70 per cent of Canadians say the country is ‘broken’: Poll


this year’s celebrations come as a new survey has found a decline in Canadian Pride more than a third of Canadians say they feel less proud to be Canadian than they did five years ago Canadians were also asked if they agree with conservative leader Pier pev that quote Canada is broken 70% of them say they strongly or somewhat agree agreement is higher among younger Canadians and joining us to discuss this further is darl Brick Global CEO of ipsis public affairs darl thank you for being here this survey is showing 70% of Canadians think Canada is broken what is your reaction to this number sad my basic reaction is is sadness when I went through the numbers that we got on this survey I was I was uh really concerned about our future and how Canadians are feeling about our country especially younger Canadians where 78% just Des cribe Canada as broken now discontent seems to be a growing National sentiment any indication on where this is stemming from well I think there’s two things one people are really feeling it difficult to to get by these days they’re having a very hard time getting by and the promise of Canada in terms of our prosperity and security at least what we thought we were told about the country we’re living in is feeling further and further away for Canadians and then I think the second thing is really a whole bunch of things that have happened over the space of the last several years in which our political leaders have not really celebrated Canada and not really told us why we should be uh uh proud of our Canadian Heritage we get a lot of apologies we get a lot of uh other things coming out of our political leaders but not a lot of Pride and I think both both things are coming together to cause a problem now are these numbers directly or indirectly linked to uh Justin Trudeau’s leadership capabilities well I think that the the Trudeau government is in a uniquely difficult position but it would be uh going too far to blame them for all of this our political leaders at all levels in this our cities our municipalities and our regions and our provinces and our country need to take the the issue of Canadian pride and I don’t mean jingoistic Pride but just a sense of belonging together and a real sense that we’re doing things well in this country they need to take nurturing that more seriously and I think we’ve been kind of cavalier and capricious about it over this space particularly the last decade uh is there any indication with this on what kind of changes Canadians want to see well no that we didn’t really get into that but I think that you know we’ve seen things that work in the past when when can Canadians get together and celebrate what it is to be a Canadian and I know your broadcast today is a great example of this coming from Parliament Hill and looking at uh the the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force this is something to celebrate not something to look back back and say oh you know the Canadian Air Force was involved in wars and you know there’s some difficult things that happen some reckonings that we we have to go through with the past yes there’s that but there’s also the other part which is the pride of Canada coming together to create that Air Force that’s the part that seems to be missing in a lot of our conversations today all right thank you for your time darl darl bicker Global CEO with ipsis public affairs thank you

Global CEO of IPSOS Public Affairs, Darrell Bricker discusses how new data shows many Canadians lack a sense of pride for their country.

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