Toronto protesters demand city buy empty land near Moss Park for social housing


[Applause] many in Moss Park exhausted by The Saga around this empty piece of land in a neighborhood in severe need of assistance housing Advocates spending a sunny Saturday marching and trespassing on the plot on Sherburn south of Dundas we’re saying this is the line of sand if we lose this corner uh we’re in serious trouble and and it’ll be very very harmful to the people that that that that low-income people and and other people who live in this neighborhood 230 fight is calling for kinget Capital the developer that owns the land and the city to come to an agreement especially with the need for public housing in the community two years ago King set out bid the city for the property with the intention of building a condo Tower but councelor Chris Moy says the company reached out to his office last year to see if City Hall wanted to purchase it he said the city put in an offer similar to its 2022 bid with conditions kinget performed an environmental assessment and rezoned the land that offer was declined Mo says both sides continue to negotiate but the city is not in the business of making developers Rich we are good stewards of the public purse and I think we have to do our due diligence and go through a proper process when we uh we we purchase lands like this he also noted that expropriating the land would be costly ultimately limiting what the city could do on the plot we have to build affordable housing but we also want to be fair and pay fair market value and not more than that we reached down to kinget capital for a comment but did not receive a response before our deadline Kyle Benning Global News

Dozens of protesters protested on a parcel of land along Sherbourne in Toronto, Ont., on Saturday, which advocates want to see turned into social housing.

One of Canada’s largest real estate developers and the city have been negotiating over the sale of a plot in downtown east for a year, but community groups are fed up with delays.

Global’s Kyle Benning has more.

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  1. jfc so many commenters here clearly don't understand poverty ? food, water, and shelter are basic human needs, and should be available for everyone regardless of income level. Human beings shouldn't be viewed as a commodity! Everyone deserves to have shelter, everyone deserves to eat and have fresh water in order to survive. Its pretty goddamn simple.

  2. Hey Chow… the market determines what is fair…not you. If the city is outbid for a second time on the same property, then it’s fair to say that the city isn’t willing to pay market value.

  3. It would be nice if the city invested in a few assets…rather than putting all the eggs in one basket and spending millions of tax dollars on liabilities that will forever be a financial drain on the system, dependant on city subsidy.


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