France election: Far-right national rally party leads in 1st round of parliamentary election


French voters cast their ballots for the second time in three weeks this time for a snap National Assembly Election called by President Emanuel macron after he was badly beaten by the far-right national rally in European elections the shock appears to have jolted the French into a high turnout most voting for one of three options in this first round the far right macron’s centrists or a new broad Coalition of leftwing parties we need to try and make a change says this voter in rural France this man says he’s glad the high turnout shows people realize the future of the country is in their hands in France parliamentary elections normally take place immediately after the presidential votes that means the National Assembly is usually aligned with the president but if another party gets control of the assembly as now seems possible they can nominate a prime minister greatly reducing the president’s Powers the national Rally’s 28-year-old co-leader Jordan bardellis says he is now ready to become Prime Minister he has spoken of feeling like a foreigner in his own country alongside party veteran Marine leupen he wants to tighten citizenship ship laws and get tough on crime and school discipline but there is a way to go yet before France gets its first far-right government since the second world war only writings where a candidate wins at least 50% of the vote will be decided this week most writings will vote again next Sunday for the top two or three candidates so attention now immediately turns to the second round and the deals that could be struck in the coming days will the left Alliance the diminished center right and macron agreed to withdraw some of their own candidates to prevent the national Rally from winning seats and if they do what effect would it have on voters Neu Redmond Shannon in London tonight thanks Redmond

In France, the far-right National Rally party has taken the lead in the first round of the snap parliamentary elections, garnering an estimated 34 per cent of the vote.

President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party finished third, behind a coalition of left-wing parties. The unexpected results mark a significant setback for Macron, who called for the snap elections in response to a surge of far-right support during the European elections.

Global’s Redmond Shannon provides further insight into the unfolding events.

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  1. I'm glad to see that many commenters don't buy into this crap, hes not far right, this news network is too far left. The far right exists, this isnt it. Why do so many of you leftists support "far right" views in the middle east? The right wing views in those places are much worse than any other place in the world.

  2. Funny how all corrupt corporate media outlets are all collectively referring to this party as “far right” when it’s a standard centre-right party. No wonder only stupid boomers and older gen X still take corporate news seriously.

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  4. The lefties, worldwide & in concert, began referring to all conservatives as "far right" about 2 years ago in an attempt to equate non-lefties with Hitler. It is yet another bold lie from the world control freaks.

  5. 'Far Right' = government that secures its borders + puts its citizens first!

    Mainstream Media SIMULTANEOUSLY tells us that 'Borders are Racist' and 'We MUST defend Ukraine's borders' = ?!?!

  6. The facts are being left out. Far Right is very different in France than it is in North America, Marine La Pen has different ideology about things than North American far right groups do, there isn't a Christian nationalist bigotry within Marine's party. MAGA in America which is seeping into Canada is heavily motivated by Christian nationalism and turning countries into a Christian theocracy full of hatred and bigotry. Her party also favours energy diversification rather than denying climate change or only focusing on oil and gas and unlike Canadian Conservatives she opposes privatization of public services. She's not a puppet of oil and gas or wealthy investors like Poilievre.
    Marine Le Pen has also relaxed some political positions of the party, advocating for civil unions for same-sex couples instead of her party's previous opposition to legal recognition of same-sex partnerships, accepting unconditional abortion and withdrawing the death penalty from her platform.

    On economic policy, Le Pen favours protectionism as an alternative to free trade. She supports economic nationalism, the separation of investment and retail banking, and energy diversification, and is opposed to the privatization of public services and social security, speculation on international commodity markets, and the Common Agricultural Policy.

  7. Today I literally seen headlines from mainstream liberal news outlets saying if this far right government in France is elected it will be the first time since hitler Germany that the far right has been in power in Europe. Talk about hyperbolic nonsense.

  8. Sick and tired of media and leftist constantly calling anything that isn't THEIR side of the political spectrum "far-right". It's infuriating. It's trying to create a connotation that they are like Nazis or something.
    Ironically they were Socialists and not "right wing" at all.


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