Calgary officials announce they are “one giant step closer to restoring full water usage” | LIVE


e e e e e e e e e e AUD chck AUD chck e e Che isn’t that okay e e it’s Oki dat NADA tic ton and good morning everyone I’ve been starting the day with these indigenous greetings to honor the treaty 7 peoples who stewarded our water at the Confluence of the bow and elbow Rivers for Generations before many of us settled here I’d like to thank Municipal Affairs Minister Rick mver and City of Calgary general manager Michael Thompson for joining me today today is a very big day for more than onethird of Alberta’s population that live here in Calgary and the surrounding communities of erdre chesterr Strathmore and sutina Nation all of you rely on the City of Calgary to provide Safe Drinking Water to your homes water to wash your dishes to do your laundry and so much more and today I am pleased to tell you that we are one giant step closer to restoring full water usage to all of you just over 2 weeks ago I signed a state of local emergency and delivered heavy news that we were in a Water Crisis I shared that our city operations team had provided a 3 to five we timeline to get water flowing as it normally would to the TAPS in our homes and our businesses that was difficult news to deliver and I know it was difficult news to hear I vowed to take any action needed to aggressively speed up the timeline and I’m relieved to say that today we can deliver some much needed good news I’m incred inedibly pleased to share that Indoor Water use can now return to normal and we look forward to slowly restoring outdoor water use as we continue to monitor the system stabilization process a quick overview of what changed since yesterday to allow us to return to regular indoor water usage today first we had three crews working all day yesterday to flush water through hydrants to reduce turbidity in the system that to reduce the cloudiness that some of you saw in your water turbidity levels are coming down and they’re trending in the right direction next with production safely increasing at the bearspaw water treatment plant we’re able to perform some critical maintenance that’s needed at the Glenmore water treatment plant and lastly the Bearpaw feeder M has now been brought up to 50% capacity and we continue to stabilize the system by listening for irregularities and measuring pressure changes Calgary I am in absolute awe of the work that all of you did for the last 26 days for almost an entire month you have gone above and ab be you have gone above and beyond a little excited today uh to keep our water usage low and you ensured that we had safe drinking water during this crisis and that our firefighters doctors and nurses were never without the water they needed to do their jobs and I cannot thank you enough for every action that you have taken I want to thank the residents of boness for carrying the extra burden at the beginning of this crisis I won’t forget my visits to your community during those first few days you had a major impact on me I felt the full impact of your situation as I spoke with you and your community Spirit fired me up to push for better and faster solutions to this crisis I must also thank our crews and our teams at the emergency Operation Center and the water tactical operations center they were tirelessly day and night throughout this challenging period to get the water feeder M fixed water flow fully restored and information out to the public Chief Sue Henry and general manager Michael Thompson your personal dedication has been unwavering and on behalf of the entire Calgary region we say thank you when just over a week into this crisis we discovered the bad news that we needed to repair more of the pipe than just the break several people stepped up to help expedite repairs like Minister mver who has been a sounding board throughout all of this like Calgary’s oil and gas community so many of you stepped up to offer guidance when I called and texted you on June the 6th and again on the evening of June the 14th when we found out about those five trouble Spots I’m grateful that we had your depth of experience your commitment to the city and ideas for Expediting repairs at a time when we needed it the most to all the contractors the trades peoples and organizations that made themselves available immediately for dewatering excavation and repair work we could not have done this without all of you I also have to thank San Diego for the pipes that were sent our way and all of the notable people and businesses in the Calgary region who lent your voices to water saving efforts by offering words of encouragement on social media everyone from Brett The Hitman har to Connor at local laundry to the whole Calgary Stampeders organization and so many more more sometimes it takes a crisis to remind us how much we can accomplish if communities elected officials and governments work together I was reminded of the value of the strength of these Partnerships over the last 26 days in particular The Province was there for us Calgary Alberta Health Services provided water testing at several critical points including during the initial break when their ongoing testing enabled us to lift the boil water advisory for the community of boness on the 10th of June providing those residents with peace of mind that their water was safe once again and most recently as we flushed the system following the repair work Alberta