Justin Timberlake arrested for drunk driving in New York


Justin Timberlake has been arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated in New York the singer was arrested Monday night in the Hamptons he’s expected to be arraigned later today the 43-year-old is currently on a world tour for his sixth album everything I thought it was he’s expected to perform two shows in Chicago later this week this is a very serious offense obviously if if he committed it um because he’s putting himself and everyone else in danger if he was driving while he was impaired now under New York they have a lower limit for blood alcohol content a lot of States it’s 08 which may be you know two three drinks uh but in New York you could be charged for as low as 05 Utah has a similar very low limit so we don’t have the toxicological reports back yet to see if it was drugs and alcohol or combination of those what the limit was but it could be uh you know on the very lower end Maybe was two drinks that he had we’re just not sure yet a lot of times in a firsttime DUI there’s not going to be any additional jail time and why I say additional is that these folks are always taken into custody to be booked and processed and tested and that counts as a day or two in jail so he’s already in effect served some time because of his custodial arrest now if it’s a first time for him and we have no indication that he’s ever had any any similar problems like this then it would probably just be probation a suspension of his license maybe some drug and alcohol counseling um and some fines uh now uh we also heard from the reporting that he had ran a stop sign during the incident um but we didn’t hear anything about any accidents or any other aggravating circumstances so most likely uh if he did Commit This offense and if he was convicted uh it would be a lesson hard learned but I don’t anticipate that he would go into custody at y on but it was really disheartening to wake up and hear the news um I also work in Hospitality out here so I understand that you know sometimes people are over served but in today’s day and age with technology and Uber and especially someone like Justin with unlimited resources there’s no excuse to get behind the wheel uh grateful that no one was seriously injured and that it was just you know a DUI but I’ve been in that position myself where I’ve had too much to drink and I leave my car in town I’d rather get a parking ticket and take an Uber home then risk my life or someone else’s life um but I also think it shows that celebrities are not you know exempt from these types of situations and that they’re not Invincible a I was surprised he’d be driving his own car in one respect yeah and everyone really has to take accountability for their own actions no matter where they are I mean we’ve had Billy Joel having his issues and other people and thankfully you know they’ve all gotten to on a different step on a different path

Pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested in the Hamptons in Long Island, N.Y. early Tuesday, Sag Harbor police confirmed. The celebrity was arrested on charges related to driving while under the influence (DUI) in Sag Harbor, according to court documents obtained by CBS News. The documents allege Timberlake, 43, was pulled over by police after he drove his BMW through a stop sign at Madison Street and Jermain Avenue, and his car was seen weaving on the road.

“This is a very serious offence obviously, if he committed it, because he’s putting himself and everyone else in danger if he was driving while he was impaired,” celebrity divorce lawyer Chris Melcher said. “Now, if it’s a first time for him and we have no indication that he’s ever had any similar problems like this, then it would probably just be probation, a suspension of his licence, maybe some drug and alcohol counselling, and some fines.”

“In today’s day and age, with technology and Uber — and especially someone like Justin with unlimited resources — there’s no excuse to get behind the wheel. [I’m] grateful that no one was seriously injured and that it was just a DUI,” said ‘Next in Line’ podcast host Sam Pezz.

Timberlake has two concerts scheduled in Chicago this weekend and two shows in New York City next week, according to his website. Court documents indicate that Timberlake was released Tuesday on his own recognizance without a set bail, and that his next court appearance is scheduled for July 26.

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