Global National June 30, 2024 | WestJet strike results in over 800 flight cancellations


[Music] on this Sunday night WestJet strike causes travel chaos as workers walk off the job what it’ll take to resolve the labor dispute wet is refusing to comply with its legal obligation while thousands of Travelers are stranded and in limbo we’ve been here for almost 24 hours now on one of the busiest long weekends France’s far right surge the 28-year-old who could become the country next prime minister Sierra Leon takes a stand against child marriage this is a landmark uh legislation the new law and its potential impact global national reporting tonight Gara good evening and thank you for joining us day three of the strike by WestJet mechanics is causing more chaos frustration and anger at airports across Canada tonight on Thursday Ottawa intervened in the dispute thinking it had settled the matter but in an unusual twist the union was still in a legal position to strike and so the company’s mechanics abruptly walked off the job on Friday night forcing the airline to cancel approximately 700 flights since Thursday scuttling plans for nearly 100,000 passengers this Canada dayong weekend our Ottawa bureau chief Mercedes Stevenson picks up the story from there the Canada Day long weekend hasn’t felt very celebratory for thousands of Canadians who found themselves unable to travel to a special destination or stranded far from home this is um the worst case scenario on steroids Duncan D is the former Chief Operating Officer for Air Canada experienced in Airline labor negotiations he says what happened this weekend shocked even him it’s just so completely unnecessary um and I think we really need to have a serious look at how we got here last week WestJet warned passengers that flights were being cancelled preemptively ahead of the expected strike in an attempt to help the federal government intervened labor Minister Sheamus oan asked the Canadian industrial Relations Board to resolve the dispute by ordering binding arbitration the cirb agreed but one important fact was overlooked the union was still in a legal strike position in a highly unusual move the board pointed that out publicly and the union went on strike you ended up with a complete breakdown of the process that the minister had laid out critics say the minister should have known the law better and the government should have avoided inserting itself this has been very poorly handled by the government and that the government stepped in into labor relations where it had no business to step in I think Ottawa needs to get it its act together um because you know who knows they they could have actually made the situation worse than it needed to be the liberal government found some unlikely allies on Sunday conservative Premier Danielle Smith and Scott Mo both of whom sided with the feds in a tweet the Alberta Premier blamed the labor board not the Liberals saying the labor board’s decision to allow the strike to continue during binding arbitration is a clear contravention of all Norms practices and precedent when it comes to good faith labor bargaining Scott Mo praised Ottawa saying the federal government did the right thing West jet CEO blames what he says is an aggressive Union with American interests a VI senior government sources share now the government must strike a political balance while it has supported unions in strike action in the past it’s now being faced by thousands of angry Canadians who are losing money and having their summer plans disrupted liberal sources say that the government is trying to apply as much pressure as possible on both sides to get the labor action to end they’re hoping that they can do that short of legislating the Union back to work Neu Mercedes Stevenson in Ottawa tonight thanks Mercedes the other part of the story of course are the passengers tens of thousands of them stuck in limbo or stranded at airports with very little in the way of consumer protection Zach power spent the day speaking with Travelers left in the Lurch spending their weekend in the Halifax Airport wasn’t the plan for Zack vanan and Erica nikosia so we flew from Dublin to Halifax and Halifax was supposed to be our layover flight or layover stop and we’ve been here for almost 24 hours now they were trying to fly home on WestJet and still aren’t sure when they’ll get back a strike by the aircraft mechanics has left passengers to negotiate refunds on the phone mine Maxwell has been on the phone for nearly 7 hours yeah I thought they would uh try to book us on another airline or try to give us money back immediately but we basically just have to spend $800 now to get back to Hamilton and hope that they’re going to give us money back but it’s just like uh don’t have $800 to spend so I really hope that I will get my money back it’s created chaos at airports from coast to coast and even felt internationally by those trying to fly through WestJet owned Sunwing we don’t know where to sleep we don’t know how long this is going to take like is it going to be resolved on there and like they find us a flight this afternoon or will it be a couple of days we have no idea we’re in limbo in Europe passengers would be entitled to compensation plus a lump sum of about 880 Ian dollars because labor disputes are viewed as within the airlines control Airlines in Canada are are making a less effort to resolve labor disputes with their unions because it doesn’t cost them that much when flights are cancelled either way for those whove become Campers at Hala Stanfield they’re hoping to get home before the end of the long weekend they’re not booking anything for us and we’ve been on phone for like 9 hours on hold trying to figure it out yeah I was on hold last night for about 8 n hours and right now I’m currently on hold again for over an hour the frustration is only growing as thousands of Travelers remain grounded Zack power Global News Halifax the Canadian airline industry has long been dominated by two main carriers Air