‘Canadian Information Ecosystem’ report says Rebel News among media outlets with highest engagement


so I’ve never heard a government funded disinformation or misinformation expert ever fact check a government Source though and that tells you everything you need to know the fact Checkers only check facts one way and much of the time when they say they’re checking facts they’re actually checking opinions nonetheless I want to bring to your attention a study that I saw today was actually um highlighted by one of my favorite Independent News sources called black loocks it’s a study published by the uh Canadian digital media research network doesn’t that sound fancy and authoritative as if that’s even a thing well they have something they published called a situation report Canadian information ecosystem situation report technical briefing on the state of the information ecosystem and you can see on the screen their May report of course all of that is BS they have the dramatic language situation report as if it’s like a milit briefing as if there’s some true scholarship underneath it they do that I think because that’s how they get funding they know the buzzwords to say when they write to bureaucrats looking for huge grants and just as 5 10 years ago you could get any money you wanted just by parenting a global warming or climate change line and now you can do so when you talk about transgenderism or islamophobia you’ll just back up the dump truck and fill up with taxpayer cash the new hot area of scholarship is misinformation and disinformation and so universities whose main job as you can tell is raising funds that’s why they bring in so many foreign students they charge them a premium and make a profit it’s not about scholarship University presidents that are always hunting for cash have realized that if they set up these disinformation observatories they’ll get cash especially if they study Trudeau’s enemies which brings me uh to the latest report of the situation report uh let me point out right on the front page key findings ecosystem influence is highly concentrated in a number of voices do you think that’s true do you think that online where everyone has a Facebook account Instagram Twitter Snapchat Tik Tok whatever you’re on do you really think the voices are more concentrated now than ever or do you actually think as I do that opinions are more diffuse than ever in the past we only had CTV Global and C see and we all had to tune in at the same time we couldn’t seek our own news I think there’s more news choices now than ever in history there’s just uh it’s just that so many of those that are out there don’t happen to tow the line of the government I’ll keep reading the Canadian information ecosystem could you imagine using that language with a straight Bas that’s how you get grants folks remains highly unequal is is that what you say unequal are you talking about the CBC getting all the money no they’re talking about people like you and and me with a small number of accounts receiving a super majority of Engagement is that really true that a handful of accounts get more engagement than the rest of people combin that’s what super majority means or again are they just using these buzzword to get grants this inequality remains even more extreme for media Outlets with the top five media organizations CTB global news CBC the post-millennial and rebel news receiving approximately 65% of all news engagement across social media platforms is that true I mean I like to boast about Rebel news it’s sort of my job but are we really that big I mean I’d like to think we are but come on most Canadians actually haven’t even heard of us I don’t know if you remember we took a poll a couple years ago now half of Canadians had heard of us but to say that we’re one of the top five dominant sources L I want to believe it but these folks have a purpose a purpose is to scare the government into a passing s ship laws and B most importantly giving their more money I’ll continue they say misinformation producing websites receive significant attention while overall volume of misinformation content in the ecosystem is low there is high engagement with content linking to known misinformation producing websites hey does it count as misinformation when for example the CBC State broadcaster talks at length about how vaccines are 100% safe they used to say that safe and effective they used to say that too is that ever considered misinformation or is only things that criticize the government considered misinformation I want to flip ahead to the part where they focus on Rebel news because of course in some ways I’m flattered that someone is earning millions of dollars to invest to watch Rebel news for a living wouldn’t that be nice um they talk about their findings as if this was some sort of Investigation engagement with Canadian news outlets is more unequal than the overall ecosystem with a genie coefficient of 0.955 that’s a mathematical statistics formula we find the top five Canadian Outlets that attract the most engagement are CTV global news CBC the post-millennial and rebel news well of course I’m flattered but I I don’t quite believe it and one of the reasons I don’t believe it is because they have the post millennial on there now I like the PO Millennial just fine some of them are my friends for a while I was a subscriber but about a year or two ago they were bought by a Us website called human events and they have maybe one full-time Canadian reporter left but the vast majority of their work is American and they’re very good at it by the way I I read their stuff every day but to put that in a list of Canadian websites shows that these folks are working on some outdated enemies list the post-millennial was founded in Canada for sure and they were an ENT critic of Trudeau for sure but that really hasn’t been the case for years I think they’re off off is in the States now it shows that these academics don’t really care about getting out of their office and doing investigations they just want to Pander to the biases of the grant givers Trudeau I’ll keep reading collectively they receive 64.9% of all engagement with news content do you believe it do you believe that those five news sites I’ve just listened to you have the majority of all news interactions in the country I’m sorry I just don’t believe it I think they’re lying I think they’re engaged in misinformation uh local news outlets received just 24.6% of all engagement with news content now why do you think they might lie do you can you sort of pick it up there oh five you know these five companies Dominate and local news coverage isn’t followed can you see where they’re going with this I can this is to justify giving grants to local media that’s what this is all about but look at that chart there just for one last moment top five Canadian news outlets what are the top five Canadian news outlets what is their share of total engagement you can see CTV has 25.1% uh Global News has 11.8% CBC has 11.2% which is astonishing given that they get what $ 1.5 billion dollar a year you would think they were be bigger than all else combined 10% for the post millennial and there we are Rebel news at 6.7% now again I’m a skeptic but just for a moment put away your disbel I mean never trust these experts but just for a moment accept it on face value Rebel news right now has I think 41 staff including me 41 the CBC has thousands the CBC budget from government money alone is 1.5 billion dollars it’s it’s more than a hundred times bigger than Rebel news they got a hundred times more money and they have more than a hundred times more staff they’ got about 200 times as much staff and we’re 60% as large as them in terms of Engagement if that’s true and again I don’t believe a thing these guys say if that’s true imagine how awful the government propaganda has to be that people would come to us in such numbers and avoid them in such numbers it’s maybe not astonishing that we’re popular but it’s astonishing giving much money there is behind the CBC how unpopular they are they’re still forced into every cable package in Canada you cannot get a cable package in Canada without being forced to subscribe to and pay for the CBC what I’m getting from this study is No One Believes them no one even pays attention to them people are thirsty for alternative points of view and the government and any greedy Professor looking for a handout is only too happy to smear Independent News as a threat [Music]

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra discussed a recent report by the Canadian Digital Media Research Network that shows Rebel News to be among the leading media outlets for attracting engagement.

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