Macron dissolves parliament, calls snap election as French voters surge to the right


[Music] some mayors of the farle who appeal their population to uh riots in case of a victory of the theal and today the French Secret Service issued a notice saying that they are very very concerned about a risk of Civil War macron suffered a defeat against the national rally the Marine Leen party in the European Parliament election in response macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly and call for elections with a deadline of three weeks according to electoral law a four weeks notice is required for elections but in this case the Constitution prevail and article 12 allow for shorter deadlines with a minimum of 20 days while macron urge his supporters and revals to unite against what he calls the far right referring to Marine lepen National rally recent images have surfaced showing radical leftist Uprising committing acts of vandalism and causing chaos in the streets to show their dissatisfaction with the rise of marine leen’s party to clarify the situation I am joined today by journalist remel from TV LEL in an independent media Outlet to shed light on the Underground information the French political system is blowing up right now uh for a few hours um this may be the worst political crisis we have experienced for more than 70 years um on the left side on the right side but also on the presidential side with emanu maon that is that has been humiliated uh with these European elections um as less than 15% of French people have voted uh for his party so there are lots of tensions um among the the parties themselves we had the hope of a coalition a big Coalition Gathering the right and the the far right let’s say um but this hope has been deceived as the doesn’t want to to make that Coalition on the left side um there was also a project of Coalition but this Coalition um May broke um around the the the Israeli Palestinian uh question because you have lots of division on on that subject so against all o this dissolution of the French National Assembly could lead to the election of Emanuel macron’s party and that was his uh bet at the very beginning uh he theorized that chaos this is chaos in France right now and he he plays on that chaos most of uh Western European uh country are facing massive immigration and I want you to explain um all this massive immigration that you are experiencing since multiple years and now it’s increasing um how this will play in your next election so what you have to know Alexandra that we have half a million of um immigrants that come to France every year for almost 40 years so now they have big political power and the fft uh tries to capitalize on that and this is the the the game they play and to a certain extent this is successful so they promote you know Islamic values um you have all this racism against white white people um and all this hatred towards what France represents its tradition for example and so this is a big movement right now and now they threaten they say if theem National wins the election uh in few weeks we will riot in France and they have started to Riot in France the far left uh with all these immigrants and you have seen um boutiques you have seen shops that have been attacked because the owner of these shops are supposed to vote for marine Leen uh you have some mayors of the farle who appeal their population to uh riot in case of a victory of the theal and today the French Secret Service issued notice saying that they are very very concerned about a risk of Civil War if theal wins the election and this is also the the the this threat that emuel maon is playing on because he wants to to spread the fear among the French population so the French population votes for his party against theem National France is not France anymore and French people are strangers in their own country uh in many many regions many many cities uh women are afraid um to go out at night or to wear just add dress for example because Islamic values now Prevail and with with the complicity of um the the far left and of the left in many many cities and so you have a country that um is not what used to be you know you remember maybe this um is econic movie about about France you know people who visit France today are far from the fabul all public service are completely um you know overthrown also by immigration so they cannot function well um today uh you are in you have this feeling of insecurity you have also all this drug problem that is fued of course Power by immigration so this is a Kind of Night M today France is a kind of a nightmare this is not the only Western Country in this situation but we’ve gone very very far in in that direction and for over 20 30 years now um French Parliament do not really decide for France it’s just um um like a translator of the European uh law and in many many m matters now European European commission decide um against people’s of Europe regarding immigration regarding um defense maybe soon regarding health and we feel that during the the covid so this is a post Europe is now a post Democratic Zone and there is this powerlessness among citizens and of course this powerlessness um fuels you know violence and depression in European Society so this is a big problem and I think that we we will not um recover if we stay in the European Union because if we stay in the European Union we cannot do anything that does not mean that a frit like the brexit will serve everything uh and the brexit um also gave the the ability to British people to do what they want uh even in the worst cases I was in London few months ago you have also this problem with radical Islam in the streets with workism blah blah blah but we as French people are not free um of our destiny and we have to take back control if we want to to save our country and to save our people was created by his father Leen and the whole um idea of marine Leen is to be accepted so she she she’s completely now submitted to political correctness and have lots of doubts that she if she arrives in power she will change and you know I’ve um I I I I can tell you I I’ve um I was one of his advisor for the debate uh in 2022 against Emanuel macron and she has all the elements to defeat Emanuel macron in that debate and she chose not to do so because she wants to be part of the system she she wants to be among among them she wants to be accepted by them so she will not come back I think on the the pro to to lead the EU I don’t think so we have you were talking to me about the Civil War do you think it’s uh maybe possible we we see this happening it’s very likely to happen because there is no more French society right now you have just the addition of community of interest um Traditions have been completely thrown out values have been thrown out uh people cannot decide for themselves in this European context so this will be very harsh I have no doubt that at the end uh we will manage to do something but this will be a very very long way and and the story is not ended yet don’t forget that you cannot trust what the mainstream media is telling you so please continue to support our journalism you can donate what you can through our website that is and also if um you want you can subscribe to our exclusive content online so ribben and thank you for your support

