Scientist explains why Hurricane Beryl becoming a Category 5 this early is unusual


atmospheric scientist at the University of Albany good morning and thank you for your time appreciate it thank you for having me so this storm has turned into a category five very quickly is this really normal for this time of the year it is very unnormal for this time of year uh to have a storm that underg goes rapid intensification not once but three times in its life cycle this early in the year is very highly unusual so what exactly is going on here can you describe to us so this storm you know all of the uh outlooks for this season thought that we would have a very active hurricane season because the waters in the Atlantic were so warm uh the state of El Nino makes it so that storms are more likely to form the conditions are more uh favorable in the Atlantic so we were fearful that we would have a very active season um mainly again because of that very very warm water and that’s what we’re happening that’s what’s happening in this case so I’m curious to know is this indicative of what’s about to come in terms of uh very very devastating and Powerful storms this season it very likely could be that uh all of our forecasting agencies were forecasting at an above average year in terms of strong storms these major hurricanes like Barrel turned into um so unfortunately yes this may be a harbinger of what’s to come we can the only we can just hope is that these storms unfortunately not Barrel which is going to make which already made landfall and will make further landfalls that future storms stay away from Land because it does appear we’re going to have a very active season okay let’s talk about this storm in particular Barrel talk to us about where exactly it’s headed and how do you think it’s going to impact Jamaica so it there’s pretty good um our understanding of the next sort of 72 hours that the storm should weaken slightly uh as it moves towards the West it’s going to be impacted by some drier air um by some winds in the atmosphere that should uh weaken the storm so it’s expected that it should weaken slightly but still be a highend either Category 2 or Category 3 storm by the time it affects Jamaica after it moves past Jamaica it’s a little bit the forecast is a little bit unclear both in terms of track and intensity um so anybody watching with any interest in the Gulf of Mexico Central America should certainly watch the forecast carefully you know I’m just curious for zooming out a little bit and talking about the bigger picture right now not just this Atlantic uh this this season at the moment but the fact that we’re seeing more and more storms becoming powerful almost every year how much of global warming is the reason behind all of this and in times to come are we expected to see storms only getting more stronger yes unfortunately that that does seem to be the case we’ve are you done a lot of research over the last 10 20 years looking at how global warming will impact storms in the Atlantic it seems like uh that the storms we have will be more intense there will be more rapid int intensification uh and global warming is a very very large part of that so this unfortunately is very likely to be um a situation that’s repeated many times over the next several years how can we prepare for something like that right so in terms of watching the forecast carefully um sort of thinking about your property um preparing supplies uh is is the best course of action uh watching the the forecast agencies being prepared but thinking longer term making sure having a supply of medications water food to last a few days we leave it at that for this morning Christian coroso atmospheric scientist University of Albany appreciate your time and insights thank you thank you very much

University of Albany scientist, Kristen Corbosiero, says Hurricane Beryl growing to a Category 5 is highly unusual for this time of year.

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