Global National: July 1, 2024 | Deal reached in WestJet mechanics strike, passengers still stranded


[Music] a lot of WestJet customers plans are up in the air this Monday night hope we don’t have to walk to walk to Toronto the frustration after flights were cancelled lumo was on hold for 2 hours and then the call dropped before the airline struck a deal to stop the mechanic strike Prosecuting US presidents why critics mourn a new Supreme Court ruling sets a dangerous precedent from France to his final resting place we brought him home Newland and Labrador honors the Unknown Soldier and the Royal Canadian Air Force flypass it’s a dream our bird’s eye view of the complex corag graphy to pull it off global national with Donna Fen reporting tonight Mercedes Stevenson good evening and thanks for joining us there are major travel disrupt options this holiday Monday despite a tentative deal reached between WestJet and its mechanics the agreement includes a 15.5% pay hike but the travel damage is done 800 flights were cancelled leaving tens of thousands of passengers stranded and frustrated nethu Gara has our top story tonight the strike is over but the travel frustrations are not we don’t have clean clothes we came just here provocation for this long weekend Sergio Jimenez is among those stranded at Vancouver International Airport after his WestJet flight was cancelled we both need to fly today to Toronto because we we have to work tomorrow right the airline rebooked them on another flight on Wednesday but with no compensation for hotel and food costs similar situations are playing out at Toronto Pearson Airport worst case scenario I guess we’re going to sleep in the airport for two days WestJet did not respond to Global News requests for comment but in state ments on Sunday both the airline and the aircraft mechanics fraternal Association confirmed the strike was over members immediately resumed work the airline said the strike forced it to ground 130 aircraft across 13 Canadian airports and it’s advising passengers to check their flight status and make contingency plans as disruptions are expected to continue this week will now probably require upwards of a week to 10 days for WestJet to return to some semblance of normaly unlike in the European Union where the effects of a labor strike are the company’s responsibility in Canada by law labor disruptions are deemed outside the company’s control according to this Canadian air passenger rights Advocate who says recovery should be swift if you can recover from a major snowstorm in a day or two is really can recover from a strike both sides have agreed to binding arbitration if the new agreement fails to be ratified the union says it was forced to issue 72-hour strike notice after getting a lockout notice with an agreement its membership ship rejected for the passengers the traveling public we didn’t intend for this to happen and we are truly sorry this isn’t just about WestJet aircraft maintenance Engineers this is about all aircraft maintenance Engineers across Canada as the union defends its right to strike a spokesperson for the federal labor Minister says he is scrutinizing the handling of this situation after his call for binding arbitration and says he plans to take action his office says he’ll have more on that in the coming days Mercedes nethu Gara at Vancouver International Airport thanks nethu dozens of passengers were injured on an Air Europa flight when the plane hit severe turbulence passenger video shows blood stains on seats and damage to the interior of the aircraft the Boeing Dreamliner made an emergency landing in Brazil after it hit severe turbulence over the Atlantic Ocean it was flying from Spain to Uruguay about 30 passengers were injured 10 were taken to hospital Boeing has announced it will buy major supplier Spirit Aros systems as it works to improve quality and safety the company will pay $4.7 billion for the parts company it sold nearly 20 years ago Spirit produces fuselage and Wing parts and was partly responsible for the manufacturing of the max 9 that lost a door plug on an Alaska Airlines flight in January Boeing has been under pressure in the US to plead guilty to criminal fraud in connection with two deadly plane crashes more than 5 years ago it has until the end of the week to respond there’s a striking new indication tonight of just How Deep The divisions are in the US the country’s top Court ruled former presidents are immune from Criminal prosecution when carrying out official duties it’s a major victory for former president Donald Trump who is facing trial over his attempt to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election but as Jackson prco reports the court stopped short of giving the US president complete immunity from the highest court in the US comes a dramatic interpretation of Presidential Power stemming from a former president’s unprecedented attempt to remain in office this not only reshapes the presidency it can reshape the entire functioning of American democracy in a 6 to3 decision the justices ruled former president Donald Trump and all future presidents cannot be prosecuted for carrying out official acts however a president can be prosecuted for conduct outside the scope of their job we’re going to walk down to the capital the immunity issue is Central to the criminal case against Trump for his attempt to stop the transfer of power to Joe Biden after losing the 2020 election in their ruling the justices left it up to a lower court to decide which parts of Trump’s alleged conduct were outside the scope of the presidency and open to prosecution challenging the election results and generating the submission of fake elector certificates encouraging uh Your Own federal agencies or state legislators to take action without basis in fact or law that that is not official action on social media Trump wrote big win for our Constitution and democracy the ruling all but ends chances of the election interference case going to trial before November’s election and likely invalidates key evidence in the case it is going to knock out some of the allegations no question about it the Supreme Court said as much all three liberal justices dissented warning the ruling would allow