environment and protected areas stepped up to provide non-potable water for construction companies as well as for residents wanting to keep their plants and trees alive they also provided guidelines for and monitoring of the flushed water to ensure that chlorine was properly removed from the water before it went back into the river as well as slope stabilization Alberta occupational health and safety provided quick clearance for return to work after being on site immediately following the incident that injured Two Men and I am relieved to report that both men are now recovering the province’s Emergency Management Committee of cabinet was critical support and Council on the evening of June the 14th as we made the decision that a state of local emergency was essential to resolving this crisis as quickly and efficiently and safely as possible and of course the gentleman next to me today and his team Municipal Affairs Minister Rick mckyer has stood with me for the last 26 days Minister was on standby throughout this emergency available for calls at all hours to discuss progress and to brainstorm ideas including having provincial Wildfire Crews and Equipment staged for fire emergency suppression when we had a grassfire situation in early days Mr mckyer thank you for having our back and I will now turn it over to you thank you mayor gondak it’s uh it’s a it’s a good day today it’s nice to be here and uh thank you all for joining us uh it’s with uh great uh gratitude and frankly a little bit of relief that I’m with you here today to recognize the expeditious work that’s been undertaken to fix the boness water Main and to thank calgarians for their efforts in conserving water for these last four weeks I also acknowledge we’re not completely out of the out of the woods yet in times of Crisis the strengths of partnership become evident the recent water infrastructure incident in bone s served as a stark reminder of this from the onset the mayor reached out to Premier Smith and myself and kept us updated regularly Alberta’s Emergency Management agency which has members embedded in Calgary Emergency Management agency also ensured constant direct communication between each of our experts at the Province and in Calgary finally our Emergency Management cabinet uh connected regularly with the mayor and her team these levels of communication were pivotal in addressing the immediate needs of community communication support and advice I’d like to acknowledge the different provincial Ministries support throughout these past four weeks Alberta Health Services played a crucial Ro conducting initial and ongoing water testing to manage and eventually lift the boil water advisory by the am ambitious Target of uh June 10th their uh dedication ensured Public Health remained Paramount through the recovery process Alberta environment Parks as the mayor uh alluded to stepped up to provide additional water licenses for nonpotable water uses during repairs accompanied by strict guidelines and monitoring to safe Safeguard environmental Integrity their efforts in dechlorination and slope stabilization during water flushing underscore their commitment and our government’s commitment to sustainable practices the Alberto occupational health and safety team swiftly reviewed the work site following the unfortunate injuries ensuring safety protocols were reinforced before granting clearance to resume work this exemplifies their dedication to protect workers well-being in challenging environments while recognizing the need for water for 1 and a half million citizens in Calgary recognizing the proactive measures taken by Almer Al Alberta Emergency Management agency and Alberta Wildfire who stage supplementary fire suppression resources in Calgary’s forested forested areas illustrates our commitment to preemptive action and Community safety I must commend my colleagues in Emergency Management cabinet for their rapid response and willing to basically drop everything and uh pay attention to needs during this time uh their ability to convene at short notice ensured seamless information flow in both directions and provided invaluable support to the city in declaring a state of local emergency when that was really required I also recognize mayor gondak for her leadership throughout this ordeal her commitment to transparent communication with the public advocating for realistic timelines and declaring a state of emergency when it was necessary Have Been instrumental and getting us to this day I’m grateful for her initiative in mobilizing private sector experts who contributed crew’s ideas and support to get the job done mayor gondak thank you thank you as well to all the private sector experts that reached out to my office into the city that were able to connect and help Times Like These truly remind us what community is all about I appreciate the mayor’s recent motion for an independent incident review and secure clear budget numbers I’m sure preserving the Integrity of Calgary’s water system is top of mind for all calgarians as it is for Council in closing on behalf of Premier Smith and the government of Alberta I extend heartfelt thanks to calgarians and our regional neighbors for their solidary support and patience during this challenging time your resilience and understanding have been indispensable together and only together we have demonstrated that in the face of adversity collaboration and determination can overcome any