Survey reveals declining Canadian pride: Canadians less proud of their country

A person cools themselves with a fan during the Canada Day noon show in Ottawa on Saturday, July 1, 2023. (Justin Ting/The Canadian Press)

“Is Canadian pride on the decline? A recent poll conducted by Leger reveals some surprising insights into how Canadians feel about their home and native land.

### The Current State of Canadian Pride

According to the poll results, 76 percent of Canadians consider themselves proud to be Canadian. However, a concerning 45 percent of respondents admitted to feeling less proud than they did five years ago. This shift in national pride could be attributed to various factors, including concerns about the healthcare system and dissatisfaction with the current federal government.

### Factors Influencing Canadian Pride

When asked about the aspects that make them proud to be Canadian, respondents listed the country’s natural beauty, universal healthcare, freedom and equality, a peaceful society, and multiculturalism as top contributors. Surprisingly, only one in five respondents mentioned their fellow Canadians as a source of pride.

### Political Divide in National Pride

The poll also highlighted a significant divide in national pride among different political parties. Conservative voters were more likely to report a decrease in Canadian pride, with 65 percent agreeing that they feel less proud than they did five years ago. In contrast, Liberal voters remained the most steadfast in their national pride, with a staggering 94 percent expressing their pride in being Canadian.

### Contrasting Views with American Pride

Comparing Canadian sentiment to that of our American neighbors, the poll results revealed some interesting disparities. While around half of Americans believe that the United States is one of the best places to live, only 41 percent of Canadians share this sentiment. Additionally, a quarter of Canadian respondents expressed a belief that Canada has improvements to make to live up to its reputation as the best country in the world, in contrast to just five percent of Americans who hold the same view about the U.S.

### Conclusion: Reflecting on National Pride

As Canadians prepare to celebrate Canada Day, this poll serves as a reminder to reflect on what truly makes us proud to call this country home. Whether it’s cherishing our natural beauty, advocating for a stronger healthcare system, or bridging political divides to unite in our shared Canadian identity, the future of our national pride lies in our hands.

In the end, national pride is a complex and evolving sentiment that can be influenced by a myriad of factors. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs of Canadian life, let us remember the importance of unity, progress, and above all, a shared pride in our diverse and unique nation.”



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