Suspected Nigeria suicide bombings kill at least 18


Nigeria has been rocked by a series of suicide bombings the explosions occurred in part of the country that’s been dealing with a 15year Insurgency by islamist militants cbc’s Dominic valtis is following this story for us this morning and joins us now from London so Dominic what more do we know about these blasts well Marian officials are saying that at least 18 people were killed and 30 others injured in these bombings which happened in in guo it’s a town in Nigeria’s North nor Eastern Borno State but local media I should stress is is reporting that the number of killed could be much much higher in fact two media Outlets there are reporting that at least 30 people have been killed in these blasts which it’s believed were carried out by female suicide bombers and we’re told that a wedding a funeral and a hospital were all targeted and that among those killed were children and pregnant women so a Dreadful series of attacks Mariana curfew has now been imposed by Nigeria military and although no group has yet claimed responsibility boo Haram and its Splinter Group Islamic State West Africa Province are the most active militant groups in Borno State boohan particularly active in this part of the world its militants have been conducting a 15-year Insurgency in Borno State during which time they’ve killed more than 40,000 people and displaced more than 2 million and you may remember Marian how bah Haram gained International not iety back in 2014 when it kidnapped nearly 300 school girls from the town of chabok which is also in Borno State but its Fighters actually took over GZA this is the town where these bombings this weekend took place back in 2014 Nigerian armed forces regain control of the Town a year later in 2015 but the groups continue to carry attacks and kidnappings near the town ever since and it looks like although I should stress it’s not yet confirmed that it may have been behind this weekend’s series of bombings which as I say have killed at least 18 people and injured 30 others maram all right thanks so much for this Dominic that’s the cbc’s Dominic valtis in London

Reports say at least 18 people were killed in a series of explosions in Nigeria’s northeast Borno state. The suspected female suicide bombers targeted a wedding, a funeral and a hospital, authorities say. The dead included children, adults and pregnant women.

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