‘Take Back Canada!’: Anti-mass immigration protesters march in Toronto on Canada Day


take back Canada take back Canada take back Canada take back Canada take back my friend told me once that immigration is like a spice in a soup you need some but very little you don’t nobody knows exactly how much and what Justin Trudeau has done he he dumped two l pounds of spice in the soup and it’s just a inedible gulp that uh nobody can eat so we have to limit immigration we have to be able to the country has to be able to choose the ones that can contribute to the country and by the same token do well for themselves because these two go together keeping your culture and parts of it yeah that’s a good thing but just erasing the culture of the new country that you’ve moved in like you left yours for a reason don’t come here and change ours into something completely different if you come here if you make Canada your home you need to assimilate you need to learn the language you need to adapt to the culture and the way of life it’s it’s uh that’s that’s how it is and that’s how it’s going to stay Sarah stock for Rebel news we’re here for the takeback Canada protest currently running down Bay Street in Toronto there’s a lot of disaffected Canadians here who feel like the government has not been listening to them when it comes to the issue of mass immigration and even illegal immigration in Canada let’s hear from some of them see what they have to say so obviously it’s Canada Day we’re all here here to show our pride in this country and what we’re trying to send a message is that we need to start putting Canadians first Canada first um here because I I saw something on the Internet and it said come out and help stop this kind of Madness of of unabridged or unchecked immigration so that’s why I’m out today well I’m an immigrant myself and I just want to bring awareness to the fact that we don’t really have immigration here anymore uh what’s been going on since Justin Trudeau took power it’s beyond limits and it’s instead of building the country it’s destroying the country I’m here basically just protesting everything that’s going on with our government I mean everywhere you look there’s corruption like people are being forced out of homes like Canadians are dying and the rest are getting pushed out and everyone else suffers we’re basically just here to say we don’t approve of the way the government is taking care of everything we just don’t like trudo yeah like uh cost of living essentially that’s about it yeah take back Canada let’s go we got to take out Canada let’s get it trying to spread the uh word trying to raise awareness for the cause uh yeah we’re trying to get back Canada you know you know what it is for he’s got lless too because his brother was his brother talked about immigration 15 years ago what I’m saying is we cannot deal with the 2 and A2 million people right now we cannot deal with another million people and I’m sticking to my words you know what we have to try to help the 200 the 2.5 million torontonians right now and Doug knows all about that but he won’t talk about it cuz there guys that got no guts anymore so anyways I just wanted PF to start talking about it like Maxim berer is anglophone Canadians frankophone Canadians indigenous people and immigrant Canadians from across the ideological Spectrum can all see that something’s not right what’s happening right now is not working and there is absolutely no reason that we should be made to endure it what do you think about this issue of mass immigration I know a lot of people are oh I think it’s terrible I uh I’m an immigrant myself I’m not against immigration but I am against Mass immigration and I’m against a lot of the policies that the Trudeau government is enforcing I think it’s unfair that we’re labeled as a fringe minority I think that pretty soon this system is going to implode we’re on the cusp of World War III we’re on the cusp of a financial collapse uh inflation what kind of policies would you like to see changed on mass immigration in your perfect world what would the immigration policy be well um the immigration policy would be you come in uh they check your history where you’re from why you want to come here uh and uh you know you maybe have somebody supporting you from somewhere else and that way uh you know they can have a start like I said it was just a scam at the government took upon itself to bring people in with no real plan so I feel for them I i’ rather them not just make sense that we bring them in and just have them like not stay here like they put all that time and money to come here establish themselves establish a life so honestly don’t think we should Deport them I just think we need to end things as they are I would love to see all the fraud student visas that have come through our our borders to be deported I I’m a big uh Advocate about Mass immigration not advocate for it but against it it’s uh destroying our identity it’s destroying our culture it’s it’s it’s it’s not the Canadian way and if you continuously bring people who don’t share our values we’re going to have chaos and and that’s what we’re actually seeing on our streets right now it’s not is it really diversity if most of these people are coming from the same country right well we’re bringing people from war torn country right it’s it’s not people who are coming here because they want to be here they have no loyalty to Canada they have no loyalty to the culture or trying to assimilate to our culture which drives me insane the most um if you come here if you make Canada your home you need to assimilate you need to learn the language you need to adapt to the culture and the way of life it’s uh that’s that’s how it is and that’s how it’s going to stand my friend told me once that immigration is like a spice in a soup you need some but very little you don’t nobody knows exactly how much and what Justin Trudeau has done he he dumped two pounds of spice in the soup and it’s just a inedible gulp that uh nobody can eat so we have to limit immigration we have to be able to the country has to be able to choose the ones that can contribute to the country and by the same token do well for themselves because these two go together we cannot just bring unlimited numbers of people uh to Canada and then uh not have housing or jobs for them because these two problems are connected to housing our housing crisis and the immigration crisis is basically one and the same problem unfortunately there’s no assimilation in Canada which keeping your culture and parts of it yeah that’s a good thing but just erasing the culture of the new country that you’ve moved in like you left yours for a reason don’t come here and change ours into something completely different so there’s yeah there’s a lot of division especially within the culture and there’s just towards citizens it’s even more they’re very like they’re very clicky so Canadians get pushed out people who come in illegally just can’t stay the first one it’s ridiculous that you can come in illegally and get all this help to stay in a country where we the tax payers are paying for that should not be the way people who come in and work for for it and take part in Canadian society and don’t just use it sure come in Legally but when they come in illegally it just it wrecks it for everyone and it makes it harder for those who are trying to come in Legally to get in because we’re so flooded with people if you’re going to live in a new country learn the language and don’t just like constrain your like social connections to people from your ethnic back or cultural background learn the language as a way of tipping your hat to the new country you’re in and we got to really stop illegal challeng of immigration uh we have plenty of legal challengs of immigration do you think a lot of the people who are coming here recently do you think they respect Canadian culture and they’re trying to assimilate so I wouldn’t say so especially in my experience doing my University I just recently graduated as well we’re bringing in a lot of people who don’t agree with the same levels of individual rights and individuals Freedom like think of things like women’s rights LGBT rights and all that kind of stuff we what ends up happening when we’re importing so many people from cultures that oppose this is that’s going to change the general public consensus where do you see the future of Canada if we don’t crack down on immigration well it will be third world country very very quickly our systems have their own limits and capacity just to give you an example we only have so many roads and Steven Gilbo does not want to build any more roads here for ideological reasons at the same time they want to bring unlimited number of people here and it’s the same with hospital beds per capita number of police officers or or or kids in school in class so everything has its limits and if the country grows uh you know the number of Roads the number of hospital beds should be increasing and we should be increasing IM immigration in line with that do you agree that immigration has absolutely overwhelmed our Canadian system and culture please head over and sign our petition at NetZero immigration.com to make this stop

