Liberal Party fundraiser turns into a nightmare for Justin Trudeau


what do you make that people are still uh spending $1,725 a plate for a fundraiser well I just don’t want a sexual relationship with TR Trudeau well maybe you people but these people I’m concerned wait a second who’s got the sexual relationship with Trudeau well the ones who say trude oh I see your angle sucks a bag of dicks wow I thought you didn’t want to get sexual [Music] David men’s for Rebel news here at dreams Convention Center in Brampton Ontario and this is the site of a Justin Trudeau fundraiser if you can imagine some people are going to be paying more than $1700 a plate uh to take uh part in this fundraiser I know there’s some cheeky monkeys out there that are saying that’s probably overpriced by $699.99 tense but nevertheless and uh we’re just awaiting for the arrival of the Prime Minister um kind of funny the word dreams uh if you look across the street there is a collection of demonstrators who are saying that Canada is now akin to a nightmare scenario and uh we’re looking at um it’s a small but vocal uh demonstration and we see many signs stop the CL climate agenda um Trudeau’s corrupt government must go stop eot terrorism uh the duur F Trudeau Flags those must be selling Hotter Than Pride progress Flags these days I imagine uh in any event we are here we haven’t been told to leave we haven’t been physically removed and if we have to leave we’ll leave it is private property and the fundraiser should be off in about an hour and a quarter by trud math that’s about 2 and 1/2 hours because he is always always always late and in the meantime we’ll just um see if we can scrum some of the attendees who are coming here on this beautiful Thursday evening in Brampton and find out why they think it’s worthwhile dropping $700 on a fundraiser yes sir I believe you’re not a register um participant for the media for this event today yes there’s my media credential sir my understanding that okay from the media team inside that you have not been authorized for this event so we just kindly ask you to leave the property if you want to hang out with the protestors out there you’re more than welcome to we’re not with the protesters sir we are media covering this event and that’s that’s fine sir I appreciate that but if this time if we ask you to leave the property because your credentials aren’t approved for this event so I presume that was a Peele Regional police officer that has told us to Vose and this is private property so we are walking away um perhaps we have some luck on the sidewalk if anyone is going to come here uh as a pedestrian I don’t think so as you can see a nice Acura uh MDX aec no less a Tahoe uh I guess if you’re paying $1,700 a a plate for dinner you’re not taking public trans it are you well folks uh given the GTA is the GTA in this day and age of post October 7th it didn’t take long for the pro Hamas uh people to show up how do I know that they’re Pro Hamas well they are wearing the cfifa and four out of six of the uh Gaggle are wearing masks so I wonder why that is too I thought Co was in the rear view mirror I know the masking mandates uh were toast almost 2 and A2 years ago so uh maybe they are anticipating virus X so sir what brings you out to demonstrate in front of the dreams Convention Center well what brings me out is that there’s over 500,000 Canadians living with autism uh one in 36 are born every day um we have a we have a a prime minister who just clearly doesn’t understand or or want to help the families with autism that’s what Mr Trudeau is about you know he’s just uh he’s very cold he’s very uh coldhearted he doesn’t care about uh Canadians and their actual needs uh you know like I said I mean you know to see on how families are struggling with autism you know we have families that are remortgaging their houses they’re getting second and third jobs to pay for treatment uh dealing with all kinds of mental health issues but uh yeah he just does not uh get what we’ve been wanting to ask for we’ve been asking for help since uh 2000 when our own courts had said that autism treatment is medically necessary so folks it’s kind of amusing in a perverse way uh the dueling uh demonstrations here uh you’ve got the pro Hamas Hooligans chanting free free Palestine and you’ve got the freedom Patriots here uh chanting free free Canada I guess the implication being that under the trudo Liberals Canada isn’t as free a Dominion as it once was hey ladies what brings you out to this just to you not how come you don’t have a Canadian flag none of your colleagues have a Canadian flag either so as you can see folks there’s no sense trying to get comment uh from the pramas uh people but you know what it it’s very interesting um dueling demonstrations I guess they’re both United in their contempt for prime minister Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada but there’s very noticeable differences aren’t there first and foremost you do not see a single Canadian flag on with this group meanwhile it’s a sea of Maple Leafs uh with the Patriots the other thing you’ll notice is that when you see the when you look at the Patriots here on this side of the Ledger um nobody is wearing a mask nobody is wearing a disguise and I would say maybe over 50% of the people here are where are masked up so I don’t know well folks I’m with Derek Nan he is a fixture whenever there’s a Trudeau invent in fact if you see Derek on a street corner you know the Prime Minister isn’t that far away and Derek I’ll tell you what’s different about this little demonstration I see you’ve got your usual Patriots out here with their signage and their Flags but a little further Yonder there’s a a gaggle of pramas demonstrators and my take on this Derek is that from what I hear from the Jewish Community they are just incensed with how the trudo Liberals have handled what’s going on in the Middle East and clearly we have people on the pramas side that are very angry too I think think it takes a special kind of dubious skill to well piss off both far ends of the political Spectrum what’s your take well absolutely uh you used the world uh the word handled uh very Loosely in fact he didn’t do anything with it the fact is he’s gutless and he’s not a leader and this is why we have the chaos that we’re having on the streets right now yes yeah absolutely tell me uh I know you’d probably have a million things to ask him if you had the prime minister’s ears for one one question what is that question is uh how How Deeply did he sell out to the CCP yeah I I believe on many levels of the government they they’ve they’ve sold us out well folks uh it’s the Christmas miracle Justin Trudeau is a on time for his own event I guess when it’s a fundraiser it’s kind of different and here they come we’re looking at the uh Entourage one two three four [Applause] [Music] five well once again folks part for the course an Entourage of um eight um 8 cylinder fossil fuel burning vehicles uh so no uh green Revolution EV battery Vehicles here and we’re uh just looking to see which one he’s in what’s your angle today oh we’re just covering the uh I guess multiple demonstrations against uh prime minister Trudeau what do you make that people are still uh spending $1,725 a plate for a fundraiser well I just don’t want to sexual relationship with TR Trudeau well maybe these people but these people I’m concerned wait a second who’s got the sexual relationship with Trudeau well the ones who say trud oh I see well maybe the prime minister is experiencing it differently the important thing is to stop the genocide oh okay genocide you’re talking about October 7th talking about the ongoing genocide in Gaza oh okay then what makes you say that I open up my eyes and I see what’s going on and I don’t live in a I don’t live in a cloud that says the cor the um colonialism and the war machine is is the way to be oh this is about colonialism what do you make of what happened ma’am on October 7th when you had almost 1,200 innocent people slaughtered in Israel I don’t really like your angle I asked you what your angle is this angle is done I’m just stating a fact do you approve that do you condemn it do you condemn the murder of 40,000 children and oh one question at a time by the way where you 40,000 children where are you getting that number from your angle sucks a bag of dicks wow I thought you didn’t want to get sexual well folks the prime minister is inside the dreams Convention Center outside his nightmare continues and you know I’m looking at the various demonstrators you have the pramas people you also see over there the orange Flags that is evidently the Marxist leninist Party of Canada so it’s um not even a matter of speculation anymore is it this uh conflict we see in the streets it is a merging of the islamists and the marxists uh I guess to tear down Society if you will and of course we have the Patriots across the street here but the one thing that unites them all it’s sat old saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend there’s very little in common between these people on this grassy BM and the people outside the dreams convention center but I suspect as things worsen in Canada there’s going to be a lot of my the enemy of my enemy is my friend United in their disdain for the Justin Trudeau liberals for Rebel news I’m David the menzo menes well folks unlike the mainstream media we don’t receive a nickel from the cats in the dreams Convention Center aka the Liberal Party of Canada nor would we accept it if offered so I’m making a plea to you can you support us can you go to Rebel field that’s Rebel field and if you’re in a position kindly make a donation so that news can continue to bring you the other side of the story

