HUGE VICTORY! Trudeau government backs down, allows Tommy Robinson to travel


so I have my passport back I’m on my way to Toronto which is a massive win um which wouldn’t have happened without your support and without the lawyers okay it just wouldn’t have happened I wasn’t even allowed to go home I’m now going to travel to Toronto give my speech exercise my free speech in the best way possible at an event you can still get tickets to that it’s at uh Tommy it’s on Sunday and um yeah I’ve returned I’ve had my tickets my passport returned Ezra what’s your thoughts tell me this is amazing I mean David and Goliath uh doesn’t even capture it not only are you free to go and give a speech in Toronto but there’s no deportation order there’s no ban you are leaving as a welcome and honored guest we’re delighted to have you and every single Canadian who saw that arrest the other day knows that has never happened before Trudeau has never arrested let alone sent eight cops to arrest someone for immigration reasons he’s never banned them from traveling it was two-tier policing and I want to thank our Super Lawyers for Fighting For Freedom I haven’t got their legal bill yet if you want to help me go to savet but all credit to the lawyers and I want to tell you sometimes you think you can’t win when you fight the government but you got to try and today’s a great Victory to day congrats Tommy yeah I’m happy and Michael thank you my pleasure my pleasure I’m glad that you had a a positive outcome it was a it was a great outcome I wasn’t expecting that outcome either if I’m honest I wasn’t expecting it and I know that behind the scenes you were looking at every other Avenue of what we could legally do if not yeah no we were looking at the other options and frankly this was the best option and uh the one we hoped for and luckily they were very reasonable about it uh you know I got hats off to them they did not have to do this and uh I’m just glad they did so am I and I don’t think without your support Navi as well thank you thank you so much we’re we’re glad at the positive outcome and um looking forward to that event on Sunday without lawyers honestly without lawyers I’d be stuck in Calgary it’s my daughter’s birthday next week yeah which what I was concerned about I to say it publicly it’s my daughter’s birthday I weren’t even allowed to go home so I’m not just allowed to go do my tour I’ve got my passport back okay free to go so I’ll be I’ll be going to Toronto I’m excited I’m shocked as well and and it is the David versus Goliath and uh it don’t it shows for me it proves that what’s happened this week shouldn’t have happened I should have been free to go to Edmonton I should have been free to travel this country I should have been free to give my discussions and my talks and now I’m coming to Toronto so make sure you’re there Tommy all right let me make a fin thank you to Justin Trudeau because if he hadn’t arrested Tommy this whole thing wouldn’t have blown up 30 million people saw the video of that arrest and he turned this into a free speech crisis and we won if he had just left you alone Tommy you would have done your tour and gone home and it wouldn’t have been a big deal Justin Trudeau once again shot himself in the foot you helped increase freedom for Canadians I just wanted to say that do you know what I’ll say as well do you know those offices could have been nicer the entire time starts finish true so even even when I was arrested and got to the police station they could not have been nicer so they didn’t want to do it it was very clear they did not want to carry out that action they were forced to so yeah I’m on the way to Toronto man and I’m buzzing see

Ezra Levant reports from Calgary after the Trudeau government backed down and allowed Tommy Robinson to continue his tour.

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