New uterine fibroid treatments promise less pain


new technology aims to give women more options to recover faster and with less risk this laparoscopic ultrasound first arrived in Canada 2 years ago and is being introduced in some medical centers across the country only a couple of incisions are necessary the device delivers radio waves and heat directly into the fibroid and destroys the tissue turning it from a hard smooth muscle to a soft consistency allowing it to shrink over time and allev symptoms some within weeks another emerging treatment for fibroids aims to avoid surgery altogether Canadian scientists are developing a focused ultrasound device the ultrasound comes from below and focuses on the fibroid at that red spot here the device uses sound waves and heat to essentially kill the fibroid their findings are now under review by Health Canada if approved it would be the first focused ultrasound treatment for fibroids in the country

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that develop in an estimated 70 per cent of women during their lifetime. Medication and invasive surgery have long been the main solution, but as CBC’s Tashauna Reid reports, two new high-tech treatments could make a difference.

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