obstacle and as we charge ahead into Stampede Yahoo we let us continue to build on this Spirit of partnership and mutual support for the betterment of our communities thank you and now I’d like to General Manager Michael invite Michael Thompson to say some words good morning everyone and thank you Minister mckyer and mayor as shared by the mayor we are now able to ease Indoor Water saving measures we know this is an exciting Milestone after almost a month of calgarians practicing water conservation measures in their homes and businesses just as we are easing lift easing into lifting restrictions we need calgarians to ease into their water use within their homes the Bears paa South feeder is now back in service for the first time since June the 5th the feeder is operating at 50% capacity as we continue to stabilize the system and we need to reduce the demand we have placed on the glenore Water Treatment Plant over the last month we need calgarian support to avoid providing too much strain on this system this means being thoughtful about spreading out your water use needs like not doing all your waiting laundry in one day but instead doing one load a day for the coming days we continue to mon monitor the feeder m listening for breaks and measuring pressure changes the system is responding well so far and we have not heard any anomalies I want to stress that outdoor stage four water restrictions remain in place more information on easing outdoor water restrictions will be shared in the coming days as we determine how the system responds to the increased demand operational teams will provide more information on what using indoor water use means for calgarians and businesses at today’s media availability at the Emergency Operations Center I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the city teams and the contract Crews who made this repair possible and people who continue to work around the clock to stabilize the system This truly has been all hands on deck with teams working 247 over the last month to maintain our safe drinking water system while we repair this critical feeder main we’ve had the opportunity to work with various industry profess and Water Service Partners from across North America and the connections we have established and enhanced have been extremely beneficial throughout response and Repair Calgary Emergency Management agency have provided their leadership and guidance they facilitated response support through agency Partnerships like those we heard about with the province Alberta today and numerous others through sema’s expertise bringing together City of Calgary departments external agencies nonprofit organizations non-governmental organizations and Community Partners we know we have access to expertise required for a safe and effective approach I’ve had the opportunity to work alongside these Emergency Management professionals at the Emergency Operations Center for the past sural weeks and their leadership has been integral in the response for calgarians we understand that easing Indoor Water saving measures is a milestone and we’re all looking forward to it your commitment to conserving water throughout the this response has been admirable and we still depend on you as we stabilize the system and ease into further restrictions thank you for your patience and continuing to step up as we navigate these restrictions your resilience and Community Spirit are admirable and we truly are all stronger together and I’ll now turn it back over to the mayor thank you Minister and thank you GM Thompson Michael I’ve greatly appreciated the ability to be able to connect with you through throughout this situation no matter what time of day and your professionalism in guiding us through repair and Recovery was just wonderful Calgary we’ve been through a lot together since June the 5th I want you to know that I am committed to learning from this crisis and I would like to share some of those learnings with you and talk about how I plan to action some of these takeaways to start let’s talk about communication we struggled with our communication over the first 3 days as the city learned the enormity of this situation and focused more on the work than on the communication I realized the impact of this error as I’ve said many times when I visited boness on the 8th of June that afternoon I called CAO David Duckworth and said we must do better the morning of the 9th of June I apologized for this oversight and I committed to twice daily briefings until water flow was restored from the bearspaw water treatment plant the next Focus became collaboration because we had already in engaged with external experts in construction and trades in addressing the main break that occurred on June 5th we knew that this situation required Partnerships so by the time we learned the bad news and shared it with you on the 14th of June that robotic technology had detected five additional hotspots that needed to be repaired I knew further collaboration was critical in making sure we could get to repairs quickly and safely to restore water flow working late into that evening I spoke with the province and also reached out to private sector experts who were then invited to Roundtable discussions with myself general manager Thompson and others this collaborative collaborative effort was critical in moving the timeline up safely and efficiently throughout this situation I also knew that like me calgarians