Singh says he’s “more alarmed” after reading NSICOP report


I am more alarmed today than I was yesterday after having read the report what is clear to me is that Justin trudo knew and didn’t act and Pierre PV doesn’t even want to know about serious allegations touching his party to me that disqualifies him as a leader and I do not buy his phony excuses in short there are a number of MPS who have knowingly provided help to foreign governments some to the detriment of Canada and Canadians there are also politicians at all levels of government who have benefited from foreign interference some of this Behavior absolutely appears to be criminal and should be prosecuted

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says a recent spy watchdog report shows a “number of MPs” have knowingly provided help to foreign governments — behaviour he calls unethical or even illegal. #shorts

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  1. You bring lots of Khalistani's criminals from India and pakistani in this country then ever before, look everywhere you all looks just like you.???????????

  2. if Poilievre gets clearance for the information in the report, then he is legally PREVENTED from sharing that information with the public, and Poilievre knows this!


  3. Justin Trudeau knew all along. He did nothing about it because the Liberals benefit from the interference. Yes, the NDP is supporting the Liberals every step of the way. What a hypocrite.

  4. Yet Green Party leader Elizabeth May said yesterday at a press conference she read the report and took it upon herself to tell the country there were no MP's names in it!
    Why isn't this being blasted? Is this why Jagfruit is upset? That she outed their "game" to smear the opposition?

  5. what a tool

    our Country is a joke to have him and Turdeau as the puppets

    what a world

    we are in self destruct mode and everyone just stands by and allows these tyrannical self outs to destroy our country

    sad times


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