a president to order the assassination of his rivals or organize a military coup to stay in power in every use of official power the president is now a king Above the Law wrote Justice Sonia Sodor with fear for our democracy I dissent this seeming expansion of Presidential Power only heightens the stakes for November’s election and if Trump ultimately wins he can simply order the justice department to drop the now delayed case against him ending the prosecution once and for all Mercedes Jackson prco in Washington thanks Jackson one of Trump’s longtime advisers has begun a four-month prison sentence on contempt charges Steve Bannon surrendered at a low Security Federal pen penitentiary in Connecticut he was found guilty of ignoring a subpoena in the investigation into the January 6th 2021 US capital attack Bannon saying he has zero regrets I’m proud of going to prison I am proud of going to prison today if this is what it takes to stand up to Joe Biden to Joe Biden I’m proud to do it Bannon accuses the US justice system of being corrupt and biased towards the Democrats today is a big day for Canada and the millions of people who live here it’s our country’s 157th [Music] birthday Canadians took part in many celebrations across the country they include major festivities in the nation’s capital where thousands gathered to celebrate their national pride everyone’s together celebrating together and to me that’s what Canada is very much you know what I just love this country we’re free and uh it’s awesome everyone’s welcome here all Races and stuff it’s all we’re all here we all enjoy candidate together as one big family the Royal Canadian Air Force also took to the skies today later in the newscast we’ll have an up close look at the history of the Air Force and how it is celebrating its one 100th anniversary while much of the country celebrated Canada day it was a solemn and historic one for New Finland and Labrador The Province marks Memorial Day on July 1st to honor members of the royal Newland regiment most of whom fell during a fierce battle in the first world war but as Zack power reports today the province finally laid to rest one of those Fallen members who has been returned home after more than a century rainport on St John’s Monday where thousands gathered to honor the return of the province’s Unknown Soldier the caset carrying a soldier who died in France in the first world war a member of the Royal New Finland regimen paying the ultimate sacrifice more than a 100 years ago we remember those who bought that freedom for us some at the cost of their lives some at the cost of great suffering some we remember all who followed the colors in War and Peace paraded through the streets of St John’s the soldier lifted to his final resting place 108 years to the day after 81 newlanders went over the hill at bont Hamill to fight under what was then the British Dominion just 68 answered roll call the next morning you know every new fander wants to return home I think about in way as kind of coming full circle at the 100y year anniversary of the opening of the war memorial that now we had this person returning back to our [Music] soil as the o to Newland echoed around the 100-year-old Memorial and the streets of downtown St John’s he was lowered one final time so to 820 Forget Me Not flowers on the casket one for each newlander without a known grave and it’s stuck in Newland Minds because we had such a outpouring of uh support for the first world war we raised our own regimen the women of newf lavador saved enough money or earned enough money to buy a plane for the Royal Air Force for a man who gave so much but known by so little his tomb will be sealed and remembered forever Zack power Global News Halifax the first major hurricane of the Atlantic storm season has made landfall in the Caribbean with winds up to 240 km per hour hurricane Barrel hit with category 4 strength roofs have been blown off and trees have been uprooted but there are no reports of casualties experts say the storm is unusually strong for this early in the season Barrel is expected to brush by Jamaica Wednesday before hitting Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula it’s a mission to unite to keep out the far our right coming up the desperation among left-wing and cist parties in France the fate of France’s political leadership is in limbo tonight just days before the world converges on Paris for the Summer Olympics French president Emanuel macron’s contentious gamble to call Snap parliamentary elections backfired badly after the leader of a far-right anti-immigrant party made significant gains in round one of the vote on Sunday as Redmond Shannon reports Centrist and left-wing parties have just a week until round two to do their back room horse trading to try to prevent him from stepping into the prime minister’s office the 28-year-old at the gates of power Jordan bardel could soon be France’s youngest prime minister and it’s first from the far right the national rally party leader says he needs to win an absolute majority of seats in next Sunday’s second round National Assembly vote a to prevent what he calls the existential danger of the alternative a potential government led by an alliance spanning from the center left to socialists and Communists it finished second to the National rally in Sunday’s first round the leftist grouping beat Emanuel macron’s centrists into to third hundreds of writings are set for three-way runoff votes next Sunday but typically at this point moderate and left-wing parties tactically withdraw candidates to prevent a farri victory at the moment the leftist Coalition has called for uh all the anti-national rally forces to Rally together uh but it’s not the same on macron Camp there has been many ambiguities and macron has denounced extremes on both sides the king makers could be the diminished center-right Republicans already divided on what to do the party’s leader was kicked out last month for trying to make a deal with the far right I would imagine that some of them be tempted to enter in a coalition with the national rally possibly under the pretext that they might be able to moderate them from the inside from Paris to Rome and Berlin the rise of the