wanted and deserved answers to what went wrong I called for a comprehensive third-party review of the incident which I expect to cover exactly what happened to the pipe the steps taken to fix the problem and a review of the city’s response to this Water Crisis this review will also look at our issues around communication that led to calgarians and our neighboring communities not getting the information they needed quickly when they needed it and I promise we will get to the bottom of all these issues we need to make sure that this doesn’t happen again while we have already taken steps to improve monitoring and ensure that we have the supplies on on hand to fix the system should we experience any problems we need to do more two weeks ago at my 8:30 AM update I promised a wide- ranging examination of the city’s underground infrastructure I committed to working with city council to ensure that there’s enough of a budget to run a thorough inspection of all underground water pipes and address maintenance and upgrading needs going forward I will be asking important questions to find out what we need in the budget so we can ensure we have the technology and inspection methods required to fully understand at all times the state of our water infrastructure I’ve also committed to take our learnings and advocate for all municipalities across Canada we need a national push to ensure that funding is available to fix and replace vital infrastructure before we see more catastrophic failures as I said before if this can happen in Calgary it can happen anywhere I’ll be able to turn my attention to this shortly after we are able to come out of this crisis and lift the state of local emergency later this week we’ll be able to do so if all continues to go well until then please ease yourself into regular water use in your homes and remember that outdoor water restrictions still apply as does the fire ban we will get word to you when those are being lifted thank you all for watching today and thank you to our Media Partners for sharing the details of this important story with everyone in the Calgary region day in and day out for the last 26 days and we’ll take your questions in just one moment to close I’ll ask again that we gently return to regular Indoor Water use a long shower and clean laundry are top of the list for so many of you and I would just say that you ease back into those things and an important reminder the outdoor water restrictions and fire ban are still in effect and you will receive regular updates through the team at the Emergency Management agency about when those restrictions will ease back to regular please be patient so we can get the system working to full capacity without any additional issues finally going forward I’m going to leave future updates in the very capable hands of Chief Sue Henry who will keep you informed through the emergency Operation Center I’ve appreciated being able to provide you with information every morning and this will be my last morning update with you also important today’s afternoon update at the Emergency Operations Center has been moved up it will take place at 12:15 p.m. today instead of the regular timing of 2: p.m. they will provide more details about how the water system is being returned to full capacity I want to thank you all again for being good people for banding together and cutting your water use and for understanding that we are much stronger when we look out for each other and with that I will turn things over to Adam toy to manage questions from the media all right folks uh one question one followup to start uh for any of our speakers here Hanah with the city uh May why is Calgary still in a state of emergency when things are going well and we are removing the Indo water restrictions so the state of local emergency when it was declared was specifically for two reasons firstly we needed to access private property portions of it to be able to do the repair work that was needed on five of those spots and secondly if we needed to procure anything outside of regular uh standards we were able to do so because we’re still in the monitoring stage and we are still making sure that everything is good to go that sto state of local emergency remains in place it will be expiring on Thursday and we will have more information from Chief Sue Henry about whether it needs to be renewed or whether it can be lifted entirely is the Pro giving money to City of calary for the repair work uh I don’t think we have committed to that uh now it’s been 14 years since I’ve been at the city but my recollection is that the city has a very strong rate uh rate base uh for the with utilities including a uh I think is a pretty robust Capital replacement program now this is a this is going to be clearly a big hit on the capital replacement Reserve whatever the reserves are um but but uh there’s no commitment at this point to do that um and yeah that’s where it stands today Michael so mayor you’re asking calgarians to slowly ramp up if calgarians turn on the tasks and overnight we go back up to 100% of our normal water usage how would the system be able to handle that and how confident are you that we wouldn’t see the system fail I have a lot of faith that calgarians have understood over the last 26 days what we needed to do to keep our water system running and getting water to all of our homes and I continue to have that faith that calgarians will understand we need to