Top tips for treating scrapes, sunburns, and dehydration in kids this summer – Expert advice from National


“Summer is a time for kids to be carefree, spending their days playing outdoors and soaking up the sun. However, for parents, this season brings a whole new set of worries and responsibilities. From keeping children hydrated to ensuring their safety during outdoor activities, pediatricians advise on how to navigate the potential hazards that come with summer fun.

### Overheating: A Real Concern
When the temperature rises, children are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. Dr. Danielle Mercurio emphasizes the importance of taking precautions to prevent overheating. This includes staying hydrated, wearing sun-protective clothing, and recognizing the signs of heat-related illnesses.

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are different levels of heat-related illnesses, with each requiring a specific course of action. By understanding the symptoms and knowing how to respond, parents can help prevent serious consequences.

### Fireworks Safety: A Not So Bright Idea
While fireworks may be a staple of summer celebrations, they pose serious risks, especially for children. The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advises keeping kids away from fireworks, including sparklers which can reach dangerously high temperatures.

### Water Safety: Sinking or Swimming?
As pools, lakes, and water activities become common summer pastimes, it’s crucial to prioritize water safety. Designated adult supervision, proper fencing for pools, and proactive measures to prevent drowning are key components of ensuring a safe water play environment.

### Handling Scrapes and Bruises
Outdoor play often leads to scrapes and bruises, but proper injury prevention measures can minimize the risk. From wearing helmets while biking to choosing age-appropriate playground equipment, parents can help protect their children from avoidable accidents.

In conclusion, while summer is a time for fun and exploration, it’s essential for parents to be vigilant about their children’s safety. By following the advice of pediatricians and taking proactive measures to prevent common summer hazards, families can enjoy a worry-free season filled with memorable moments. Remember, a little caution goes a long way in ensuring a safe and happy summer for all.”



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