Canada and WestJet but that’s starting to change Air Canada commands about 41% of the domestic Market but that’s down from nearly 50% market share just 5 years ago WestJet controls about 30% of the market Market down from 34% but the big story here is the growth of Porter Airlines in 2019 it had just 4% of the domestic Market that’s now up to 10% extreme weather is taking a toll around the globe torrential rains and fierce storms hit Switzerland and Northern Italy this weekend killing at least four people take a look at this this frightening scene was caught on camera in an ATT Alan commune near Turin Raging Water crashed down a Mountainside flooding Rivers and Roads firefighters say they’ve carried out dozens of rescue operations across the region in neighboring Switzerland roads and railway lines were submerged as melting snow compounded the storms extreme weather in the form of torrential rain is leading to widespread flooding in southern China as well after displacing thousands of people along the Southeastern Coast the storms are moving Inland the country’s Weather Service issuing its most severe rainstorm alert with more flash floods and mudslides forecast in the days to come and there is weather related anxiety in the Caribbean as hurricane Barrel which emerged as a tropical storm on Friday is rapidly intensifying forecasters say it’s an extremely dangerous category 4 storm hurricane warnings are in place for Barbados and the windward islands where Barrel will make landfall tonight it’s already triggered a rush for supplies as people prepare to take cover the storm is packing winds up to 215 kilm per hour up to 15 cm of rain or half a foot is also in the forecast Barrel is the first hurricane of the Atlantic season but is already the earliest storm of its strength on record it’s also the first category 4 hurricane ever recorded in June extreme weather is also on the minds of people near the capital of Greece tonight more than 200 firefighters are working to contain blazes near Athens with the help of several planes and helicopters it’s all hands- on deck for emergency crews this weekend just hours earlier they got another fire under control on the island of sarapos wildfires are common in Greece but they’ve become much more dangerous in recent years as the weather becomes hotter drier and windier the village of lton in BC’s Fraser Canyon is no stranger to Fire 3 years ago today Lon burned to the ground almost in an instant as temperatures soared to an unheard of 49.6 De C it’s taken this long for reconstruction to begin but the new mayor of liton says it’s finally happening we are seeing progress in the village we are seeing things starting to be rebuilt and so um you know there there is also that positive feeling as well everything burnt in Linton including the town hall and the entire main drag the mayor says six homes are in various stages of construction right now with the first one ready for move in next week marking a major Milestone after years of delay France is Shifting political landscape coming up the farri leader gaining momentum in the country’s national elections plus outrage in Upstate New York over the Fatal police shooting of a 13-year-old caught on body cam there is outrage in Upstate New York tonight after police body cam footage was released of an onf foot chase that led to the fatal shooting of a 13-year-old and a warning you may find these images [Applause] disturbing the chase happened Friday night after the teen and another youth had been stopped by police in connection with a suspected robbery the boy was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead udica police froze parts of the footage to highlight what appeared to be a handgun carried by the teen it was later determined to be a replica gun a community vigil was held outside UA’s police station the next day the officers involved are all now on paid leave while State officials investigate the incident in Toronto there appears to be another alarming case of anti-Semitism after an unknown individual vandalized two synagogues this morning according to benai Bri Canada a person on a motorcycle was caught on camera throwing rocks at one of them the pride of Israel synagogue they ended up smashing the window panels of its front entrance in the process police say the suspect is believed to be behind both incidents they’re being investigated as possible hate crimes the results are in for round one of France’s snap parliamentary elections which president Emanuel maon called in response to a farri surge during the European elections yet exit polls show the farri national rally party has won this round with most of the vote macron Centrist arrived in third place behind a coalition of left-wing parties in second as redond Shannon reports it appears the French Leader’s controversial gamble is already backfiring French voters cast their ballots for the second time in 3 weeks this time for a snap National Assembly Election called by President Emanuel macron after he was badly beaten by the farri national rally in European elections the shock appears to have jolted the French into a high turnout most voting for one of three options in this first round the far right macron’s centrists or a new broad Coalition of left-wing parties we need to try and make a change says this voter in rural France this man says he’s glad the high turnout shows people realize the future of the country is in their hands in France parliamentary elections normally take place immediately after the presidential votes that means the National Assembly is usually aligned with the president but if another party gets control of the assembly as now seems possible they can nominate a prime minister greatly reducing the president’s Powers the national Rally’s 28-year-old co-leader Jordan bardellis says he is now ready to become Prime Minister he has spoken of feeling like a foreigner in his own country alongside party veteran Marine leupen he wants to tighten citizenship laws and get tough on crime and