Toronto Pride parade interrupted by anti-war protesters


Pro Palestinian protesters who cut short Toronto’s Pride Parade reiterated demands to organizers about why they blocked the route and prematurely stop the celebrations here’s ctv’s Beth mcdanel this is pro Palestinian protesters shutting down Canada’s largest pride parade in Toronto the disruption causing organizers to cancel the March through the streets about an hour early and forcing 67 groups in the parade to stop without finishing the route there is no pride in genocide Gary Kinsman is a founding member of Toronto’s gay and lesbian Committee in 1981 and recently resigned from Pride Toronto he says the decision to protest was after a meeting was requested With Pride Toronto to discuss demands from queers for Palestine which included the organization divesting from corporations it says have ties with Israel we had 19 members of Pride Toronto 10 ex-members hundreds of people from the community asked Pride Toronto to have this special general meeting they refused the protest was organized by a newly formed group called The Coalition against pinkwashing they say they’re disappointed the parade was cut short but they were forced to interfere to highlight and educate people about the number of Palestinians dying in the nearly 9mon long running conflict it is utterly shameful that Pride Toronto has turned into a spectacle that glamorizes the very corporations and governments that are oppressing and discriminating against us Estella Nash is a lesbian who took part in the parade it was really horrifying it was it was sad it was really sad for all of us there’s other times and places you can protest I mean we get one little tiny weekend a year to to show everybody While others have been left feeling torn it is disappointing on another hand there’s like a a crisis going on in the world and there should be more of a push to increase awareness Pride Toronto’s executive director says that decision made for the safety of everyone he says a written response was given to groups who wanted information and the meeting in the spring over the demands you know when I speak to my colleagues across the world that are leading Prides they have had several meetings and the disruptions still happen protesters say they would rather see a smaller Grassroots Pride Parade rather than a larger one with corporate sponsor they say they can’t support Beth Mell CTV News Toronto

Pro-Palestinian protesters who blocked Toronto’s Pride parade are reiterating their demands. Beth Macdonell explains.

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