CTV National News for July 1: Backlog of WestJet flights


tonight the continued uncertainty for passengers even after a tenative deal between WestJet and its mechanics what it means for Flyers out thousands of dollars we even got a Bing p this a strike the route to refunds up in the air we don’t know yet what kind of compensation people are going to be getting Millions celebrate Canada’s 157th birthday as a New Finland Soldier killed on a French Battlefield more than a century ago is finally late to rest here our son is now home and the frightening crash on Parliament Hill a skydiver injured plus a Supreme Court ruling grants the former US president partial immunity from Criminal prosecution and hurricane barrels turns through the Caribbean the are coming in the powerful category 4 storm gaining Steam and smashing records CTV national news with Omar saaden reporting tonight from St John’s good evening everyone we are just a few kilometers from Cape Spear North America’s East easternmost Point and home to the first sunrise on the continent but even as newlanders again celebrated the dawn of a new day and the future on Canada’s birthday they also reflected on a tragic past we will have more on that story in just a moment but we begin tonight with the tentative deal in a strike that has snarled travel plans for tens of thousands of Travelers on this holiday weekend despite the agreement between West Jet Canada’s second largest airline and its mechanics the company says returning to business as usual flying will take time and further disruptions over the coming week ctv’s KL carali starts us off with what that means for passengers on the move during one of the busiest times of the year and the fight to get reimbursed things are rolling along faster than they have all long weekend for WestJet passengers but problems are still mounting as a traveler it’s a bit disconcerting a backlog of WestJet customers frantically trying to hop onto a flight so we totally abandoned so we book American Airline to go home have no choice the strike by the aircraft’s mechanic Union began Friday 2 days after they walked off the job a tentative deal was struck Sunday night that will see mechanics get a more than 15% wage bump right away with incremental increases for the next 5 years we’re trying to improve uh the lives of the men and women that keep your airplane safe it was never our intent to disrupt anyone’s travel plans WestJet says it was forced to park over a 100 planes and canel more than 800 flights over the weekend while its mechanics walked out the company says an estimated 100,000 passengers were affected there are Protections in the passenger Bill of Rights um and I know that you know the airline will do its do its best to make sure that people get to where they need to go and that they will be compensated but Travelers say it’s been a struggle so I feel like we’ve been completely stranded Steve edley and his family stuck in P of varda after their flights were cancelled they had to buy tickets with another airline not knowing if WestJet will reimburse them and it was about $1,800 Canadian for each passenger and there’s five of us so that’s quite a bit of money and for those trying to reach West Jet’s customer service line due to high call volumes we are unable to take your call at this time no one was responding the reason that wet feels that they can get away with this is because the federal government the Canadian trans Transportation agencies is turning a blind eye to this type of behavior passenger rights Advocates say the chaos from the strike action highlights the many holes in Canada’s passenger Bill of Rights wedget could be fined for this type of behavior at a current rate $25,000 per incident per violation per passenger but the government is not issuing those fines passenger rights Advocates say Travelers need to email WestJet with receipts to give the company 30 days for reimbursements if not they can take them to small claims court Omar all right KL carali at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport tonight KL thank you here in Newland in Labrador July 1st is a day when sorrow and joy have long coexisted Canada Day Celebrations take place after morning ceremonies to Mark Memorial Day in the province to honor the service and the sacrifice of the Royal New Finland regiment in the first world war but this year was different as a son who made the ultimate sacrifice in France was finally reinterred on home soil here’s ctv’s Garrett [Music] Barry this final journey home more than a century in the making new land’s Unknown Soldier is home tonight taken from an unmarked grave near a French Battlefield and buried again at the national War Memorial in downtown St John’s this time for good for the families of Robert Mercer Aiden Deo Aubrey Parsons Frederick white your son has come home a century ago he might have stood here this war memorial close to the very same spot First World War soldiers boarded ships Bound for Europe thousands of newlanders and labradorians volunteered to fight overseas and more than 1,700 of them died in the first World War this Unknown Soldier represents the more than 800 that were buried in unmarked Graves their identities lost in the war’s chaos what makes Canada the best country in the world is its people but this country didn’t happen by accident and it won’t continue without effort today they came from far and wide with flags and poppies and blue forget me knots to remember War may we live together peacefully one with another war with all but not just a man who lived and fought and died also New Finland itself once one of the world’s smallest countries which gave so much and lost so many and for everyone across New Finland and Labrador who carries this in their hearts our son is now home a soldier home now and forever G Perry CTV News St John’s well as we mentioned after this morning’s ceremony the focus shifted to celebrations marking Canada’s 157th birthday the largest was in the capital the Royal Canadian Air Force marked its 100th anniversary with its largest fly past in two decades featuring more