Ottawa imposes new sanctions on 7 ‘extremist ‘ Israeli settlers


we’re tracking reaction this morning to a new round of Canadian sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank Ottawa says the seven Israelis have taken part in extremist violence punitive measures are also targeted at five entities including settler organizations CBC News senior International correspondent Margaret Evans is leading our team on the ground in the region and she’s near rala in the occupied West Bank Margaret what is the Israeli reaction today well the reaction from the ultra nationalists who support the annexation of the West Bank and support settlements as a a potential well a block to a potential uh Palestinian state in the future of course have roundly condemned the sanctions uh Israel currently has the uh the most hard right extreme right government in its history um in its cabinet it has uh as the national security minister someone called itar Ben gavier he has been arrested in the past on inciting on racism he’s been convicted of supporting a terrorist organization he condemned this the Canadian sanctions on Twitter saying uh that this was harassment uh by the Canadian government of settlers he called it an anti Semitic act a fellow cabinet minister belzil smotrich which has a lot of control over the occupied West Bank which is where of course I’m speaking to you from he said that it should be condemned that this was basically a reward for Hamas terrorists now as for the people on the list our producer Sylvia Thompson spoke earlier with one of them a woman called Daniela Weiss she’s been called the mother of the settlement or the settler movement in some quarters she said she wasn’t particularly bothered she’s been to Canada she has no need to go again her message was basically that Canada should mind its own business she supports the uh resettlement of the Gaza Strip if and when the war there ends um the other uh people and entities on the group are things like the hilltop youth these would be young Israeli Ultra nationalists who sometimes take over a Hilltop they would set up an outpost which are considered illegal uh by Israel of course the International Community considers all settlements whether they’re Outpost or proper settlements like the one behind me uh illegal um so it’s obviously you know hit some nerves here and of course it’s not new we’ve seen the same movements recently from the United States from Britain from France trying to Target The increased settler violence that has has happened since this government came into being watch group groups say that settlers violent settlers have been emboldened uh by those governments and uh the figures from the United Nations are that over since October 7th since the uh attacks by Hamas that we’ve saw uh last year uh against uh Israeli settlements in Gaza since that and the war in Gaza more than 800 attacks have taken place against Palestinians by extremist settlers and groups so Margaret what has been the Palestinian reaction well as you can imagine they support these kinds of measurements they or these measures they say the settlements are already uh um you know a block a Prohibition to the path towards Palestinian statehood there are about 500,000 Israeli settlers now sitting uh living in the West Bank amongst three million Palestinians we spoke with uh the assistant minister to uh the Palestinian Foreign Affairs Ministry earlier this week who was calling on Canada to take further measures uh he would like to see Canada recognize a Palestinian State as some other uh countries have already done we contacted him today for his reaction to these measures and of course he said step in the right direction for Canada they would like to see uh more steps in that direction and as I said the recognition of Palestinian statehood thanks for this Margaret that’s CBC News senior International correspondent Margaret Evans in the occupied West Bank

Canada has imposed sanctions on seven Israeli settlers it said had taken part in extremist violence in the West Bank. Global Affairs Canada last imposed such sanctions in May.

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