Rebel News journalist Sarah Stock reports from Toronto as thousands of concerned Canadians took to the streets in opposition to mass immigration.

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  1. Trudoh should stop all money transfers from immigrants, in western union and all financial institutions that send money over seas.
    100% tariffs on 1$ for 1$.
    Or out and right ban these immigrants transferring Canadian dollars to aunties and grandpas and their kids or parents.
    That is tremendous amounts of untaxed dollars leaving the Canadian economy for ever . Never to be returned, or circulated inside Canada.
    These immigrants can support this country and economy, not India or Philippines

  2. It's not selfish or racist to put Canada or Canadians FIRST. Multiculturalism has failed miserably and we the people have had enough. Mass immigration is being used by our treasonous governments to destroy our countries. Get in shape and prepare because the traitors in the halls of power will use state sanctioned violence to keep destroying our countries.

  3. ROFL! This movement is at least 50 years too late! Canada has purposely been letting in all immigrants since the 1970s, and officially adopted "multiculturalism" as Canada's national policy way back then too. There's no way to solve that problem now, after all those many decades of it festering, ROFL!

  4. We need laws in place so a government can't do this to its own people.
    This is beyond evil.
    Since when did the government stop working for its people?
    Trudeau and his open boarder need to be held accountable. .

  5. It is not racist to control immigration. In 1929, due to depression, immigration was stopped completely. It was treated like a No Vacancy sign at a hotel. We cannot allow any immigration unless and until our country can legitimately handle or require it. Canada first.

  6. My parents, all my friend's parents were immigrants. There was no free housing, welfare, free healthcare for them. They came to work and build, not take. They didn't impose their values on Canadian society. What in hell happened, in a time when 25% of Canadians live in poverty, cannot afford housing given to immigrants while they are forced to foot the bill??


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