Study suggests multivitamins may not extend lifespan

There are benefits from taking multivitamins for some people, Barnard said, including pregnant women and people with the ocular disease macular degeneration. (Pexels)

“Are your daily multivitamins really benefiting your health? A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that the millions of people who take multivitamins daily may not actually be reaping the perceived benefits they hope for.

The Research:

The study, which followed nearly 400,000 generally healthy adults over a 20-year period, found no evidence that prolonged daily multivitamin intake reduced the risk of death. In fact, the results indicated a four per cent higher mortality risk among users in the study’s early years. This may come as a disappointment to those who believed that taking a daily multivitamin could help extend their lifespan.

Dr. Neal Barnard, author of the study’s commentary, emphasized that while there are some benefits to taking multivitamins for certain individuals like pregnant women and those with specific health conditions, there can also be risks involved.

The Risks:

One of the biggest risks associated with multivitamins is the iron added to them, which can be harmful if taken in excess. Copper and beta-carotene are other nutrients that can be harmful if consumed excessively, with links to diseases like Alzheimer’s and an increased risk of cancer.

Dr. Barnard stressed the importance of getting vitamins from food sources to ensure a well-rounded intake of nutrients. While certain vitamins like B-12 and vitamin D may need to be supplemented for some people, it is best to take these as individual supplements rather than relying on a multivitamin.


Before reaching for your daily multivitamin, consider whether it is truly benefiting your health or if you might be better off focusing on a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. While multivitamins may offer some benefits for specific populations, they may not be the key to longevity or overall health for everyone. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen to ensure that you are getting the nutrients you need without any unnecessary risks.”



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