far right is a European Trend that is not going away Within increasing discontent about immigration across the continent it’s already clear macron’s snap election bet against the national rally has failed whatever happens Sunday the Centrist president will now likely face three years of working with a prime minister with whom he has little in common Redmond Channon Global News London in the UK military horses cost chaos in central London for the second time in 3 months three of the animals broke loose during during a routine training exercise apparently spooked by a bus this dash cam footage shows one of them running into a car on a narrow road officials say all of the horses have been returned to their Stables none of the horses were involved in a similar incident that happened in April still ahead how the director of Al shifa’s hospital is accusing Israel of abusing Palestinian prisoners [Music] a Chinese Aerospace company accidentally launched this space rocket and it ended up exploding the rocket was supposed to stay put on its Launchpad during a test but a structural failure with its connections sent it soaring it exploded into a huge Fireball and eventually fell back to the Earth there are no reports of injuries for months Israel’s government has alleged that Hamas militants are operating from gaza’s main hospital but tonight the director of Al shifa Hospital imprisoned by Israel for 7even months is a free man as Crystal guman Singh reports the doctor’s sudden release from jail is causing an uproar within Israeli political circles smiling and sitting with his family is something Dr Muhammad Abdu Samia hasn’t been able to do in more than 7 months we were subjected to severe torture and my little finger was broken I was repeatedly subjected to hitting on the head causing bleeding multiple times the director of el shifa hospital was taken into Israeli custody November 23rd while traveling with medical staff and patients evacuated from gaza’s Main Hospital Israel alleged the medical facility was being used by Hamas and released video of tunnels apparently running under the facility it was later destroyed in Israeli military operations the doctor says he fears the treatment of those still being held it has crossed all human values it tortures detainees day and night they deprive them of food day and night the allegations are in line with claims made by others in May Alice Jill Edwards the UN special rler Tour on torture called on Israel to investigate reports of torture and ill treatment Israel routinely says it upholds International rules of law Dr ALU Samia may not have been charged with a crime but he’s also not seen as innocent rather his arrest cancelled for now along with roughly 50 others Israel’s internal security service known as Shin Bet said it is opposed to the release of high-risk prisoners but it feared overcrowding in its facilities for that reason it freed prisoners who pose a lesser severe danger in order to address the shortage in detention spaces Israel’s minister of National Security took to social media calling the move security negligence there is also still intense outrage over loved ones still being held captive in Gaza weekly demonstrations calling on Israeli government to secure their release are growing in size and Desperation Crystal ganing Global News London parade in the sky how the Air Force prepared for its biggest fly past in 20 [Music] years to celebrate Canada Day the Royal Canadian Air Force planned several fly pasts across the country but its most impressive aerial display was in our nation’s capital to today an ambitious parade in the sky to Mark the Air Force’s Centennial there were 46 aircraft involved and I got a behind the scenes look as the pilots trained for the big event way up in the Skies over Ottawa on Canada Day a spectacular and historic site the past present and future of the Royal Canadian Air Force guardians of our skies an incredible sight for those on the ground and those in the cockpit it’s a dream here they come they are huge and enjoy the Hercules swooping past are one of each kind of aircraft the Air Force has ever flown or will fly in the near future one of the first the iconic Spitfire one of the most famous fighters of all time flown by the rcaf during the Battle of Britain helping fend off Nazi attacks there’s modern aircraft too from the massive c17s that can lift a tank to cf18 Fighters ready for a dog fight we have two of those Hornets approaching now and schnook and Cyclone helicopters plus a glimpse of the future the f-35s that Canada will see in a couple of years the powerful machines that defend our borders track our adversaries fly far from home and rescue Canadians who are in trouble at Sea in the far north and on Mountain sides it’s a flash of Canadian history from the Second World War to Nato missions in the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan and modern missions too from patrolling the skies where they’ve kept the piece despite being confronted sometimes by Chinese fighter jets to monitoring for submarines under the water Captain Alex Adcock is a familiar face here he is landing just a few feet away from me and Molly in 2018 he was familiarizing prime minister Justin Trudeau with our medical evacuation peacekeeping Mission there we got to ride with him in a shinook helicopter a preview of the route to be flown the shinook is a Ferrari despite its size uh it’s one of the fastest helicopters out of the ones that we have uh and it can also lift the most weight this was not an easy operation to plan this one is a jigsaw puzzle that you need to put together to make sure everybody arrives in the right order at the right time uh with the right amount of spacing it’s a moment to reflect on history for all of those involved and even with their normally Cool Jobs this feels pretty exciting it was a once in a lifetime experience and that’s global national for this Monday I’m Mercedes Stevenson in honor of our country’s birthday tonight your Canada is these divers near Squamish British Columbia with a unique take on national pride we love seeing your Canada please email it to us at viewers Global thanks for watching Donna FZ will be back with you tomorrow have a great night [Music]

