Newfoundlanders hailed as heroes in charming French village – click here to learn more!

The caribou statue has been there for decades. (CTV News)

“In the quaint town of Monchy-le-Preux, France, a humble tribute to ten extraordinary heroes waves proudly in the breeze – the provincial flag of Newfoundland and Labrador. These ten soldiers, nine of whom belonged to the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, showcased unparalleled bravery during a harrowing battle in April 1917. Against all odds, they managed to thwart a German advance on the town, holding out for nine hours until reinforcements arrived.

The Heroes of Monchy-le-Preux

Amidst the chaos and devastation of the First World War, the “Monchy 10” stood as a beacon of hope, symbolizing the unwavering spirit and courage of the human heart. Their valorous act of defiance against overwhelming odds has etched their names into the annals of history, inspiring generations to come.

A Forgotten Legacy Rediscovered

Sadly, the memory of this epic battle had started to fade in the town of Monchy-le-Preux, until Mayor Olivier Degauquier took office in 2020 and made it his mission to rekindle the flame of remembrance. By creating a special council post dedicated to preserving the community’s heritage and actively involving schoolchildren in commemorative events, he has breathed new life into the forgotten tale of the “Monchy 10.”

A Message for the Modern World

As we reflect on the sacrifices made by those brave soldiers over a century ago, Mayor Degauquier reminds us of the timeless lessons this war story holds for today’s tumultuous world. He urges us to strive for peace, to seek harmony and understanding, so that we may avoid the horrors of war altogether.

In the midst of chaos and conflict, let us remember the heroes of Monchy-le-Preux and honor their legacy by choosing a path of peace and unity. For in their courage and sacrifice, we find the eternal truth that humanity’s greatest triumph lies in the pursuit of peace.”



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