Non-Jewish allies unite against antisemitism to fight for justice


“Taking a Stand Against Antisemitism: The Rise of Upstanders Canada”

In a time where antisemitism is on the rise, a beacon of hope shines through with the emergence of Upstanders Canada. This innovative organization, primarily comprised of non-Jewish individuals, has launched a groundbreaking toolkit called “Be an Upstander” to empower people in the fight against antisemitism.

Empowering Individuals to Confront Antisemitism

The toolkit, presented via webinar, seeks to educate individuals on how to recognize and confront antisemitism, especially targeting non-Jewish audiences who may be unaware of subtle biases. Pat Johnson, the director of Upstanders Canada, emphasized the toolkit’s unique focus on helping individuals identify inherent biases and understand the nuanced forms of antisemitism that often go unnoticed.

Supported by prominent organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation of Victoria and Vancouver Island, this toolkit has garnered praise for its comprehensive approach to combating antisemitism. Johnson highlighted the importance of standing against antisemitism, not just as a moral imperative but also as a means to uphold liberal values and multiculturalism that are integral to Canadian identity.

A Call for Collective Action

Upstanders Canada aims to mobilize and empower Canadians from all walks of life to speak out against antisemitism wherever it may manifest. The organization’s inclusive approach welcomes individuals of diverse backgrounds, political views, and beliefs to join forces in the fight against hate and discrimination.

As the special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance in Canada, Deborah Lyons lauded the initiative, emphasizing the toolkit’s role in equipping Canadians to recognize and combat anti-Jewish hate. Rabbi Lynn Greenhough echoed these sentiments, reflecting on the insidious nature of antisemitism that has surfaced in the aftermath of recent events.

Championing Unity and Allyship

One standout voice in the fight against antisemitism is Zara Nybo, a student who took it upon herself to combat hatred and intolerance on her campus. Through open dialogue and empathy, Nybo learned the importance of listening to the experiences of Jewish individuals and standing in solidarity with them.

In her impassioned plea for unity, Nybo asserts that the fight against antisemitism requires collective action from non-Jewish allies. She urges Canadians to reject the notion of complacency and instead actively challenge all forms of discrimination, especially in the face of rising antisemitism.

Standing Together Against Hate

The road to combating antisemitism is a challenging one, fraught with obstacles and resistance. However, by coming together as a unified front, Canadians can send a powerful message of solidarity and support to Jewish communities across the nation. It is only through concerted efforts and unwavering determination that we can hope to eradicate hatred and intolerance from our society.

In a world marred by division and discord, the fight against antisemitism serves as a stark reminder of the importance of unity and allyship. Let us stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in the face of hate, and forge a path towards a future free from prejudice and discrimination.”



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