Speak Up: Why Canadians need to stop self-censoring with Drea Humphrey


[Music] Drea Humphrey here with Rebel news and this past weekend I was invited by we UniFi to be one of many speakers at the third annual reclaiming Canada conference in Victoria despite push back from trans activists who tried to have the conference center here the Victoria Conference Center cancel this conference it took off and there were many great things that were told Canadians who are concerned about freedoms Liberty and democracy in this country I will be sharing some reports with more of what happened at this conference for you at rebelnews decom but for now I thought maybe you’d be interested in what I had to say one of the things that struck me when this all started to kick off in 2020 was how quickly people just fell in line and completely changed the way that they had been living for the past however many decades of their life that they had been living prior to that you guys remember two weeks to slow the spread two weeks to flatten the curve when that whole thing kicked off I was just like guys there’s no way this is going to be two weeks this doesn’t make sense it doesn’t make sense but what happened was over the course of time the inertia kicked in and people got comfortable I mean there was a poll that came out in the UK and I’m always uh you know iffy about polls but I think this one was legit and it turned out that most professionals at least in the UK most you know middle class professionals I’d assume it’s the same in Canada us and so on um most people enjoyed the lockdowns one I remember when the lockdowns finally ended in the UK and the the amount of people just anecdotally like privately and publicly who were lamenting the fact that they had to go back to work or they had to go back to school or they couldn’t just sit around in their house all day in their pajamas um it was sad really people were people revered people grew to rever their own chains and that’s something that’s very dangerous I think on the flip side though the way you can use this human ability to your benefit is if there is something that you want if there’s a good habit that you want to develop if there’s something that you want to create if there’s something that you want to build if there’s a health habit whatever the case may be even if it’s something that you initially struggle with once you ingrain that habit then you’ll get used to it so take caution with that beware of uh falling into negative patterns but if you’re trying to get into a positive pattern and reinforce that it can work very well for you so I am going to introduce Drea Humphrey to the stage right now she is the British Columbia bureau chief reporter for Rebel news so give it up for Drea thank you Son thank you what an Applause I Feel Like A Nazi in the House of Commons [Applause] full disclosure I totally stole that joke from True North Andrew Laden but it was too funny not to say again but only in Canada can you believe that was actually a thing but everybody here actually deserves an Applause because you made it in here past the rainbow Mafia yes absolutely they lied about you about who you are what you believe and why you’re here and their media par Ed those lies and you did something and that’s what I want to talk about why do something today so when I was asked to speak I knew right away I was in I was going to say yes the organizers would probably say I took too long to respond to tell them that sorry about that but I was in because I’ve covered this two years previously and I really believe people are going home Canadians are going home with nuggets to make our country better totally that’s what’s happening and as a rebel news reporter I’m on the front lines sounding the alarm as I should be and I’d hate to know what Canada would be like if Rebel news wasn’t around especially over the last four years [Applause] wow yeah but I’m always telling you what’s going wrong what’s about to happen and I don’t get to talk about the solutions much because the people I’m interviewing what’s happening like we’re in the thick it it’s just happening so I wanted to be a part of this solution Gathering that you’re all taking part of and when I was told the topic you know that we’re supposed to talk to you about is about censorship and dis disinformation automatically right away my mind went to the online harms act the Trudeau government God forbid we have another four years what on Earth would that do to our country it’s scary and I believe Rebel news is a huge Target on that maybe the primary definitely one of the first and so I was going to talk about that I mean just imagine if the law of the land if what we are going to be living under is that someone can come after you anonymously because of fear of hate not even hate fear of hate they don’t have to put a name to the claim they can go after you an individual person 20 $20,000 I think the government gets stuff on top of that I mean that would take me right out so imagine that’s the law of the land and they could do so retroactively so something you put on Twitter a few years ago anything you said publicly imagine that’s the law of the land and then imagine you’re a rebel news reporter it’s scary so why why do another report why not take my Twitter down why not flee the country to El Salvador I know you like it bu Kelly um if I can communicate and share why I choose to do then I can give some of those nuggets towards the solution so I’m going to touch on that but not right now and spoiler alert I’m not special but I’ll get to that but before I get to why I choose to do I want to talk about the actual most dangerous form of censorship and it’s far more dangerous and concerning and has already hurt our country so much without being mandated and that’s self sensorship by far how many of you are familiar with the bystander effect put your hands up all right quite a few of you all right popular theory that gets discussed when I was getting my psych degree we talked about it a lot I won’t tell you what year that is cuz I really enjoy when you guys think I’m younger than I am and um but if you don’t know the story it looks like a lot of you do it’s about the horrible true story The brutal murder of a woman named Kitty geneves I don’t know if I’m saying her last name right but she was attacked when she was trying to come home at night she was