Multivitamins don’t help you live longer, study suggests


if starting the day with a multivitamin is part of your routine you’re not alone Millions do so to improve health and keep illnesses at Bay but new research out of the US suggests that might not be the case and in some instances these vitamins could have the opposite effect cdv’s Allison banford has been looking into this for us Allison what are the results Heather definitely not what some might expect considering how popular multivitamins are this study set out to see if these vitamins actually help you live longer and it turns out they don’t getting your vitamins from pills is not going to make you live longer that doesn’t mean there doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to live longer but they relate more to food not pills the study looked at hundreds of thousands of generally healthy adults over a 20-year period finding no evidence that multivitamins reduced their risk of death and instead reported a 4% higher Mor ality risk in users compared to those who don’t take a daily multivitamin because multiple vitamins throw a whole bunch of vitamins together there can be some that they can actually be harmful to you if you’re taking them in excess one in three American adults take multivitamins to prevent disease but Dr Barnard author of the study’s commentary says in many cases they aren’t necessary and can overload a person’s body with vitamins they don’t need and if you are going to take vitamins it’s better to take supplement ones you actually need like B12 or vitamin D there are benefits to taking a multivitamin for some Dr Barnard says the concoctions can help pregnant women those with macular degeneration and some evidence suggests A reduced risk in dementia late in life Heather cdv’s Alison banford thank you

Millions of people who take multivitamins everyday may not be reaping the perceived health benefits, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

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  1. They don't mention what the lifestyles are of those who's lives were shortened. Where they eating nothing but junk food but thought a multivitamin would give them what they were missing?

  2. These studies are probably done by big Pharma and they don't want you to take vitamins to better your health they want you to take prescription drugs too cause more health problems so they can make more money, and most Doctors work for big Pharma.

  3. Wow that was politically fueled. I take it to have overall general well being, body deals with aches and pains better, heals faster, death was never on the table, we all know vitamins don't prevent heart attacks or double ammonia etc. it's not why we take it, plus I eat me spinach too uggg ugg


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