“Parents must be fully involved” if student changes pronouns: Ontario education minister #LGBTQ


Um will Ontario bring in policies like we’ve seen in New Brunswick and now Saskatchewan to require that parents be informed if their children change gender identity at school look I think it’s important to note that every school must be safe for every child I think we understand though that

Parents you know must be fully involved and fully aware what’s happening the life of their children I mean often there are Health implications and I think we we have to respect the rights of parents recognizing that these can be life-changing decisions and I think parents want to be involved so

That they can support their kids and that’s a really important principle that we must uphold

Ontario’s education minister Stephen Lecce said at a Monday press conference in Thornhill, Ont., that he believes “parents must be fully involved” if their child chooses to use a different gender pronoun at school. #LGBTQIA #Ontario #education #students #Canada

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  1. Enough already With this woke crap.there is only he and she .Yes I don't care if you are gay straight or trans live your life be happy.But don't enforce these ideaoligies on my child to call some other kid something they are not.These discussion are for parents and children not teachers.

  2. Why does everyone on this topic believe that all parents are caring and supportive of their children? This baffles me. It's like as soon as kids become controversial, we just assume their parents are ideal.


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