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David Menzies reports from the Dreams Convention Centre in Brampton, Ont., where Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party fundraiser turned into a nightmare for the prime minister.
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  1. Yes. I realized several years ago that Islamists and Communists had formed an alliance in all Western countries. The goal is to take us down and they will fight over the spoils after. Thank you Rebel News. From a woman in Nanaimo, BC.

  2. TRUDEAU IS CORRUPTION PERSONIFIED! He has turned Canada into a police state where the voices of opposition to his woketard agenda are silenced and gagged. He is out of touch with the needs of ordinary people. A career politician who belongs in the 'dustbin of history'!!!

  3. hard to believe people are this stupid. and worst of all they can vote. what in blazes do they think Trudeau can do to stop the war in gaza? stopping that war is up to hamas and nobody else. until hamas is gone, Israel has to fight. Hamas started it, and hamas is keeping it going, and they dont give a rip for dead gazans. and i am disgusted by our police. I saw their true colors during covid and I will never trust them again. ever. to serve and protect, who, us? NO, the government. all traitors.

  4. The People that attend that raiser are the people that make a lot of ?? off the misery and crushed Dreams of others . With the things Trufoe lets them Do Think About it ! ?

  5. Again, the lady @ 9:00 mark says 'she doesn't live in a cloud that says colonialism or the war machine is the way to be.' When Dave asks her about the 12,000 extinguisged in Oct, she has no answer. All she does is express her distain for Davids angle. If shes NOT for the w@r machine, then why is she prioritizing another countries WAR issues in her own county? One NoT at war? She says this in a Country where the majority of its patriots, are not interested in supporting, perpetuating or speaking of wars on ANY land. Yet shes happy to add negatively to her own people while supporting another lands wars, regardless of what Canadain values Canadians want to uphold. She's taking sides of a war for a country she does NOT live IN. A rule she does not live under! So WHY HERE?? Why not go THERE and stand for them there? I imagine because SHE wouldn't last a DAY there! That land wouldn't for 1 second put up with HER OR her mouth. Straight FACTS. It makes no sense. She blindly follows along with the mob m3ntality gling against the values held by those who live IN her OWN country! Of course the conversation ends with HER name calling and walking off. Yet ANOTHER weak argument. We're yet to find 1 person strong, or smart emough,to be able hold a mature and educated conversation through to an end. Please educate yourseld lady. You too mature NOT to know what your really doing!Besides, sheep season is so 2020.


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