ease back into regular use so while we probably will see an increase in water usage I’m very hopeful that people understand that staggering their laundry is still something that would be very beneficial and if we need to come back and provide reminders to folks to conserve water I know that Chief Su Henry and her team will be doing that at the regular updates well do you hope that moving forward even after everything’s prepaired that calgarians kind of keep this in mind for months and years to come when it comes to water usage because it really has been something that a lot people have thought to the past to this extent I think the biggest thing is that calgarians and members uh of our region rely heavily on us to be able to provide safe clean drinking water to their homes for all types of uses and I think restoring that service was just such a focus for all of us that we were willing to do our part in reducing water water usage I can tell you in all my conversations with people out in community people have reflected that they never stopped to think how much water was being wasted as they were running the shower to get it to warm up or just leaving the tap running to get it to cool down so I think people have learned a lot about the value and importance of water and I’ll be interested to see what kind of uh practices people carry on with Scott CBC for Minister M uh just to clarify on the the money issue uh was that your sort of The Wider scope of things as opposed to the emergency I know the city has reached out to other orders of government for assistance with the situation can you clarify listen I’ve always said uh I’m never offended when municipalities ask for more money for infrastructure uh we can’t always say yes but it’s an when the mayor or any other Municipal official asks their their Province or their federal government for more money they’re just doing their job right um I remember period of when I was on city council and I was part of a course always asking the province and the federal government for more money and that was doing the job right as I understand it knowing that the answer can always be yes but let me say this uh I I guess I again I haven’t been here for 14 years but my recollection is the city had a pretty pretty robust uh rate structure for utilities like water and wastewater and including a uh I think a a pretty respectable Capital replacement program but uh on the on the wider issue um nobody has enough money including municipalities and and when the when Calgary or any other municipality asks us for more money I know they’re just doing their job right out of concern for their citizens and we will continue to cooperate collaborate on these things as we go forward some days they’ll like their answer and other days they won’t and to follow Min uh the work that’s been going uh through this whole situation between the city and the province I know that there some recent legislative changes on the emergency measures side of things has that been merely consultative or has that been required of the city in terms of the amount of information and any decisions from the pro uh I would say it’s been Cooperative collaborative um the mayor correctly uh characterized we we got each other on speed dial the last uh few weeks you know will and uh just because it’s been important there’s been several Ministries within our government that have stepped up and and uh and made resources is helpful to the city which is part of our job uh the the city part of the city’s job is to let us know uh what they need and to see what we can help with I think that worked I would say fairly smoothly and as seamlessly as we could I mean when you this this is a surprise to everybody when this happened um pipe that was supposed to last 100 years lasted 50 that’s what I would characterizes as a surprise um but we I think everybody jumped in as best we could as fast as we could to be cooperative and helpful and and consequently we’ve gotten to this day question mayor um mayor who who does we Haven had update on cians expect their water bills to look differently following um following this this situation so the number one thing will be to collect all of the uh information we need about how much expend took place on addressing this crisis I know that uh Chief Sue Henry and her team are tracking all of those expenses once we have that number we will be looking at what resources we have available right now whether there are contingencies in place or reserves that we can access to help pay for that but again this is something that we will have more information on in the coming days um mayor uh the minister had mentioned that he believes Calgary has robust cap placement plan and rate structure to be able to cover this do you agree that Calgary can cover this or do you AG so we do set our rates in a way that addresses the idea of Maintenance and upgrades and regular service so I know the water teams uh work very diligently to make sure appropriate rates are set again without knowing what the total tally is of expenditures on this uh issue I can’t speculate on whether we have enough to cover it through contingencies or existing budget once again again the teams at Water Services uh Emergency Operations Center and general manager Thompson will have more information on on what we have and where we may need some assistance and for the minister um you had mentioned that uh this was a surprise it was a 