Doug Ford’s PC Party considering early 2025 election in Ontario – see the latest polls!

Doug Ford’s PC Party is polling on possible early 2025 election for Ontario

“Is Ontario gearing up for an early election? The Progressive Conservatives are testing the waters, considering the possibility of an election call ahead of schedule. Premier Doug Ford holds a four-year mandate from the 2022 provincial election, but sources reveal that the PC Party is evaluating the risks and benefits of going to the polls in 2025. While Ford has not confirmed an early election, he has also not committed to the fixed election date set for June 2026.

Polling firm Campaign Research, preferred by the PC Party, posed the question to voters about their support for both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford making early election calls. The discussions surrounding a potential early election have cast a shadow of uncertainty over Ontario’s political landscape.

### Mixed Reactions and Strategic Calculations

In early June, Ford hinted at capitalizing on the federal Liberal Party’s unpopularity while steering clear of any association with the federal Conservatives. Concerns about the impact of potential federal budget cuts led Ford to consider the timing of an election call. Ontario Liberals, fresh from a defeat in the Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection, are also strategizing and preparing for various scenarios in the upcoming political landscape.

Andrew Perez, a Liberal strategist, acknowledged the challenges faced by the Ontario Liberal Party due to the broader federal Liberal brand’s influence. The recent loss in a historically Liberal stronghold has intensified pressure on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, reflecting the shifting dynamics within the political arena.

### Political Preparedness and Readiness

The mention of an early election has elicited different reactions from political leaders. NDP Leader Marit Stiles welcomes the prospect of an early election, while Ontario Liberals are more cautious in their approach. Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie emphasized the party’s preparation for any election scenario, acknowledging the existing challenges but signaling readiness for potential electoral battles.

As the political landscape in Ontario continues to evolve, the looming possibility of an early election prompts reflection on the changing dynamics within the province’s political parties. The decisions made in the coming months will not only shape the future of Ontario but also influence the broader political discourse in Canada.”



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