than 40 past and present aircraft in what the rcaf called a parade in the sky even some US military aircraft took part as examples planes the rcaf says will be part of future Canadian fleets but this year’s party also comes with some pessimism particularly from younger Canadians about their Futures ctv’s Colton prale with the new snapshot a sea of red and white but across Canada celebratory [Music] [Applause] song and dance reverberating from coast to coast to coast as Canadians old and new mark the occasion but national pride looks very different this year while Canada is broken the people did not break it the powerful did new polling shows 70% % of Canadians agree the country is broken and fewer are attending Canada Day Celebrations it’s not just that people feeling that the country is broken but the general decline in everything that relates to uh elements of Canadian Pride for younger Generations the rising cost of living means Faith they can have the same opportunities as their parents while staying in Canada is faltering that’s a real concern and problem for us to see can we do it or we have to come back but the problem isn’t unique youth around the world are questioning whether governments are providing a future for them you know it’s scary cuz like I want to you know move out and like stop my my own stuff or like travel but even that’s just expensive as well those fears driving calls for political change Justin Trudeau spending the day in New Finland with a small group of supporters away from Ottawa in what could be his final Canada day as prime minister Brave kind resilient people that is a story of Canada that’s what makes our country the very best place on Earth so let’s keep making it even better and for some that message resonating according to allee’s survey three4 of people say they feel proud to be Canadian we are lucky to to live where we are and I’m proud to be here in spite of financial concerns the those we spoke to say this day is a reminder of why they’re not giving up on their country Colton pril CTV News Ottawa a frightening crash on Parliament Hill during a Canada Day performance injured a member of Canada’s military parachuting [Applause] team the sky diver was seen approaching the crowded Landing Zone Ottawa paramedics say the sky diver hit a cement pillar and suffered serious but non-life-threatening injuries and is in hospital in stable condition a pivotal decision from the top Court in the US today the Supreme Court ruling in a 6-3 decision that Donald Trump has some immunity from Criminal prosecution to break down the ruling for us let’s bring in CTV News political analyst Eric ham Eric the matter came before the nine justices as a result of the indictment that charges Trump with plotting to overturn the results of the 2020 election so what impact does today’s decision have on that case what it does is it will now send the case back to the lower court where the judge in that case will then have to decide on which issues will be brought before the court and which issues will be thrown out now the ruling states that a president has immunity for official acts but is not immune from unofficial acts and referred the matter back to a trial judge who makes that determination between what’s official and what’s unofficial it will be the trial judge who will have to decide official acts versus unofficial acts but again Donald Trump can appeal her decision which means this process could play out all over again all right Eric ham appreciate your analysis tonight thank you both Donald Trump and Joe Biden reacted swiftly to the Supreme Court ruling Trump taking to truth social calling the decision a big win for our Constitution and democracy President Joe Biden though had a very different take here here’s what he had to say no one is above the law not even the president of the United States but today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity that fundamentally changed for all for all practical purposes today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits what a president can do Israel is ordering Palestinians to flee part of gaza’s second largest city an indication that true are likely to launch another ground assault in the region civilians living in eastern conun fled with their belongings today many had only recently returned to the city to escape intense fighting in Rafa it comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that his country’s forces are close to eliminating the military capabilities of Hamas Pro Palestinian protesters who cut short Toronto’s Pride Parade reiterated demands to organizers about why they block the route and prematurely stop the celebrations here’s ctv’s Beth mcdanel this is pro Palestinian protesters shutting down Canada’s largest pride parade in Toronto the disruption causing organizers to cancel the March through the streets about an hour early and forcing 67 groups in the parade to stop without finishing the route there is no pride in genocide Gary Kinsman is a founding member of Toronto’s gay and lesbian committee in 1981 and recently resigned from Pride Toronto he says the decision to protest was after a meeting was requested With Pride Toronto to discuss demands from queers for Palestine which included the organization divesting from corporations it says have ties with Israel we had 19 members of Pride Toronto 10 ex-members hundreds of people from the community asked Pride Toronto to have this special general meeting they refused the protest was organized by a newly formed group called The Coalition against pinkwashing they say they’re disappointed the parade was cut short but they were forced to interfere to highlight and educate people about the number of Palestinians dying in the nearly 9mon long running conflict it is utterly shameful that Pride Toronto has turned into a spectacle that glamorizes the very corporations and governments that are oppressing and discriminating against us Estella Nash is a lesbian who took part in the parade it was really horrifying it was it was sad it was really sad for all of us there’s other times and places you