100-year pipe that lasted 50 years there are tons of this pipe across the province across North America how will you as the minister of Municipal Affairs address potential for similar problems in most likely smaller and less well off municipalities well uh it will be a probably an issue I I because of the size of Calgary particularly the largest city in Alberta um I don’t I would suggest that there’s probably not a lot of municipalities with the same size of pipe as the one that failed here but all pipes will fail um that’s that’s the fact when you put a piece of pipe in the ground the only thing you for sure is that someday it will fail that’s that’s fact of life so uh yeah no I think it’s a it’s a it’s a wakeup call for us to or a reminder if you will to uh encourage municipalities to the ones that can to uh have Capital replacement um reserves in place recognizing that smaller municipalities in many cases don’t have the capacity to do that uh in fact we have Water and Wastewater program programs through our transportation Ministry um to assist the smaller municipalities with that knowing that by sheer number of people versus the cost of the infrastructure that they may never be able to fully um pay for that forever we we uh have programs to help the smaller smaller municipalities to do that Jordan CTV yeah I for the mayor J just thinking for Clarity on the restrictions obviously indoor lot of restrictions are being eased outdoor place for now what does this mean for businesses that were asked to dial back the city asked to dial back when it comes to um maybe a car wash or those type of businesses what are they supposed to do at this in between so let me start with the overview and then I’ll ask general manager Thompson to weigh in uh what we can tell you right now is that the reductions that you have been doing at home are not needed anymore so you can return to using water inside your home the way that you were used to we are asking that people ease into this though so we can continue to make sure that we’ve got enough water supply for everyone when it comes to businesses I’ll turn it over to General Manager Thompson thank you our team at the uh Calgary Emergency Management agency is reaching out right now to all of those business partners that we had connected with to ask them to ease some of their Indoor Water use and so things like car washes will be reopening today indoor pools will be reopening today and so we’re actively reaching out to all of those Partners right now now and we’ll have more details at uh today’s media availability at the emergency Operation Center I do actually this is for the minister and it’s mostly unrelated if I may ask a question for my colleague ad mayor says the province and 2023 with a.3 billion Surplus to in part to underfunding to municipalities in Mari uh says Edmonton is seeing significant decline in infrastructure funding and reduction advance from The Province it says the provin is refusing to pay their pair share of property taxes what do you say to these allegations and have you or the premier sat down with the mayor to discuss the funding model and any possible changes yeah we have talked to Edmonton about uh their funding requests and to be perfectly clear we don’t pay property tax no government pays tax to another government we do have a program called grants in place of taxes which uh currently we pay at 50% of what property tax would be um but to be perfectly clear we don’t pay property tax never have and never will I don’t believe anybody else questions yeah I have a question on the rules right now you said the indoor restrictions are lifted but also please don’t do all your laundry at once please ease back into this which is it so you can use your water regularly indoors but I am asking calgarians to consider using it a little bit in an eased manner so if you have four loads of laundry you need to get done I would say rather than doing it all today if you could space it out over the week so we have uh lifted any reductions that we have asked for indoors but I’m appealing to people’s good sense to ease into what they normally would be doing Darren I have a question for Jim Thompson uh we’re at 50% capacity in the Bears PA line can you kind of walk through what it looks like to bring the rest of the 50 up and sort of is it just more of the same or is there anything different that you’re doing with this back half yeah right now we’re just listening to the pipe so we have monitors in place and we’re listening to see if we hear any indications of anomalies within the pipe we’re measuring pressures to see how the pipes reacting as we put more water through this is very similar uh as we met with some of our Round Table colleagues in the oil and gas industry when they have a pipe uh that has a brake and they bring it back into service they slowly ease it back in and they don’t run it at the maximum capacity right away and so that’s the similar uh methodology we had we are happy to know that that aligned uh with what private sector Partners would be doing and so we’re just slowly easing it back in and that’s a a measure of turning on different pumps at the bearspaw water treatment plant as we turn on different pumps we move more water through that pipe and we’re just measuring how it’s reacting and we’ll continue to do that in the coming weeks very I have a question for the minister uh I’m not sure if you can answer it it’s probably environment