Canada’s drama teacher prime minister desperate for attention amid leadership crisis


prime minister Justin Trudeau just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to making an embarrassment of not only himself but Canadians on the world stage and his appearance at last week’s G7 Summit was no different last week The Group of Seven known simply as the G7 met in Italy it’s an informal Forum that meets every several years bringing together Italy Canada France Germany Japan the United Kingdom and the United States the European Union also participates with the presidents of both the European Council and the European Commission in attendance this year’s 2024 G7 Summit was held last week from June 13th to 15th and it brought together the above mentioned Leaders with other International organizations such as the World Bank African Development Bank and the international monetary fund which is fitting since the Prime Minister had just announced the latest taxpayer funded 5 billion yes with a B dollar contribution toward the Ukrainian proxy war 3 days later on June 16th true Jo announced a$ 52.4 million package of measures in support of Ukraine at the summit on peace in Ukraine in Switzerland oh and just another 2 million to uphold the safe and secure operations of nuclear facilities in Ukraine part of the quick facts of this press release explains that since 2022 Canadian taxpayers have paid over 19 billion in multifaceted support to Ukraine 12.4 billion in financial assistance 4 billion in military aid and Equipment donations 352.50 million in humanitarian assistance 422 million in development assistance and over 210 million in security and stabilization programming so of course Trudeau had to go ahead and show his desperate need for attention by awkwardly shouting during a G7 photo op causing other leaders to turn and stare ukraini Slava ukraini translates to glory to Ukraine and is said to be a national salute often the official battlecry of the Ukrainian Armed Forces so what exactly is Trudeau doing on the world stage pledging this chant while acting like a child needing constant validation especially when it was pulled back in February that Canadians have a declining interest in sending assistance to Ukraine as compared to March 2022 responses instead a growing number prefer to do nothing more and stay out of it of course when the camera lights and action is on trudo being questioned about the damning allegations of foreign interference and members of the Canadian Parliament being compromised as traitors things that Canadians actually care about he refuses to answer are there currently any MPS in your caucus that are named in the enop report to be wittingly or semi- wittingly participants in foreign interference the issue of foreign interference is one that this government has taken incredibly seriously since 2015 we brought in the National Security and intelligence Committee of parliamentarians over the objections of the conservative party and indeed uh the strenuous resistance of the Harper government for years uh we brought in uh A Renewed Nera uh for oversight over our our national security instances and we created specific uh bodies of Experts of top civil servants to ensure the Integrity of our elections uh We’ve also uh called a number of different reports including an ongoing report on foreign interference uh that is uh that we’re working with uh right now to see how they can follow up on the enop report Singh and may have both talked about this report um and provided substantially more details than you have so why are you unable to provide any details about what is in this enop report I think it’s important that Canadians have confidence in uh our ability collectively as a democracy to defend the institutions and uh the processes around our elections and our democracy that is why officials are engaging with uh the foreign interference inquiry to see uh how they can uh follow up on the enop report when asked about his freefall polling numbers Trudeau can’t help but deflect and pretend like he represents and knows what Canadians want or need saying we’re collectively not in some sort of decision-making mode right I know you say you want to beat Pier PV you keep coming back to that but what if you are the reason the Liberals can’t be the conservatives in the next election where where do you factor that into your thought process well I think first of all Canadians are not in a decision mode right now um you know what you tell a pollster if they ever manage to reach you is very different from the choice Canadians end up making in an election campaign and fundamentally and it’s not just Canada but everywhere around the world and indeed I was talking with this with other leaders at the G7 and and in in Switzerland at the peace conference for Ukraine um everywhere can people are struggling with high inflation with cost living issues with interest rates with housing challenges with child care challenges all these things we are doing better than many countries Trudeau’s blatant refusal to address serious issues like foreign interference his nine-year stretch of deflecting questions and skirting accountability his legacy of Ethics violations and his dwindling popularity coupled with his awkward outbursts and desperate attention seeking prove that he’s no longer fit to lead and arguably never was for Rebel news I’m tamary ug [Music] Trudeau must resign that’s it plain and simple and if you agree head on over to Trudeau must there you can sign our petition sign up for our email so that you never miss a report and consider supporting our journalistic efforts so that we can continue to bring you Independent News and research Trudeau

Tamara Ugolini discusses Justin Trudeau’s bizarre behaviour at the recent G7 Summit in Italy.

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  1. Clothing of politicians should change colour to a different colour or shade depending on how many times they fail to directly courteously respond to questions

  2. Why do you guys say the Turd must resign? You know that he’s never going to resign and that’s not even close to enough punishment for what he has done and continues doing. He should be prosecuted, stripped of his and his family’s wealth and eliminated completely. But I get it. You’re worried about the new hate speech laws so you self-censor what you really want to say thereby becoming part of the problem. Now tell me, if that’s the truth, am I lying?

  3. Zelensky’s wife is complaining in the UK press how stressful her life is so I guess that $5 billion plus will pay for another shopping spree another high flying property some Uber rich friends and some coffee money to tide her over.

  4. Canadians decided a long time ago that we want to get rid of Trudeau. He just won't leave. Sophie got to leave but we are stuck with him. With all the information out there for the whole world to see why won't the RCMP arrest him?

  5. I just got back from another conference where we all sat down and coordinated our policies on economic and other instances and oddly enough all of the countries that have enacted the same policies are having the same problems so it is not my fault it is everywhere. Go figure.?

  6. Remmeber nothing will change unless the people unite and distrupt the day to day lives of scumbags like him. They have no incentive to do anything as long as their lives are still the same. Go protest in the neighborhoods of politians not universitys to protest wars that we have no control over. Unfortunately people are dumb

  7. Every single one of those leaders are neo Marxists who's sole interest is diluting the demographic of western culture and values. This is team destruction of Western way of life.


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