US presidential debate full of “embarrassing moments,” Canadian expert says


we’re joined Now by Ed manangi a Canadian author and educator who lives in New York Ed what do you make of Biden’s performance last night the stumbles the pauses for electors who are still four months away from going to the polls Carolyn let me Begin by clarifying I speak not as a partisan but as a teacher of leadership and in that context I never thought I’d say this that the extended fight between Biden and Trump about who’s a better golfer is only the second most embarrassing thing that happened last night the most embarrassing of course is that President Biden could not manage to finish a decent sentence his prolonged silences as you pointed out happened very early on in the debate and what that managed to do is reinforce this impression this assumption that was already seated in the minds of many many Americans that this man for as lovely as he may be for as decent as he may be uh is not uh cognitively fit to be the president of the United States for the next four years it’s the reinforcing of that impression that made all the difference because it happened so early on in the debate so you’ve said this is a moment of Reckoning for Democrats what does the party have to do now yeah well and I really do mean Reckoning because you know the Democratic party has been saying for years that democracy itself is on the ballot well if that’s the case then they really do need to get serious about finding a nominee to replace Biden and by the way there are no shortage of younger more Dynamic Democrats to choose from it’s it’s an embarrassment of riches actually uh and it doesn’t have to be a humiliation of Biden either uh though your Republicans will try to make it that way Biden will actually be celebrated for making the decision to bow out and clear the path for the Next Generation because everybody will know that takes humility which is in very short supply these days and that’s also an extremely strong contrast with the Republican party and its nominee so all told it’ll be a winwin for the Democrats if Biden does uh you know allow for a brand new nominee to take his place can we turn to Trump’s performance just for a second you know we’ve got on live TV a convicted felon who is making up truths as he goes is he a better alternative oh not at all not if we’re talking about leadership I mean uh you know I refer to him as a misleader given all the lies not a leader uh but it has to be acknowledged and and understood that he has millions upon millions of followers but here’s the other thing that needs to be understood it’s not so so much because those followers love him it’s actually because those followers hate the other side more than they love their own side that’s how toxic The Divide has become in these United States it is you know it is it is driven by hatred of the other not by love of our own irad Mani thank you for your time and insights tonight thank you

It’s still unclear how U.S. President Joe Biden’s lacklustre performance during Thursday night’s debate will impact his chances to win a second term.

But he’s already widely facing criticism for what’s been called a “disastrous performance.”

Canadian author and educator Irshad Manji offered her thoughts on the debate to Global News, saying it was full of “embarrassing moments.”

She called it a “reckoning” for Democrats who, she said, need to seriously think about a nominee to replace Biden.

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