protected areas but with regard to the water licenses with the temporary restrictions or the indoor water saving measures being eased do you know if there’s going to be any change to the temporary water licenses or did they have an end date that was prescribed do you know how that’s going to work no no you know what that’s uh that’s U Minister Schultz U uh deals with with that stuff and and and uh well I know that she’s been very helpful or as helpful as they could be and as quickly as they could be throughout this thing uh I’ve been kind of busy enough with my own details to not knowing that her mind and her Ministries mind was in the game and and working with the city and our our other uh municipalities across the province was enough for me but the finder details with all I don’t mean to disappoint you but probably you would want to go to the uh Minister Schultz and her Ministry to get those answers two more Scott JM Thompson uh just with regards to the the work that will be happening Glend more water treatment plant um can you just talk a bit about that is that you know shut down or has it reduced vacity for a period of time just tell us more about the parameters of that yeah so the glamore water treatment plant has been operating at a very high load for the last month and so we need to start to slow that down and so we’re going to reduce the the production coming out of the glamore water treatment plant those pumps have all been going uh Non-Stop and we haven’t had the ability to go and do some of the regular maintenance that we’ve needed to do at that plant so we reduce the production coming out of that plant so we can go in and do that maintenance this week um and it’s just part of bringing uh the bearspaw water feeder back in the service and reducing the the production at Glenmore to a more regular rate okay but it remains in operation to that a reduce rates not being shut down for a week or something it remains in operation and I’m extremely grateful to the crews that have kept that plant running the way it is uh I was talking to someone who went by there the other day and they said that the parking lot was full there was a ton of activity and they’ve never seen so many people at the bearspaw or sorry at the glenw water treatment plant that’s cu the crews have been working 24/7 to keep Calgary having safe clean drinking water we need to slow that plant down and do that regular maintenance now just to follow up you’d mentioned uh indoor pools are reopening today does that you got to fill them what does this mean for classes because that’s one of the biggest concerns parents have had classes for the kids we’ll have more information at the media availability at the Emergency Operations Center um today but we are reaching out to all of the indoor pool um facilitators to let them know about this change and that they can start to use their facilities going forward we understand different uh facilities have different ramp up times and so the teams have been talking to them throughout Minister the way that you phased your answer on funding does the province believe is the province likely to help um Calgary this B I am sure that the Prov will hear from the city at some point in the future and when we do we will carefully consider their request but I’m not going to make a promise today that I’m not uh sure that we’ll that that we can say yes to but uh we’re certainly aware uh this is U an unexpected expense I well I don’t know I think it’s fairly easy guess that it’ll be a large one and uh yeah we always listen to their request carefully and when we get a request based on whatever is happening now we’ll listen to that carefully also do you expect to be able to help like it seems like you’re this is I know I I I know your job is to is to uh get me to to commit to something that I can’t commit to but I’m not going to do that um again it’s uh We’ve uh worked in collaboration and partnership with the city throughout this thing they’ve been wonderful to work with we’ve tried to be helpful to them and uh one thing about it the city’s going to ask us for more money if not for this for something else probably both like the city you’re gonna have to wait for that all right uh if that’s everything thank you so much folks I just reminder uh 12:15 at the EOC for more but technical press briefing thank you so much you thank you e

City of Calgary officials are expected to provide a timeline on Tuesday for when restrictions on outdoor water use could be lifted. They are also expected to discuss when Calgarians might be able to stop restricting their use of water indoors.

At her daily update on Monday, Mayor Jyoti Gondek spoke about the ongoing work to restore normal water service after a catastrophic water main break last month.

She said the monitoring of the stabilization phase, the final step of the water restoration process, will continue overnight.

“We’re not at a place yet to lift outdoor water restrictions or the fire ban, but we should know more tomorrow morning about how much longer we will need to continue saving water indoors,” Gondek added.

The mayor’s daily morning update was pushed from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (MT) on Tuesday in order to give officials more time to analyze information about how the system is performing. Gondek will be joined by Ric McIver, the province’s municipal affairs minister.

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