can protest I mean we get one little tiny weekend a year to to show everybody While others have been laugh feeling torn it is disappointing on another hand there’s like a a crisis going on in the world and there should be more of a push to increase awareness of it pride Toronto’s executive director says that decision made for the safety of everyone he says a written response was was given to groups who wanted information and the meeting in the spring over the demands you know when I speak to my colleagues across the world that are leading Prides they have had several meetings and the disruptions still happen protesters say they would rather see a smaller Grassroots Pride Parade rather than a larger one with corporate sponsors they say they can’t support Beth Mell CTV News Toronto coming up Hurricane Barrel Bears down on the Caribbean plus mid-flight chaos as severe turbulence leaves dozens [Music] injured a dangerous and Powerful hurricane is lashing the Caribbean tonight after making landfall on the island of kako winds up to 240 km per hour and heavy rain pummeled the island floodwaters swallowing streets and High Tides inundating Coastal properties across the region hurricane Barrel a category 4 is the most powerful storm to ever form in the Atlantic this early in the season warmer than usual water temperatures are being blamed at least 30 people have been injured some suffering ing cranial fractures during severe turbulence on an Air Europa flight from Spain to Uruguay passengers were thrown around the cabin one man remarkably ending up in an overhead Locker another was carried off the plane in a Stretcher after the flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Brazil at least 325 passengers were on board at the time it comes after severe turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight in May left one person dead and many others injured still ahead a conversation with the governor general about the enduring lessons of a war fought more than a century [Music] ago welcome back to St John’s where past and present collided today in a touching tribute to new finland’s Unknown Soldier the Princess Royal Princess Anne was supposed to attend the ceremony but could not because of an injury this afternoon I spoke to the governor general about that and asked Her Excellency about her Reflections on the lessons of a war fought more than a century ago well you know I think it’s about Freedom the freedom that we have in Canada are those soldiers that fought for that freedom in in in those in that era are still relevant you know we we we have to have hope empathy and and the freedom that we have in our country is priceless and we should safegard that and I think that’s you know the the when you think about the war or the Unknown Soldier that that today we um buried is this is is a symbol of how selfless those soldiers were when they got on the ship here and went across the ocean to fight a war because they wanted our freedom and to me to this day that applies I think for All Peoples not just for Canada but for all people’s um the world is so diverse and uh so many differences around the world but it’s Freedom that we that we want in our lives and a freedom that you can’t take for granted as well right yes yes you can’t take it for granted for for newlanders July 1st has always been a very unique day right because until noon they commemorate Memorial Day and then after that it’s Canada Day and so the sentiments of Sorrow of grief uh live alongside Sentiments of joy and celebration for you today what was that like it was very emotional I I was thinking about what it possibly could have looked like in those days when those men those soldiers went to war and just to feel that emotion and knowing that finally the Unknown Soldier has been brought home after a hundred over a hundred years and uh you know you really have to reflect reflect on um today and where we are today and our country and to feel the emotion and it’s like us it’s a it’s like our life we in one moment we can be very emotional and the next minute we can be very happy so it’s a bit it was a bit like that you know one moment you feel the sorrow and the empathy and and and uh you know just being honored you know feeling honored to be part of this ceremony today and then on the other hand you look around with all these people in the crowd and they’re there because they care you read some touching words from The Princess Royal in your remarks I know she wanted to be here very much is there is there an update on her condition we know that she left hospital after her injury uh on on Friday how is she doing well as far as I know uh she’s home resting and she’s doing much better and uh she asked me to convey the message that I gave earlier today about how sorry she was for not being here that she really wanted to be here but things happen and she AC you know she had an accident and couldn’t travel so but she was you know she thought about us she thought about Canada and wanted me to con Cony the message about how she will you know she will be back I think is really kind of the message that came through in her very important those were her words that I conveyed yeah and thank you to Her Excellency for that conversation this afternoon after the break honoring the sacrifice for freedom [Music] the story of a country as vast varied and diverse as ours is never finished but today’s birthday a reminder of just how far we have come from all of us at CTV national news happy Canada day and good night well this is just a meadow like so many that you know where boys and girls played soldier in the sunny long ago oh no I’m not a hero no more or less than you well I’m just like all the others who did what we had to do so sing me a song when the fields are in flower and I’ll never lie here [Music] alone love will bring me across the water and into the arms of home into the arms of home

Tens of thousands of WestJet passengers had flights cancelled this weekend; plus, a ceremony was held in N.L. honouring an unknown Canadian soldier.

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