Trudeau faces calls to resign after Toronto byelection loss


our incredible incredible hardest working individual that we know the honorable Justice a party fundraiser with a wounded leader doing his best to pump up the troops we have Pierre PV and the conservatives who’ve decided that the way they get to win is to make people even angrier but whatever the conservatives are doing it worked Monday in the former liberal stronghold of Toronto St Paul’s and 4 days later Trudeau still has not taken a single question from a reporter about that conservative Triumph Mr Prime Minister following the loss in Toronto will you stay on his leader opposition leader Pierre POV has not made himself available to reporters either but he’s on time off with his family this week Trudeau on the other hand filled his week with several photo ops and party fundraisers and left it to his colleagues to speak about his future I think I speak for uh Manitoba caucus that we are 100% uh supportive of the Prime Minister going forward as our leader the prime minister is committed to Leading us into the next election and he has our support the Prime Minister uh is the person that is the best place to take the fight to Pier POV but some no longer share that opinion the Prime Minister has a legacy to be proud of but it’s time for new ideas new energy and a new leader kathern McKenna said there is too much at stake in this election especially on the economy and climate former BC Premier Christy Clark came to the same conclusion that Trudeau must go I want the liberal party that I used to vote for to come back she told the Toronto Star that’s what as for Trudeau’s caucus the first public sign of dissent has appeared St John new Bruno Camp Wayne Long who had already said that he was not running again is circulating a letter to other liberal MPS saying it’s time for new leadership and New Direction David Aken Global News Ottawa

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is dodging questions about the embarrassing loss of a Liberal stronghold to the Conservatives.

Trudeau’s former environment minister Catherine McKenna and a backbench MP Wayne Long say its time for the party to find a new leader, after the Liberals’ stunning defeat by the Conservatives in the Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection.

David Akin looks at who else is calling for Trudeau to stand aside and who is standing by him.

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  1. He ain’t going anywhere, the thought of leaving a private jet, fine hotels,
    exquisite catering and endless vacations all provided to him courtesy of the taxpayer is just an impossible ask. He’s milking this right down to the last second.
    He’s well aware a pariah status awaits him as soon as he leaves office,he won’t be able to show his face in most corners of the country without adequate security, that’s the level of disdain people have for him.

  2. Trudeau is so afraid of Pierre and the strong common sense Conservatives. The Crime Minister should be committed, but not for PM, unemployment line and ousted out of Canada, Go to Ulraine where our money is.

  3. IS ANYONE STILL BUYING INTO THIS LIE AND PUPPET SHOW? THIS JULY 4th ASK YOURSELF; why does AMERICA get all the freedoms?…freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms to protect there families, freedom to elect chiefs of police & sheriffs. freedom to vote NOT TO PAY TAXES, place that dont force taxation….then ask "will Peire polivere or any other politician be able to give me the liberty our Yankie nehbours enjoy?" is that there goal? its time for Canadians; to declare independence.

    peacefully, all we have to do is stand up and say "no more" and then just stop listening to them. dictators hate when you do that.
    obedience is there only source of power. A Paper Tiger hates to get wet.

    Happy July 4th. im so proud of all Canucks for speaking there minds & not letting tyrants muffle our spirits…
    but lets not forget; in a feudalist state; tyrants come in all different colors of flags, lets ask Peire Polivere if he wants us to have the same rights as americans?

  4. I promise you Canada will not elect a Conservative Party if Trump wins in November. That's why the election will be held in 2025. The progressives will dump the NDP, apart from BC. 43% turn out for the Toronto riding, mostly Zionists that seeking allies for the genocide in Gaza. In a general election, the turn out would be around 60% and people will dump the NDP to stop the Conservatives.

    I want Conservative majority so the progressives can cry about climate while the conservatives drill more…resulting Liberal and NDP becoming one party.

  5. The Prophet (?) said, "Whoever has (the following) four characters will be a hypocrite, and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy until he gives it up. These are: (1 ) Whenever he talks, he tells a lie; (2) whenever he makes a promise, he breaks it; (3) whenever he makes a covenant he proves treacherous; (4) and whenever he quarrels, he behaves impudently in an evil insulting manner."


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