What Lytton, B.C., looks like 3 years after wildfire


we’re here in Litton British Columbia where 3 years ago Wildfire destroyed 90% of this Village this came a day after the hottest temperature was recorded in Canada right here 49.6 de C and the effects of that heat led to the fire and you can see the effects of that even today people here lost everything the totem Hotel the RCMP station even the town hall rebuilding has been slow dozens live in temporary homes on the liton First Nation Reserve I don’t know why it’s taken so long three years is too long this despite more than $120 million in federal and provincial recovery funding then another 78 million in insurance claims that’s because the process of Permitting and for many properties the additional screening for archaeological fines has been complex and timeconsuming it’s been a frustrating and for some an expensive process for people that have been living off site many are complaining and this has sparked an investigation by BC’s auditor general into how recovery spending has been handled and whether it was done in the best way

One day after Lytton, B.C., hit a Canadian temperature record of 49.6 C, a wildfire swept through the village — killing two people and levelling almost the entire community. Three years later, CBC’s Yvette Brend visits the village to find out why some have not been able to return home.

#BritshColumbia #Wildfire #Canada

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