Ontario drug store manager allegedly demands employees wear Pride-themed apparel


so you might ask what is new on the rainbow front when it comes to compelled speech well I’m glad you asked because it looks like we have moved Beyond compelled speech to compelled clothing oh yes case in point consider the Curious incident that occurred at the reol pharmacy located in little Brighton Ontario here’s a skinny Rebel news was recently contact Ed by employees working at this rexal who were quite miffed that the store’s manager Cindy Wilson allegedly demanded that they wear rainbow themed multicolor apparel during the week of June 17th to June 21st in order to celebrate Andor promote pride month Wilson allegedly told her employees the following quote you do not have to agree with pride but you must show support for Pride end quote what the hell me thinks that in the world of dystopian science fiction Miss Wilson would be an astute hire down at the ministry of Truth in any event I was told there are devout Christians and Muslims who work at this store and the needless to say they were not exactly gung-ho with this mandated dress code the employees I spoke with I should mention did not want to be named nor come on camera for fear of reprisals or even termination case in point the affir mentioned Mr ladw Yet Wilson was allegedly adamant that staffers had to Rainbow up when it came to their work apparel of course there are two sides to every story so I recently reached out to Cindy Wilson to get her take oh it was a very brief interview indeed check it out good afternoon Cindy speaking oh hi there Cindy um yes good afternoon my name is uh David men calling from Rebel news in Toronto and the Reon the reason for my call I’m working on a story I was in contact with employees of your Pharmacy who were alleging that you were um coercing them to where rainbow uh colored apparel I I I guess ostensibly for Pride week and I just wanted you know in the interest of fair comment to get your side of the story on that okay no comment thank you bye oh I heard too that hello interesting Wilson isn’t such a habitatery hun when someone who isn’t a subordinate starts asking questions now is she moving on I sent an email twice to rexall’s media relations department I also followed up with a phone call more than a week later there’s been no response whatsoever not even an acknowledgment of my questions for what it’s worth here were my queries number one is this clothing Mandate of Rexall employees being forced to wear multicolored apparel a rexl corporate initiative two do individual Rex store managers have the power to order their employees to wear apparel that support political SL ideological causes and three according to my sources Cindy went out of her way today Friday June 21st to tell employees not to wear multicolored apparel this was supposedly due to Rexall representatives from head office visiting the Brighton store if this allegation is indeed true can I assume that Cindy’s apparel demands prior to Friday were not in compliance with Rexall head office policy and like I said folks crickets Rexall is apparently another example of a corporate entity with a media relations department whose media relations staffers do not relate to members of the media so really why bother having such doofuses on the payroll in the first place baffling from what I can gather it would seem that this rainbow hued rule in Brighton was indeed a Cindy Wilson initiative not a rexl corporate mandate I say this because I have visited several reol pharmac pharmacies in the greater Toronto area and the result was literally uniform which is to say Rexall retail staff members were wearing non- rainbow colored polo shirts emblazoned with the rexa logo while the pharmacists were wearing plain white lab clots not a spirit unicorn Motif to be seen on their apparel whatsoever by the way folks in the department of perverse irony as I referenced in my queries to rexall’s media relations department according to my sources Wilson went out of her way on Friday June 21st to desperately tell her employee way not to wear multicolored apparel you see Wilson was under the belief that some head honchos from rexall’s corporate massaga head office might be swinging by the Brighton store for whatever reason thus Wilson allegedly told employees to wear their normal uniforms now if this anecdote is true and I believe it is what does that say about the rainbow apparel initiative to me it’s says when the cat’s away the mice shall play in other words when Wilson’s bosses are not around it is only then that she’ll exceed her mandate as a manager by insisting that her staff follow her ideology but get this in the department of perverse irony those Rexall puas never did go to Brighton that day so Wilson essentially had a panic attack all for nothing it would appear bottom line Rexall clearly has a uniform standard that employees must adhere to but apparently for political SL ideological reasons Wilson tried to bully her staffers into embracing clothing that many did not want to wear and by all accounts nobody at head office was mandating reol employees to wear such clothing oh and one more thing folks and this is downright surreal while Cindy Wilson was enfor enforcing her rainbow apparel initiative guess who was not wearing multicolored apparel when she happened to be in the store well that would be none other than drum roll please Cindy Wilson what a hypocrite and yet another example of somebody in charge who conducts herself via the Mantra of do as I say not as I do you know it’s such a shame Cindy Wilson will not take my calls because I really have one pertinent question for her namely Miss Wilson what in blue hell were you thinking [Music]

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, guest host David Menzies discussed an Ontario drug store manager who allegedly demanded that her employees wear Pride-themed apparel for a week in June.

Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.

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  1. A mother will tell her daughter men don't respect women that subject children to pedophiles.
    That drag bullsh*t is "R" rated. If it makes me sick, what's it doing to my children?


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