NZ mainstream media show their true RAINBOW colours


I would say that now the mainstream media in New Zealand have shown their true colors and those true colors are that they are actually behind the whole setup of drag queens drag Kings in our in our libraries sexualizing our kids stealing away the next generation without the parents’ consent have you manyal news here in New Zealand where I’ve embedded myself with Brian Tamaki and the Destiny church for about 2 weeks you can check out all the details at Destiny in fact you can put your name an email in so you receive the movie first but today we were supposed to be in Wellington where the church was prepared and plan to protest a drag King story time in the local library but the library the council Library backed down last minute so today we’ve actually come fishing with the church leader and a couple of of his men when the news came in he was being sued and the church was being sued for shutting down these events we warned the council in Wellington this upper Hut that they had a drag King get this and this drag King is a woman who is now gone to be a man so it’s a drag King I thought it was only drag queens but a drag King he’s going to telling stories to toddlers toddlers that’s the word he used so we decided to tell the council that that that’s inappropriate can’t happen um sexualizing our kids obvious you don’t need any discernment about it cut a long story short they shut it down with our pressure so that got to be the about 1 2 three that’s the third Council U funded by rate payers money um Library used by these drag queens to sexualize their kids that we’ve shut down and they decide to go to the high court file papers and sue me and the church $2 million for defamation and breaking the contracts can you believe this between these drag queens and the councils around this country see these councils are culpable too they are funding it they’re allowing it to happen so the contracts these councils had with these drag queens I’ve been um sued for breaking that and now they’re all out of work that’s how we want them are you worried No do I look worried I’m not worried I’m happy because this needed to obviously our politicians are good as tits on a bull they just do nothing why because they are also complicit I’m talking about the two major parties in New Zealand the Prime Minister the minister of finances and many MPS are actually not only promoting the whole drag queen situation with uh and kids with our libraries they’re also uh protecting it and they are funding the sexualization of these children so we got a real perfect storm here in New Zealand and I believe this is what we’ve been waiting for sometimes you need a little bit of a confrontation a big upheaval a challenge to them so that you could get your message in and that’s what we’ve done so you’re you’re actually happy by the law so you think it’s it’s giving you a platform to bring this to the masses absolutely it’s always been the plan that you just got to keep at them they will feel uneasy they are threatened because they know that we won’t let it go and so now it’s it’s um yielding results I’ve noticed in both New Zealand Herald stories about this lawsuit they linking to the crowdfunding of the drag queens that are suing you they’re essentially promoting the legal case against you what’s your response to that I would say that now the mainstream media in New Zealand have shown their true colors and those true colors are that they are actually behind the whole setup of drag queens drag Kings in our in our libraries sexualizing our kids stealing away the next generation without the parents’ consent it certainly looks like they’re um they’ve chosen a side and it’s not the side of protecting children that’s the most important thing R look you know our children mean everything to us and it’s got th this bad that they are blatant they’re in your face about what they’re doing they’ll say we’re coming to your libraries to your schools to your pools we are everywhere that’s their chant and they are not hiding this they’re coming in here and they’re blatantly saying they’re coming for your kids whenn or lose are you going to stop no I won’t lose I’m here to win look at it now we are already arousing the sleeping giant of middle New Zealand and thank you all the new zealanders who are getting behind this and seeing that our kids are more important than actually our work our children are our treasure so thank you for supporting us and every good key we get behind us to stop this nonsense if you think it’s important for the world to see what’s happening here in little New Zealand in the corner of the world and the people standing up to fight it make sure to like comment but most importantly share it far and wide because as you can see the mainstream media not only are they not reporting on it fairly they’re complicit they’ve actually chosen a side and it’s not the children’s so it’s up to you and then head over to Destiny uncut make sure to register now put your name and email in there so that when this documentary is out you’ll be the first to know

| Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki calls out New Zealand media and councils for supporting drag events marketed to children.

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  1. You need to know what you're dealing with here. It's a twisted religion. Every disaffected NJB who wants to do what they want no matter what has jumped on the rainbow wagon. The only way we stop it is one wheel at a time. A long, slow, painful process, you bet!

    We curse the Works, (not the people) pushing the satanic Transgender Agenda, in New Zealand !
    We pray for all transgender activists, to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ !

  3. The things going on in primary and secondary schools in New Zealand these days is very hard to comprehend, there were always students that behaved differently and we're accepted by the group but now with the influx of teachers coming from California the whole demeanor of school and community has been changed, young girls that might have been able to make up their own minds are now hardcore lesbian activists at the age of 13, same with the boys, it's not organic at all and it's wrong


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