Russian warships arrive in Cuba amid rising tensions with West


it’s not the first time Russia’s Navy has sailed to Havana at this tense moment between Moscow and the West Russian warships and a nuclear submarine on America’s doorstep send an unmistakable message the visiting Russian warships to Cuba are Vladimir Putin’s way of reminding President Biden that Moscow can challenge Washington in its own sphere of influence too the ships arrived after days of high Precision missile training in the Atlantic Russia’s defense def Ministry says the vessels are not carrying nuclear weapons but are loaded with hypersonic missiles all of it coincides with a visit by Cuba’s foreign minister to Moscow we will see how this unfolds in the coming days uh but we have seen this kind of thing before and we expect to see this kind of thing again the US insists the Russian visit to Cuba is routine and does not represent an escalation it’s an explicit threat to the peace and security of all the Americans Far Cry from the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis which entrenched fears of a Soviet attack launched from the island these days Cuba is more interested in an economic lifeline and is even trying to woo Russian tourists Russia is the only country that has been willing to provide significant help just as it did during the Soviet era Russia isn’t the only country looking to win hearts in Havana the Royal Canadian Navy announced one of its newest Patrol control vessels hmcs Margaret Brooke will visit this weekend in recognition of the long-standing bilateral relationship between Canada and Cuba assign this tiny Nation still plays a major role at a time of global instability Jackson crco Global News Washington

A fleet of Russian naval warships is now in Cuba, but the U.S. does not consider its arrival a threat despite Russia’s rising tensions with the West.

The ships arrived following what Russia’s defence ministry calls “high-precision missile weapons” training in the Atlantic Ocean.

Jackson Proskow looks at how Moscow is justifying the stopover, why Washington is not worried and how Russia’s relationship with Cuba has persisted since the Cold War.

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  1. Hyped up propaganda, the Russians are being beat with old US gear, imagine what would happen when they go against new military tech? As for Canada oh how that ship sucks soo much balls that it's armed with only a 23mm Canon and two 50. cal machine guns but it can break ice and that's useful in Cuba ????

  2. Reminds me of that scene in the Hunt for Red October where Captain First Rank Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius announces to his crew that they will be sailing to Cuba after getting past the American sonar nets and enjoying the beaches of Havana.

  3. People making fun of Russian ships getting hit by drones in Black sea, forgetting that is what happens in war. At least Russia has a fleet to be struck. Ukranian fleet dissapeared a month into the conflict lmao.

  4. US navy tracking Russia sub?? Great job.

    Putin did a great job too by publishing this normal regular visit to Cuba and at the same time 15 other nuclear carrying sub are positioning themselves at the other direction close to USA territorial waters…waiting for USA to cross the RED LINE on Ukraine.

    Putin is always foresee the future and prepared.


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