two s lgbtqq i PA a A plus just in case you didn’t know and kids know their ABCs CBC kids here took the liberty to save us all from having to wonder what all of these letters stand for and they

Break it down for all of the kids in their audience that they can know and not at all confused about what every single letter in that denomination means a number actually because there’s a number there too right um so there you have it that’s our state broadcaster our

Government funded media and the the work that they’re hard uh hard at work to do

? | See all of our coverage of trans madness in Canada!
Tamara Ugolini and Drea Humphrey react to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to Premier Danielle Smith introducing new legislation in Alberta, which takes aim at radical gender ideology.
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  1. Mental Health issues are being enabled by our current Canadian Government Coalition, and that is because they have used those suffering as a tool to separate and further divide Canada, weakening our ability to maintain Common Sense Stability. Shame on Trudeau and Jagmeet.

  2. I thought we were against the government getting in between patients and their doctors here at Rebel Media. Furthermore I thought we were against the government mandating how parents raise their children. I guess that was all a joke and we actually love it now?


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