stabbed brutally and when the reports first came out it seems like they didn’t get it quite accurate they said there was about 38 people who saw or heard or knew something was happening and failed to act as time pass we know it’s more about you know seven or so people several people but the point is people could hear her being attacked they knew something was happening one man did yell out and say hey stop leave her alone and her attacker did he left her alone only to return and finish the job so I don’t know was he standing in the bushes and watching his victim suffering and realizing the cops aren’t coming no one’s doing anything she’s trying to get into this locked door of an apartment I’m going to go finish her and he did he he stabbed her he raped her and he robbed her eventually the ambulance was called and what the debate or what the discussion about the theory is why did people fail to do why did they hear something and not come out and see and help why did that happen and the theory is that sometimes people think other people are going to do it do you know people like that they’re so concerned with what’s happening in Canada but it’s okay somebody else will deal with it and sometimes they just don’t want to be inconvenience they hear someone yelling it sounded like she was involved but you know maybe it’s a domestic dispute I’m I’m going to keep watching TV do we know people like that who have their heads in the sand I talk a lot about preco versus postco so I I have my pre-co friends and my co postco friends and I love them all um but when I get together with my pre-co fans I’m like they’re talking about like the Kardashians or something you know what I mean like get your head out of the sand so that’s kind of the discussion about the bystander effect but what doesn’t get discussed as much is somebody did do something and she was an elderly woman who was in her 70s and her name is Sophia farar and Sophia called the police and she didn’t just call she came down and she held Kitty as she was suffering and told her help was on the way unfortunately it would be too late but an elderly year-old woman walked out in the night to the that scene because of what she heard and saw she didn’t know how many men attacked at kitty she knew she could be at risk and she held that woman what made her what made Sophia do when we think of the examples of how self censorship has plagued us there’s so many to choose from I think back to the time when I started to report on vaccine injuries as soon as the roll out happened I started covering that conspiracy theory that became uh true to the media I think they took about three years to tell people about some of them and um one of the first medical professionals to speak out local BC hero Dr Charles Hoff yeah so I interviewed this small town doctor from Linton BC when he speaks you just know he’s a good doctor you know there’s a serious doctor shortage in BC everybody wants Dr Hoff unless you’re believing what state media is reporting about him and so he’s saying you know they’ve rolled out around a thousand of these Mna vaccines in this small community and I’ve had nine patients suffering from neurological symptoms and I don’t know what to do I don’t know how to treat them and he’s screaming to the mountain Mountain Toops going through all the right channels and he’s being ignored that’s why he came to the media he didn’t even have social media or anything this was not for clout and he actually because this was so early on he went to Bonnie Henry and they entertained him they actually had a meeting with him believe it or not I think it was more to just kind of feel him out to hear what information he had but they listened to him and his nine patients some who couldn’t open the door some who couldn’t think straight some who couldn’t speak most who had migraines and he said how do I treat them surely the top doctor Dr Bonnie Henry knows right if she knows she won’t tell you he was basically told it’s a coincidence and he’s paid the price ever since he’s still getting persecuted to this day he’s still facing a disciplinary hearing coming up I don’t know when the date is uh he’s still not able to practice freely like he should be why did he choose to do and why did so many other doctors not I’ve come across politicians that have ran um into me in public and they’ll shake my hand and they’ll say like oh you know like thank you so much for what you do don’t tell anybody but I’m a subscriber I’m sorry am I a porn star or a journalist why am I your dirty secret more than once that’s happened but then we had some politicians speaking out Derek Sloan remember that another round of applause very early speaking out paid a heavy price politically professionally why did he choose to do and why did so many others not so me why do I why do I choose to do I’m halfway through let’s see how long I can make this go but you know it’s ironic I wasn’t actually going to talk about uh the anything to do with gender ideology actually I wasn’t planning on doing that even though I do many reports on that and the harms that it causes children um I wasn’t going to talk about it but as many of you know we faced lots of opposition the speaker did and of course the organizers who did a wonderful job getting us all together so thank you for that so I wasn’t going to talk but I’m going to talk just a couple of minutes because you know I got to do what I got to do so I went out there to cover try to cover their side of the story and I went out there today and I had my other security and Julia who’s in the room was recording with me and I went out and as soon as I got out I was they were seemed to be civil until I came out I don’t know how that works but as soon as I got out I started to get swarmed been in that situation before and uh one of them approached me a biological male who appears to um dress like a woman didn’t tell me their pronouns so I’m going to go with an educated guest that it’s a he and he said to me why are your hands shaking and I said cuz I’m scared you’re you’re intimidating the way he was surrounding me and that’s the truth I was scared but I’m still doing many people come up to me when they meet me and they say oh my gosh Drea you’re so brave thank you no I’m not I’m not brave trust me it’s funny every time and it’s funny that they said I’m dangerous because I’m not I’m still scared it’s