Top five free settlement resources for international students in Canada

Five free settlement resources for international students in Canada

Are you an international student studying in Canada or planning to do so in the future? Knowing where to access settlement services can make your experience smoother and more enjoyable. Let’s explore some key organizations that offer valuable resources and support to international students in different provinces across Canada.

### Where to Find Settlement Services for International Students in Canada

International students in Canada have access to a variety of settlement services that can help them with language training, connecting with their local community, finding employment, and navigating government services like healthcare. Here are five places where international students can find these essential services:

#### Designated Learning Institution (DLI)

Your DLI can provide you with support and settlement services, ranging from workshops to social events. Services may include information about banking in Canada, immigration pathways, legal rights, and community involvement. Remember, not all DLIs offer the same level of support, so inquire about the services available at your institution.

#### WoodGreen

With five locations across Toronto, Ontario, WoodGreen offers international students a range of settlement services, from assistance with accessing employment, healthcare, housing, and education to support with immigration inquiries and connecting to community programs.

#### Mosaic British Columbia

Operating through the British Columbia Settlement and Integration Services program, Mosaic in Vancouver and Burnaby helps international students with services like job coaching, employment support, social activities, workshops on permanent residence pathways, and access to government services.

#### Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL)

CBAL, primarily operating in English with some French services, offers individualized support for international students in British Columbia. Services include navigating local resources, accessing information, employment assistance, and English language training.

#### Action for Healthy Communities (A4HC)

Based in Edmonton, Alberta, A4HC provides support in English and French through one-on-one sessions, group activities, and programs covering areas like health and wellbeing, housing, employment, and community involvement.

### Conclusion

As an international student in Canada, knowing where to access settlement services can enhance your overall experience and ease the transition to a new country. Whether through your DLI, local organizations like WoodGreen and Mosaic, or province-specific services like CBAL and A4HC, these resources can provide valuable support during your studies. Make the most of these opportunities to connect with your community, explore different services, and enhance your overall student experience.

Remember, settling into a new country can be challenging, but with the right support system in place, you can navigate these obstacles with confidence and ease. Take advantage of the resources available to you as an international student in Canada and make the most of your educational journey.



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