WestJet and its striking mechanics have reached a tentative deal, but not before tens of thousands of passengers were left stranded over the Canada Day long weekend due to flight cancellations. Neetu Garcha reports on what some travellers have been forced to endure and what both sides are agreeing to if the new deal doesn’t get ratified.

Former U.S. president Donald Trump is celebrating a major legal victory, because the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has ruled former presidents are immune from criminal prosecution when carrying out “official acts.” Jackson Proskow looks at when a president can be prosecuted, what the ruling means for Trump’s election obstruction case and why Democrats concerned the SCOTUS decision sets a dangerous precedent.

While Canada celebrates its 157th birthday, July 1 is also Memorial Day in Newfoundland and Labrador, marking an opportunity to honour fallen members of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment during the First World War. As Zack Power reports, a ceremony was held for the province’s Unknown Soldier, whose remains have been finally returned home after more than a century in France.

French President Emmanuel Macron’s gamble to call snap parliamentary elections is backfiring as a rival party, the far-right National Rally (RN), made significant gains in the first round of voting. Redmond Shannon explains how France’s centrist and left-wing parties are scrambling to prevent the RN from forming a government.

Israel has released dozens of Palestinian prisoners, including Al-Shifa hospital director Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya, who was detained for seven months amid allegations that Hamas militants are operating from Gaza’s main hospital. Crystal Goomansingh explains why Dr. Abu Salmiya was freed, how his release is causing an uproar and what he is accusing Israel of.

Plus, to mark both Canada Day and its centennial, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) held an ambitious “parade in the sky” flypast in Ottawa. Mercedes Stephenson went behind the scenes with the RCAF’s pilots as they trained for the big event.

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  1. Why is the Canadian news not covering the story of the two women beaten in Halifax by 10 Middle eastern men? It is all over the British News. Trudeau trying to cover up more of his failures to Canadians.

  2. Can't take care of the living worth a damn, but they can spend millions on a feel-good spectacle using some guy who died decades ago? Talk about effed up priorities.

    Don't kid yourself. He's long past caring. He's just being used for political gain at this point. Assuming there even is a body. Effin politicians.

  3. With all those Aircraft that our Canadian Airforce has flown, their is one that is more iconic, the Avro Arrow, that had a short life, Canadian made, was more advanced in its time and Canada has forgotten altogether.


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