still scary to stand in truth and say that young kids many who are suffering from mental health issues being told that it’s possible to be born wrong being told that they are able to make a decision that could make them sterile for the rest of their life or mutilate healthy body parts off of themselves or destroy their future sex life before their frontal cortex which is for reasoning and decision making being told that’s okay and not saying anything against it that’s not okay that’s not transphobic the people who are telling these children the truth that there’s hope for you that you’re beautiful just the way you are that you have your whole life to figure your future out let’s just wait on this important issue those are the people that care about trans kids the most so the secret is not about being brave it’s it’s not about having all the answers it’s simply about doing and I’m not a public speaker but I would call myself a chronic speaker my mom is here and she would know that you know every report card I got growing up was like this kid won’t shut up she’s a problem so I I agree not everybody can speak to do something but we can all do something I started this off by saying you all did something by being here but you can be intentional intentional and do something every day one of the things that I love doing and that everybody in this room can do is just have intentional conversations from love with strangers so when I do grocery shopping and I see that Clerk who’s got a mask on in the middle of summer and they’re young they’re not even the age that you know like we know we saw the stats like anyways I asked them number one can I ask you a question if you ask that they will not be offended by the question that’s my experience they give you permission why are you still wearing a mask I don’t say it in a condescending way I don’t say it in a rude way and they tell me and that’s what they’re trying to censor so much is that simple conversation of really understanding where people are coming from and that’s really my goal when I speak to the people outside I believe they’re hurting I want to know why and when they tell me you know sometimes they’ve got a reason that makes sense they don’t have all the information that we have they’ll say you know someone’s sick that I live with and it’s almost always out of love but every once in a while I notice that the person who answers it’s like it’s almost they were waiting for this moment cuzz they don’t know why they’re wearing it too and I wonder maybe they’re not even wearing it anymore after that simple intentional discussion and it usually leads to elsewhere we can all do Little Steps like that and if we had and we did right a what up if the people didn’t self censor the trouble that we saw with our freedoms our liberties our relationships it simply wouldn’t have happened it wouldn’t have have had power just FL going back to uh reporting on vaccine injuries after that interview with Dr Hoff um as journalists do when they do a story I got way more tips coming in about vaccine injuries and again this is right after the first roll out and a lot of them with madna had the same type of neurological things and they said I saw that report oh my gosh my husband my sister my whoever they are going through the same thing can you call them and I would call these people and I would spend hours on the phone with these people trying to convince them to tell their story and they wouldn’t they would not budge these were people who were bedridden some couldn’t walk some uh you know they were the bread winners of their family and they wouldn’t tell not just the public they wouldn’t tell their extended family they wouldn’t tell their neighbors and it was all out of fear which of of course was a big driving force for self censorship fear of causing vaccine hesitancy and that term I mean we know what the two words together mean we always did but it was birthed it was given life during the co during the covid era by the unelected health Lords that have been ruling us but it was given Power by the the people through self-censorship avoiding the truth one man um like I said he couldn’t get out of his bed and he had troubles talking he was embarrassing embarrassed about talking because he couldn’t talk properly ever since imagine if he had simply told his neighbors and they saw the DraStic change choose to do so that’s the message I want to leave you guys with I hope it’s a nugget that every day we have a choice we might not always know whether or not no I’m going to change that we do get faced with the option of deciding to be a Good Samaritan like Sophia farar the 70-year-old elderly woman or a bystander so I want all of us if we believe we are hearing the cries of help for our nation that is worth fighting for the help me and even though we don’t fully understand what the danger is we know there is a Danger let’s choose to be the Good Samaritan like Miss farar thank you make some noise for Drea humph [Music] at Rebel news we’re committed to bringing you the other side of the story but we are nothing without you if you appreciate Rebel news and the work that we do 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Drea Humphrey gives a must-see speech on how self-censorship has eroded civil liberties in Canada and why it’s time for the people to do something about it.

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  1. (( bye ? Biden ?bye ?)) and the reason why demonic democratic media don’t like Trump is because he’s glorifying Jesus Christ not democratic narrative ?!????

  2. Canadians… Dont self censor. Be true to yourself, refuse to pay the fines. When jails fill up with people taking Fine Option the politicos will feel the loss of revenue and smarten up

  3. What's amazing is how grassroots Rebel News is, and how important they've become. People want the truth, this is the real fight; it feels like we're part of this community who are fighting for our country, for the truth, and our sanity!

  4. Drea is a genius!!! A unique perspective as always. A gifted and inspiring speaker who has a special way of bringing comfort in the trenches. This is the second speech I have heard of Ms. Humphrey's, and she is always fascinating to listen to, and is now a favourite! I admire her fearlessness in everything she does!! Thank you!


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