One-on-one with Governor General Mary Simon


welcome back to St John’s where past and present collided today in a touching tribute to newf Land’s Unknown Soldier the Princess Royal Princess Anne was supposed to attend the ceremony but could not because of an injury this afternoon I spoke to the governor general about that and asked Her Excellency about her Reflections on the lessons of a war fought more than a century ago well you know I think it’s about Freedom the freedom that we have in Canada are those soldiers that fought for that freedom in in in those in that era are still relevant you know we we we have to have hope empathy and and the freedom that we have in our country is priceless and we should safeguard that and I think that’s you know the the when you think about the war or the Unknown Soldier that that today we um buried is a is is a symbol of how selfless those soldiers were when they got on the ship here and went across the ocean to fight a war because they wanted our freedom and to me to this day that applies I think for All Peoples not just for Canada but for all people um the world is so diverse and uh so many differences around the world but it’s Freedom that we that we want in our lives and a freedom that you can’t take for granted as well yes you can’t take it for granted for for new finlanders July 1st has always been a very unique day right because until noon they commemorate Memorial Day and then after that it’s Canada Day and so the Sentiments of Sorrow of grief uh live alongside Sentiments of joy and celebration for you today what was that like it was very emotional I I was thinking about what it possibly could have looked like in those days when those men those soldiers went to war and just to feel that emotion and knowing that finally the Unknown Soldier has been brought home after aund over a hundred years and you know you really have to reflect reflect on um today and where we are today in our country and to feel the emotion and it’s like us it’s a it’s like our life we in one moment we can be very emotional and the next minute we can be very happy so it’s a bit it was a bit like that you know one moment that you feel the sorrow and the empathy and and and uh you know just being on you know feeling honored to be part of this ceremony today and then on the other hand you look around with all these people in the crowd and they’re there because they care you read some touching words from The Princess Royal in your remarks I know she wanted to be here very much is there is there an update on her condition we know that she left hospital after her injury uh on on Friday how’s she doing well as far as I know uh she’s home resting and she’s doing much better and uh she asked me to convey the message that I gave earlier today about how sorry she was for not being here that she really wanted to be here but things happened and she AC you know she had an accident and couldn’t travel so but she was you know she thought about us she thought about Canada and I wanted me to convey the message about how she will you know she will be back I think is really kind of the message that came through in her very important those were her words that I conveyed yeah

Governor General Mary Simon shares her reflections on war and the cost of freedom in a one-on-one interview with Omar Sachedina.

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