French President Emmanuel Macron suffered a crushing blow with his party’s defeat in the European elections as far-left activists threaten more unrest amid rising tensions.

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  1. I applaud France for standing up to all the immigration. Same thing is happening in the USA, Biden has open boarders, he welcomes it, he wants their vote. Countries around the world need stand up, just like France.

  2. Wanna bet Trudeau will do the same, come election time!!! The whole Islamic movement and woke movement is increasing in Canada. Also even though there’s no housing Trudeau keeps bringing in Migrants illegal and legal. So Canada will face the same issues, and more than likely will become violent, but not by Canadians.

  3. Any illegals rioting and causing vandalism should be deported. It isn't hard to do this, but the problem is the European Union , wants mass immigration to destroy Europe's national identity, culture, values . THis is what happens when you bring in millions of people who want to enforce their own beliefs and don't want to assimilate and conform to our western laws. Getting out of the E.U. is the first step in getting control of your country, but even that doesn't look promising, Look at the U.K. They supposedly got out with Brexit, but they are still being ruled by the E.U. The European Union wass the worst thing to happen to Europe.

  4. Wow this is getting interesting with the Olympics coming up in Paris.
    France always thinks it is on verge of a civil war in any cris.
    I stand with Le Pen i hope she wins and brings stability to France ?? ?.

  5. It really pisses me off that this woman is reporting to all of Canada for numerous years now for Rebel News and she has done zero to clean up her English so that WE, the ROC, can understand her. Same old crap. Zero effort. Zero understanding. So Why does Rebel News, whom I have supported since Ezra was in his basement, both with substantial cash and subscriptions, still have this woman on the air? It is an insult to all of us who are not fluent in poor. broken English.

  6. If France did not colonize and occupy Muslim North Africa from the early 19th century to mid 20th century and left the region in humiliation this will not happen today.

  7. So the "far right" wins an election, and the response of the supposedly "moderate" group on the left is to riot in the streets? Who are the extremists again? Macron is such a scumbag.

  8. Interesting. In UK they called early election as the centre-right is growing and people are moving to Reform party, so it seems as an attempt at not allow people to move where they would, perhaps? Interesting.

  9. Yet, the left call us far Right fascists……The mask is slipping, their hypocrisy is showing & their violent behaviour is proving who the real fascists are!
    Churchill predicted that the rise of the fascists would be in the form of anti-fascists!

  10. Yet, the left call us far Right fascists……The mask is slipping, their hypocrisy is showing & their violent behaviour is proving who the real fascists are!
    Churchill predicted that the rise of the fascists would be in the form of anti-fascists!

  11. 15% make that much chaos? The loudest minority will be crushed if they push to civil war. The radical violence does not win over impartial people. It pushes them away. The same initiators of violence always cry when struck back tenfold. Lets see if these masked cowards really have what it takes to handle a similar reaction.


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