Federal government committee calls for decrease in number of black Canadians in prison


“Canadians are in for radical reforms to the criminal justice system as part of the proposed Black Justice Strategy. Advocating for change from an anti-racist perspective, the steering group behind this strategy has laid out 114 recommendations for the federal government to address systemic racism against black Canadians.

### A Call for Reparations and Special Programming
The most contentious recommendations include exploring the possibility of paying reparations to black Canadians for historical injustices like slavery and segregation. Additionally, the suggestion to establish courts specifically for black offenders and rollback drug possession laws has stirred debate among Canadians.

### Creating a Fairer Justice System
The pillars of the Black Justice Strategy focus on various aspects, including addressing social determinants of justice, reducing over-policing, reforming the court system, and integrating correctional measures to lower recidivism rates. The strategy aims to reduce the incarceration rates of black and Indigenous Canadians, with specific targets set for the upcoming years.

The call for preferential treatment for black Canadians in government programs like job initiatives, apprenticeships, and housing strategies is another notable recommendation. The strategy proposes expanding anti-racism training across law enforcement bodies and educational institutions to foster a more inclusive society.

### Conclusion: A Step Towards Equality
As Canadians grapple with the repercussions of historical injustices and ongoing systemic racism, the Black Justice Strategy presents a roadmap for a fairer and more equitable society. By addressing these recommendations in a balanced and thoughtful manner, Canada has the opportunity to move towards a justice system that truly serves all its citizens.”



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