Trump, Biden argue over who is the better golfer during presidential debate #USelection


just won two Club championships not even senior two regular Club championships to do that you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball long way and I do it he doesn’t do it he can’t hit a ball 50 yards he challenged me to a golf match he can’t hit a ball 50 yards you can see he is 6’5 and only 223 lb or 235 lb well you said 64 200 well anyway that’s you’re anyway just take a look at what he says he is and take a look what he is look I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him the re I got my handicap which when I was vice president down to a six and but by the way I told you before I’m happy to play golf with if you carry your own bag think you can do it that’s the biggest lie that he’s a six- handicap of all I was an eight handicap yeah eight never but I have you know how many I’ve seen you swing I know you swing president Trump we going to let not act like children

During the U.S. presidential debate in Atlanta, Ga., on Thursday, former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden challenged one another to a game of golf to prove their respective abilities. In the exchange, Trump claimed that Biden “can’t hit a ball 50 yards” while Biden said that he would be “happy to have a driving contest” with his opponent. #USpolitics #presidentialdebate #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump



  1. This is why you don’t pull things out of contexts. They weren’t arguing about golf. Trump was saying how can he run a country if he’s too old to even play golf.


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