Scottish researchers “chewing” their way toward solution in global plastics pollution issue


During the Pandemic those little plastic cassettes to test for covid were produced and used by the millions and then tossed out a byproduct of the world’s response to covid was a mountain of lateral flow tests lfts made of Virgin Plastics from fossil fuels but a Scottish researcher is reprocessing some

Novel ingredients to make a new generation of lfts we’ve made one in recycled tring gum in case you missed that she said chewing gum old chewing gum um f parts and uh limestones so chewing gum mostly scraped off the street along with discarded parts from refrigerators and other bioproducts that

Can replace virgin Plastics with something less harmful to the environment what we’re hoping is that uh through uh the use of these cassettes we can ultimately uh save 30 to 50% of the carbon Footprints uh of the Virgin material prediction really this is the challenge of modern Healthcare this

Professor of anthropology and health says many medical devices are not only produced with fossil fuels they end up in the oceans and soil we are producing huge numbers of single-use plastic devices but those same devices are also contributing to a growing burden of plastic pollution globally some 2 to

Four billion lateral flow tests are produced globally each year not just for covid but for pregnancy and infectious diseases the challenge is scaling up these prototypes into an industry of recyclables we have the machine machery the skill sets and all the knowledge that we need to be able to turn turn

This into a mass producer item move into a more sustainable option on products like this the message to the medical industry heal thyself we need not only Healthcare systems that will contribute to growth onto Health we also need healthc Care Systems that are themselves healthy and we may soon have old chewing

Gum to thank for products that make us healthy while not making the environment unhealthy Eric sens and news Toronto

You might not think about it every day, but plastic pollution is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today. The world produces mountains upon mountains of plastic waste, and Canadians are no exception.

Three million tonnes of plastic waste are generated internationally each year every year, so if you think recycling is the solution, think again.

Researchers say only nine per cent of what’s put in blue bins actually gets recycled.

And as Eric Sorensen reports, researchers in Scotland are “chewing” their way toward a solution to cut down on waste.

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  1. Waste to energy is a thing. The sooner people accept that it's more efficient and 'green' to burn garbage in modern incinerators that have emissions scrubbers, then use that energy to create electricity, the better off we will be. We need to get rid of this feel good but does nothing recycling nonsense.


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