BC government proposes mandatory CPR training in high schools – click here to learn more!

B.C. government considering making CPR training mandatory in high schools

“Should CPR training be mandatory for high school students in British Columbia?

The tragic death of 18-year-old University of Victoria student Sidney McIntyre-Starko due to fentanyl poisoning has sparked a debate on whether CPR training should be a requirement in high schools. Her mother, Caroline McIntyre, an emergency physician, believes that a 15-minute delay in receiving naloxone or CPR led to her daughter’s untimely death. She advocates for CPR and naloxone training to be standard in high schools to prevent similar tragedies.

The Push for Mandatory CPR Training:

Lyle Karasiuk, the chair of the Canadian Red Cross First Aid Education, emphasized the importance of CPR training in schools for creating safer communities. The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation also expressed support for mandatory CPR training in high schools. The province’s Minister of Health and Addictions hinted at plans to introduce mandatory CPR training and increase the availability of nasal naloxone.

Different Perspectives on the Issue:

While supporters of mandatory CPR training argue that it can save lives and prevent tragedies like Sidney’s death, opponents may raise concerns about adding another requirement to an already packed school curriculum. They may also question the effectiveness of CPR training in preventing deaths from drug overdoses.


The debate over mandatory CPR training for high school students in British Columbia highlights the complex issues surrounding public health and safety education. It raises questions about the role of schools in preparing students for emergencies and the impact of such training on community well-being. As discussions continue, it is essential to consider various perspectives and weigh the potential benefits and challenges of implementing this policy.”



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