Aliens invade New York in tense Quiet Place prequel


you can’t have a cat in here it’s a service cat a quiet place day one takes us back to the start of the alien invasion we’ve seen in the first two films in this franchise and we experience the Extraterrestrial storming of New York City through the eyes and ears of lano’s character Sam it is high action it is a horror story nongo her cat and her co-star Joseph Quinn try to slip under the radar and stay quiet to evade the alien attackers Eli joins me now in studio for more on this scary film which the concept itself I make so much noise with my scripts I be the first to be taken we would not survive very long we would not okay I’m known for my volume not my quietness you and I they would just pluck us right out of the town okay so uh people know uh the krinski uh he’s from from the office he’s also the Mind behind this scary movie The Original 2018 film a quiet place he directed starred in alongside with his wife Emily blend new cast new crew a new film um take us through uh th those other films ones that started it all and how we got here so I mean this what’s amazing about krinski right A lot of people looked at him as that guy and then he develops this film which he was a co-writer on in such an interesting original World right suddenly these aliens arrive these hunters and they hunt by sound they have these giant hearing organs so if you break a twig if you cough you clear your throat that’s it it is over now the first one was set inside a family who were kind of hiding in this bunker using sign language there was a sequel to that but now we’re rolling back that clock to as you might imagine day one how did it all begin not that there’s a lot of explanation there’s a lot of chaos and a lot of screaming but not so much explanation and it is set in New York City and it’s interesting the opening credits tell us New York City on a good day is 90 DB and that’s about the level of a human screen so you’re already in a very noisy environment and then this thing happens now our main character is leango as Sam Sam is living in a hospice she’s not doing so well healthwise but they go into the town into into New York City for a show and as you saw on her way in lights in the sky start to hear screaming in the dist then she’s on this bus and it is attacked and she wakes up and it is just absolute bedum and chaos and anyone who screams for help there’s something moving it’s moving so fast you can’t even see what it is but let’s try and figure it out a please please I mean that is like the deadly I know right I need this pillow can iow but you have to scream but if you do scream right so very effective Sam and her support cat who we met Frodo very important we’re going to get back to Frodo okay Sam and the cat I see you’re already concerned which is good see you’re you’re engag that’s great too much so for the moment they get into the theater now they’re hunkering down with other people and they hear helicopters overhead look what’s going on so they run up to the roof let’s take a listen shter in place a wait further instruction we can help each other we have to get out C right so you need to get out of the city but it looks like the Air Force just bombed all the bridges exiting men so you’re now stuck in the Big Apple with all the very hungry hungry Hunters well I would think the bombing would help create some loud noise so you could run under the cover of the bombs but I guess that’s not what see you’re thinking you’re this mov see they needed me um okay so we we understand like what’s happening why they need to run for their lives who’s telling the story this time around so give you a little a little spoiler when I go into the the first thing I do is I look up the director if I don’t know who’s directing it and I and I I you heard me whining about sequels and prequels all summer so I’m getting ready to watch exactly all of that so I’m like all right another Quiet Place movie the first one was great who’s the director the director is Michael soski and you think okay Eli who’s that guy he directed the movie pig pig was amazing Pig looked like on the outside the typical manic Nicholas Cage on a mission of Revenge movie it is about a chef whose truffle hunting pig is kidnapped and the chef goes on a mission to get back his Pig and while it looked like the typical kind of wacko violent Nicholas Cage Odyssey Pig was actually a movie about living a life of purpose and about being an artist and trying to find your place in in the universe and what that can do to a man so an amazing film from an amazing director and now this director is taking on the Alien Invasion and so in a similar way I’d like to say that more than just a scary monster Thriller this movie day one had a couple moves that surprised me now it has a great director it also has a great actor leita nango like she so good what an actor what a face and I say face because there she is with Joseph Quinn so it’s her and Joseph Quinn as Eric he’s this British banker and he ends up being with leita nanga who plays Sam and they’re just trying to survive in a weird way this horror film made me think of silent movies because these characters they don’t have the advantage of sign language so they need to do everything anger annoyance irritation comedy with their bodies with their faces and when you have a face like leita the young go she does all the notes and then some so wonderful stuff and and really works in surprising ways yeah very expressive just the eyes you see the terror that she’s feeling and I I would probably be feeling too cuz I already am just hearing about you talk about this how does this third installment stand compared to the first two I mean part of it is what you would expect which is a little derivative but still a lot of fun it is hideand-seek with monsters and there’s some very kind of physical predicaments I’m going to give you one more that you’re going to try and bear where they’re on the run and they run into a skyscraper but they get stuck in a revolving door take a look come on there you go see okay I I literally had this kind of jokingly but I I actually am surprised I haven’t ripped the insides of this I’m going to bring you to all the scary movies now you’re like the perfect candidate now look that stuff works and it is evidently as we’ve seen in our own little focus group very effective but if was just that it would be fine but what I appreciate is that it’s more than that besides the hideand-seek with monsters and all of that that we just saw there is moments of tenderness there is moments of Comedy there’s a sense of defiance from Sam who is not trying to run away she decides she tells Eric you know what I’m going to harl them I’m going to Harlem to get a piece of pizza because if the world is burning I’m going to get that last beautiful slice of pizza which would maybe not be your move but I think that’s part of what makes her character so great so I think this movie surprised me in some ways that makes it more like a better than average scary alien okay it’s definitely not a quiet place cuz my heart’s making a lot of noises all of a sudden okay action-packed alien film uh about an invasion going to pause right now to show your rating here it is here you go three and a half stars out of five very effective I did forget to mention one final star that might sell you okay froto the cat yes there’s a cat very effective a lot of fun that uh is there there’s froto there with there’s froto and so and that helps right CU you have the scares but you also have this cat most cats have nine lives froto has like 21 froto very good you’re not Fearless necessarily I’m not I’m a scaredy cat but that is just a cat cat and it’s great it gets around the aliens and and actually might help soothe you as you’re as you’re watching this is my photo this morning Eli thank you for this you’re welcome I don’t know if I can watch it

A Quiet Place: Day One, the third movie in the franchise, takes the story of aliens hunting humans by sound back to its beginning: the invasion of the noisiest city on Earth.

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