school discipline but there is a way to go yet before France gets its first far-right government since the the second world war only writings where a candidate wins at least 50% of the vote will be decided this week most writings will vote again next Sunday for the top two or three candidates so attention now immediately turns to the second round and the deals that could be struck in the coming days will the left Alliance the diminished center right and macron agree to withdraw some of their own candidates to prevent the national Rally from winning seats and if they do what effect would it have on voters Neu Redmond Shannon in London tonight thanks Redmond voters in the UK will go to the polls on Thursday and today the labor party secured a major endorsement Britain’s Sunday Times published an editorial titled the Tores have forfeited the right to govern over to labor it’s a rebuke of prime minister rishy sunak and his party after 14 years of conservative rule Kier starmer’s labor party has a huge lead in the polls the times owned by rert Murdoch’s news UK had backed the conservatives at every election since 2005 ahead Sierra Leon’s historic child marriage law Sparks hope for a brighter future in Northern Nigeria there has been an uptake in Insurgent L Terror attacks with more tragic consequences to tell you about tonight the latest incident involving three female suicide bombers happened in a community not far from where near nearly 300 school girls were abducted in 2014 by an islamist militant group The attackers today targeted a wedding funeral and Hospital killing at least 18 people including children and pregnant women the coordinated blast also sending at least 30 others to hospital some with very serious injuries in the West African country of Sierra Leon child marriage is a pressing concern Human Rights Watch reports 30% of girls married before age 18 with half of them wed before reaching 15 years old but this month a new law was passed criminalizing the practice it’s welcome news for those who fled the formerly War torn country to Canada and are starting to see attitudes changing in a nation scarred by Decades of conflict and societal Norms a new law marks a pivotal moment for Sierra Leon the legislation championed by the first lady aims to end a harmful practice ingrained in the nation’s fabric General societal beliefs that um males are more valuable than females valda carbo highlights the significance of the legislative Milestone but notes no details have been provided on how the law will be implemented her organization played a crucial role in resettling more than 700 Sierra leonian refugees across Canada she emphasizes a need to address the factors which perpetuate child marriages in Sierra Leon there’s a lot of um thinking that investing in girls education is not worth it because she’s likely going to get pregnant before she can finish school Albert mot’s wife came to Canada through carbo’s program he spent half his life in Sierra Leon and endured the horrors of War firsthand in the country where uh literacy is high most people will not even hear about they will not even read about this law this new enactment they will not even know so until the government rais awareness I did remember uh having a relative uh that that was going to be married as a teenager Sierra Leon has one of the highest child marriage and maternal mortality rates in the world according to the country’s Ministry of Health about a third of girls are married before 18 another third giving birth before 19 the new law was passed after girls across the country campaign to criminalize the practice as the role of women and girls is better um recognized as core to our social Fabric and um advancing our economies and our world uh in a way that it wasn’t thought of as before Advocates say the new legislation marks a Triumph for human rights and a step towards a brighter future for Sierra Leon’s Next Generation next the last day of pride month wraps up with one one of the country’s largest Pride parades the streets of downtown Toronto were teeming with rainbows this afternoon for Canada’s largest Pride event thousands marched in the city’s 43rd Annual Pride Parade and a sha OA reports people from all walks of life traveled to Toronto to celebrate their identity you can hear them coming one group after another filling the parade route with cuts through downtown Toronto a sea of colors celebrating diversity in the lgbtq2 plus community near the front the city’s mayor Olivia Chow summing up what Pride means to her pride is about celebration it’s about Joy it’s about love many here came from great distances like Thailand I come here for celebrate Pride for in Toronto yes well come to Thailand the pride parade is also where many advertisers want to be whether they’re selling alcohol safe sex or promoting public transit it’s a place to display messages about hanging on to freedoms like this group from Taiwan or ukrainians marching to support efforts to defend their country messages mixed in among the colorful costumes and smiles well worth the trip for this man who came from El Salvador this is my favorite pride in Canada so we are enjoying [Music] it enjoying a sense of unity for the city’s former mayor marching as he’s done often coming together here is important I think the in these troubled times right now it’s more necessary than ever and so I just think it’s it’s a great day for the city always and it’s especially great in 2024 the city’s first pride parade in 1981 looked nothing like this this parade now the larg in Canada and one of the largest in North America Shan oay Global News Toronto and that is global national for this Sunday night I’m Neu Gara there was a lot of swiveling and shaking in my hometown of Penticton BC this weekend the Okanagan annual Elvis Festival is your Canada tonight more than two dozen Elvis Presley tribute artists competed over three days thanks so much for watching Mercedes Stevenson will be at the anchor desk tomorrow have a great night [Music]

On this episode: In Canada, the WestJet mechanics’ strike continues, causing chaos and disruption for travellers over Canada Day weekend. The federal government’s intervention failed to resolve the dispute, leading to over 800 flight cancellations and impacting nearly 100,000 passengers. Negotiations between the company and the union have hit a roadblock, prompting widespread frustration among travellers. Mercedes Stephenson reports on the complexities of the ongoing labour dispute.

Thousands of travellers found themselves stuck in limbo, stranded at airports with minimal consumer protections. As the standoff continues, frustrated travellers are left with uncertainties and delays, with some forced to camp at airports. With the long weekend looming, affected passengers are anxiously hoping to make it home soon. Zack Power reports on the challenges faced by those caught in the midst of the strike.

Over in France, the far-right National Rally party has taken the lead in the first round of the snap parliamentary elections, garnering an estimated 34 per cent of the vote. President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party finished third, behind a coalition of left-wing parties. The unexpected results mark a significant setback for Macron, who called for the snap elections in response to a surge of far-right support during the European elections. Redmond Shannon provides further insight into the unfolding events.

In West Africa’s Sierra Leone, the country has taken a significant step forward in the fight against child marriage by passing a new law criminalizing the practice. The passing of this new law is a welcome development for Sierra Leonean refugees who have resettled in Canada, as they are beginning to see attitudes changing. Neetu Garcha reports.

Plus, the streets of downtown Toronto transformed into a vibrant sea of rainbows as revellers descended upon the city for its 43rd annual Pride parade. Thousands of people flooded the streets along the parade route through the downtown core, smiling broadly as they waved rainbow flags, pompoms and umbrellas. Mayor Olivia Chow summed up the essence of Pride, saying, “Pride is about joy, it’s about celebration, it’s about love.” As Sean O’Shea reports, people from all walks of life flocked to Toronto to express and celebrate their unique identities.

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  1. Updates: ?????? “If we give up on the moral code our country believes in we’re no better than (who we are fighting).” – US Military Code

    “Been that way for 30 years.” – U.S. Justice Department on the lack of Human Rights in Oklahoma County Jail, 2020 P.S. You get 2 days for every 1 you serve there bc it is so bad.

    “Makes me feel human again after this place.” – Oklahoma City Art Museum review after life in the local shelters (20+ years in the making), 2024

    “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.” – Nelson Mandela ??

    I got human beings I love. Lying to them was never my thing. There is no God. Thanks to an old friend I remember the first lie I ever told 🙂 – Me aka Ron Swanson 2.0/Ron Swanson on Snoop Dogg/a nerd

    [[Community of Democracies]]
    free and fair elections
    freedom of speech & expression
    equal access to education
    rule of law
    freedom of peaceful assembly

    Enough to know the USA created hells in the 21st century I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. To Iceland w/love, I pledged my allegiance to Monaco. ??

  2. This government has been blindsided by the left, blindsided by the right, blindsided by multiple foreign regimes, blindsided by the unions and blindsided by the banks. 16 months from now, all the travellers in this long weekend will remember what has happened this weekend.

  3. What's worse: West Jet or the Union of strikers??, because they both damage the interest of travellers!! Well, that Elvis festival is a uplifting event after so many Bad news!

  4. minister wanted to force workers back to job, but this is not a 3rd world country people can strike and it's in legal, minister handled it so poorly, and of course smith defend trudue when he is doing illegal things, her favorite move it dictatorship

  5. Duncan Dee is part of the privileged corporate class. Also, he’s an expert in labour negotiations?? When he was at Air Canada, him and AC management ran to the government and had them do their dirty work when they refused to bargain with their own employees back in 2011 and 2012! He’s NOT the person people should be taking advice from on these things.
    Like Lukasz said, the government has NO BUSINESS interfering in collective bargaining. Full stop. Every time the government orders unions back to work, workers lose. Not surprised alt-right Danielle Smith and Scott Moe would be in there ready to crush any strike by workers who are trying to better themselves.

    My heart and sympathies does go out to the people who have been affected by all of this.

  6. 1 Corinthian 6:9 do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality.

  7. When i was in high school, our entire school sponsored the building and supplying of a school in Sierra Leone and every homeroom class sponsored a student to attend it. Now that I'm hearing that the girls will have a better chance to graduate from that school, it warms my heart considerably

  8. As a union, it’s one thing to play hardball with your employer, it’s another thing to stick your finger in the eye of your customers. The union looks like a bunch of a-holes. The damage done will take years to undo. Stupid.


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